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Herd Immunity

I've been reading Jacinta Ardern's (NZ Prime Minister) claims of social and fiscal inequality for the outbreaks of measles in NZ. While I have lauded her in the past for some efforts following the Christchurch murders, I'm going to call this one bogus socialist bullcrap. Just like here in OZ, immunisation is free in NZ, it is a country with a small population that is very well covered by district nursing services across all groups including the Pakeha, Maori and Moriori communities.

The biggest cause of loss of herd immunity are inner-city left wing anti-vaxers and well-to-do's. The middle class elite who think their status, high mobility and wealth will see them through any crisis, they think their 10th floor penthouse apartment or 3m walled inner city garden can keep them safe. The irony being this group is frequently populated by health professionals and new age influencers, they are highly mobile, so they "spread the cause" fast and free, surrounded by an air of education and even more opportunity, but it seems very little intelligence!

These are people who should know better, but seem to be obsessed with the very low probability risks. They'll cut ties with friends and family rather than get a whooping cough inoculation!

These are the hypocritical people that point at the struggling or down-trodden and say, "It's their fault!"

Ardern should know better, but she can't help return to her privileged roots!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #1
I'm surprised she didn't blame us.

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #2
I've been reading Jacinta Ardern's (NZ Prime Minister) claims of social and fiscal inequality for the outbreaks of measles in NZ. While I have lauded her in the past for some efforts following the Christchurch murders, I'm going to call this one bogus socialist bullcrap. Just like here in OZ, immunisation is free in NZ, it is a country with a small population that is very well covered by district nursing services across all groups including the Pakeha, Maori and Moriori communities.

The biggest cause of loss of herd immunity are inner-city left wing anti-vaxers and well-to-do's. The middle class elite who think their status, high mobility and wealth will see them through any crisis, they think their 10th floor penthouse apartment or 3m walled inner city garden can keep them safe. The irony being this group is frequently populated by health professionals and new age influencers, they are highly mobile, so they "spread the cause" fast and free, surrounded by an air of education and even more opportunity, but it seems very little intelligence!

These are people who should know better, but seem to be obsessed with the very low probability risks. They'll cut ties with friends and family rather than get a whooping cough inoculation!

These are the hypocritical people that point at the struggling or down-trodden and say, "It's their fault!"

Ardern should know better, but she can't help return to her privileged roots!

SO ?????
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #3
I'm surprised she didn't blame us.

She's an overrated numpty imo. Not saying that Scomo ain't far worse but....

But his New Zealand counterpart, who has promised a ­carbon-neutral economy by 2050, yesterday declared that every ­nation needed to “do its bit” to fight worsening global warming, despite New Zealand providing $300m less than Australia in ­direct climate assistance for the Pacific over 10 years to 2025.

To achieve her carbon-neutral pledge, Ms Ardern has excluded agriculture and methane, which contribute about half of New ­Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions.

And I gather the excludeD sectors emit more emissions than all of Australia's coal fired power plants.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #4
I think a lot of the herd can be intelligent but have no common sense, very dangerous morons.

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #5
There is a proven link between healthcare self-management and socio-economic status.  The reality is you can make anything free, and some people (especially those with limited education) will not take it up - regardless of how good it may be for them.  The just simply don't know enough to make a smart call.

Have a look at how many in this country throw their bowel cancer screening kits straight into the rubbish bin.

I'm not necessarily backing Jacinta Ardern's claim, but if you work in healthcare, you know that the biggest challenges generally come from the most poorly educated population, not from the latte-sippers.
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #6
There is a proven link between healthcare self-management and socio-economic status.  The reality is you can make anything free, and some people (especially those with limited education) will not take it up - regardless of how good it may be for them.  The just simply don't know enough to make a smart call.

Have a look at how many in this country throw their bowel cancer screening kits straight into the rubbish bin.

I'm not necessarily backing Jacinta Ardern's claim, but if you work in healthcare, you know that the biggest challenges generally come from the most poorly educated population, not from the latte-sippers.

I think that is a very fair statement coming from your health worker perspective.

But is that perception because you don't see the café-latté set coming to free healthcare like Bulk Billing or Emergency? I think they are more likely to go to a weekend day spa in Daylesford, Portsea or Byron Bay for remediation therapy, a kombucha colonic or a good old salmon slapping than walk into the emergency at Cranbourne looking for prescription opiates!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #7
I think that is a very fair statement coming from your health worker perspective.

