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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #45
Assuming this is the real Rupert Murdoch (which is sometimes an issue with folk on twitter)

Rupert Murdoch ‏@rupertmurdoch Jan 31

Hillary email troubles get really serious.    WH has surprising alternates if things get worse.

Probably the best Democratic candidate for President is Joe Biden.
He said last year he wouldn't run and has so far stuck to that.
The problem now for Biden is that he has to have his name on the ballot and many states have already closed for this process.

If Hillary is out of the race though any delegates she'd acquired would be free to vote for Biden at the convention

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #46
Assuming this is the real Rupert Murdoch (which is sometimes an issue with folk on twitter)

Twitter will verify accounts of public/significant figures (look for the blue tick). That said, social networking duties do get delegated for many active Twits.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #47
Twitter will verify accounts of public/significant figures (look for the blue tick). That said, social networking duties do get delegated for many active Twits.

Thanks for that IOT...seems it is Rupert....Of course he'd have an agenda of his own and Fox News is really pushing the Clinton e-mail issues.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #48
Murdoch is an much an unbiased political commentator as Robbo was an unbiased commentator in the Hird/EFC saga.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #49
With 64% of the votes counted, Clinton leads Sanders 51% to 49%.

With 47% of the votes counted, Cruz leads Trump and Rubio 29% to 25% and 21%.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #50
We'll see a few dropouts now.
O'Malley has gone from the Democrats and Huckabee has suspended his campaign.

Kruz (freudian slip) ;D... Cruz has won 28%....Trump on 24%....Rubio up to 23% a good result for him.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #51
Democrats Sanders and Clinton all tied up on 50% with 90% of the vote counted.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #52
Cruz wins, don't have the numbers yet.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #53
The Democratic Iowa Caucuses are a bit bizarre.  The % figures are 49.9% for Clinton and 49.6% for Sanders.  But those percentages relate to delegates and not votes.  The DNC won't release the voting tallies.  Candidates are required to poll at least 15% of the statewide vote to get any statewide delegates and at least 15% of the vote in any congressional district to get delegates in that district.  O'Malley looks as though he got 1% or less of the vote, but in fact he may have had 5-15% of the vote.  How his supporters spill to the other 2 candidates may be important in the remaining primaries.

The other thing is that delegates are awarded proportionally so that Clinton and Sanders will end up with almost the same number of delegates in Iowa.


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #54
Hmmm ... the GOP is making it plain that it won't make any concessions regarding abortion in the face of the Zika virus:

But it's easier to talk tough when the victims are abroad.  If it hits the US, it will be a lot messier.  Maybe a vaccine will be released in time to defuse this GOP bomb.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #55
Hmmm ... the GOP is making it plain that it won't make any concessions regarding abortion in the face of the Zika virus:

But it's easier to talk tough when the victims are abroad.  If it hits the US, it will be a lot messier.  Maybe a vaccine will be released in time to defuse this GOP bomb.

Do some Googling Mav, the Zika virus is a big snow job......
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #56
The first hit says Obama has committed $1.8b to fighting it.  Perhaps you could point me in the right direction ...

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #57
Do some Googling Mav, the Zika virus is a big snow job......

Maybe you should read a bit more on the topic.

Zika is feared because of serious congenital birth defects it can cause in babies born to mothers who carried the infection.

The situation is so bad in some parts of South America, the authorities have asked couples to delay planned pregnancies and take measures to prevent unplanned pregnancies for the next 12 months.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #58
Maybe you should read a bit more on the topic.

Zika is feared because of serious congenital birth defects it can cause in babies born to mothers who carried the infection.

The situation is so bad in some parts of South America, the authorities have asked couples to delay planned pregnancies and take measures to prevent unplanned pregnancies for the next 12 months.

1. the virus has been around/known about since the 1940s. It causes mild flu like symptoms for a few days - all well known by the science community.

2. In the US, there are 25000 cases annually. In Brazil, the recent numbers are nowhere near that...

3. The causes are widespread, including a simple but severe trauma.

4. Re the recent blah blah about the risk of increased microcephaly......well the jury is very very much out. The Brazilian thing -

Yet note:

He added that the findings did not prove that the virus causes the birth defect and that more tests are needed before the link can be proven definitively.


"Zika is new, and new diseases can be scary, particularly when they can affect the most vulnerable among us,"
  which is not true.

As for Obama's USd 1.8b request - more money the US simply doesn't have - but that's another story.

Believe there's gold in Fort Knox?

Let's see how this thing plays out. Remember SARS?!

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #59
Has the virus mutated in a way that now causes microcephaly?  Is there something else which causes microcephaly which accompanies this Brasilian iteration of the virus but one which will follow the virus to the US and cause birth defects in the US?  There's no doubt that Brasil has suffered a significant increase in microcephaly.  The exact vector doesn't really matter.  While there's a chance that the US will suffer the same increase, it will be an issue in the Presidential election which will be held s bit less than 9 months from now, a significant figure when it comes to childbirth.