But is that perception because you don't see the café-latté set coming to free healthcare like Bulk Billing or Emergency? I think they are more likely to go to a weekend day spa in Daylesford, Portsea or Byron Bay for remediation therapy, a kombucha colonic or a good old salmon slapping than walk into the emergency at Cranbourne looking for prescription opiates!
Natural Selection works in funny ways - maybe those who buzz around singing the praises of 'holistic healing' (or whatever elso they call it) are actually part of a grander scheme by Mother Nature to remove that subset of DNA from the gene pool...?

You forgot the bit about injecting themselves with bacterial toxin to paralyse their faces so they don't look too wrinkled....
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #8
The Kiwi measles “epidemic” is largely restricted to South Auckland; an impoverished area with a many residents of Pacific Islander heritage.  I’m generalising, but the fundamentalist Christian cults have many Pacific Islander adherents and that may be a factor in low vaccination rates.

One study found that anti-vaxxer activists generally fit into the following categories:

1.  Trust: People who emphasised suspicion of the scientific community and concerns about personal liberty;

2.   Alternatives: People who focused on chemicals in vaccines and the use of homeopathic remedies instead of vaccination;

3.   Safety: People focused on perceived risks and concerns about vaccination being immoral; and

4.   Conspiracy: People who believe that the government hides information that this subgroup believes to be facts, for example, that the polio virus does not exist.

There may well be the odd inner city left winger or middle class elite among that lot but others could well be influenced by their messages.  Your hippies, vegan activists, Christian fundamentalists and extremist right wing nutters are more likely to embrace anti-vaxxing. 

As tonyo commented, that’s natural selection, but others will suffer as well.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #9
It really is amazing how there will always be those that are easily led up the garden path. Religion are the masters of it, but the Media and politicians have caught up. That’ll never change. What is interesting is the role of the media and the revenues generated from emotive “journalism”. The quality of long form content is stuffed. That’s why I like listening to long podcasts with interesting guests. Can be quite insightful. Plus you can stuff around the house or garden while listening.

I liked this quote, credited to Denzel Washington (unless he nicked it from someone)

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed, if you do read it, you're misinformed."
Keep the Faith


Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #10
It really is amazing how there will always be those that are easily led up the garden path. Religion are the masters of it, but the Media and politicians have caught up. That’ll never change. What is interesting is the role of the media and the revenues generated from emotive “journalism”. The quality of long form content is stuffed. That’s why I like listening to long podcasts with interesting guests. Can be quite insightful. Plus you can stuff around the house or garden while listening.

I liked this quote, credited to Denzel Washington (unless he nicked it from someone)

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed, if you do read it, you're misinformed."

You're right, Woodstock, but the biggest enemy in the mis- and dis-information stakes is not the press (they are bad enough), but more our wonderful friend the internet.  People can publish any unsubstantiated rubbish with no filters or review processes to check their 'facts' - and if the website looks fancy enough, it can instantly become the 'real truth'.  And when these 'facts' are questioned, it becomes part of a big conspiracy.

After all, look at most of the rubbish we post on this chat site  ;)

This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #11
You're right, Woodstock, but the biggest enemy in the mis- and dis-information stakes is not the press (they are bad enough), but more our wonderful friend the internet.  People can publish any unsubstantiated rubbish with no filters or review processes to check their 'facts' - and if the website looks fancy enough, it can instantly become the 'real truth'.  And when these 'facts' are questioned, it becomes part of a big conspiracy.

After all, look at most of the rubbish we post on this chat site  ;)

With the internet in place and spouting off drivel, the role of the Media is ever more important to be a place of trust worthy, impartial, content. That is not the case, ergo the crapstorm. I am starting to have my kids watch the news with me to get informed. Only a little, but it’s important to get em started.
Keep the Faith

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #12
He will always be a drug cheat to me.  :D

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #13
It really is amazing how there will always be those that are easily led up the garden path. Religion are the masters of it, but the Media and politicians have caught up. That’ll never change. What is interesting is the role of the media and the revenues generated from emotive “journalism”. The quality of long form content is stuffed. That’s why I like listening to long podcasts with interesting guests. Can be quite insightful. Plus you can stuff around the house or garden while listening.

I liked this quote, credited to Denzel Washington (unless he nicked it from someone)

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed, if you do read it, you're misinformed."

Minor correction.

Religion is used as a tool by the politicians as is the media.

Not the other way around.

Indoctrination happens via propaganda.

Religion was used by rulers to subjugate often.  Yet its those who actually find comfort in it, who are always questioned.  Why?

Because its easier to attack one person's belief than it is to highlight that the belief isnt the issue, nor is the Religion but the way in which it is implemented to the masses.

i.e. forced conversion.

Anyway, this could be a topic of its own.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Herd Immunity

Reply #14
There are many ways to use a hammer, people always assume the default is their way!
The Force Awakens!