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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 423920 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2027
Or India?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2028
No, he’s just the President of a superpower with a death toll of 214,000 people. Fantastic effort!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2029
No, he’s just the President of a superpower with a death toll of 214,000 people. Fantastic effort!

That's like blaming Scomo for Victoria's death toll. Moronic.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2030
That's like blaming Scomo for Victoria's death toll. Moronic.
 Aged care and pandemics as well as other global health issues are a Federal Government responsibility.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2032
Did Scomo claim covid was a hoax and it would magically disappear (while admitting privately that it was a very lethal disease)? Did he mock masks & social distancing? Did he throw the pandemic briefing book left by the outgoing administration in the bin? Did he pull his own pandemic expert out of Wuhan prior to the outbreak? Did he kick the pandemic experts off the national security team? Did he ignore the scientists and appoint his own man as pandemic czar to suppress information about covid rather than to suppress covid? Did he push dangerous miracle cures to show that normal measures against respiratory diseases weren’t required? I’m exhausted now even though I’ve only scratched the surface  :-[

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2033
He is a nut job but he didn't great covid.

Each state has handled it different over there.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2034
Well, no argument here, Pauly. Thank you for introducing me to Chris Hedges.

I mentioned on this forum quite a while ago that I ran in the 1993 election and not as a member of Labor or Liberal and when I was interviewed by the ABC I commented, way back then, that voting for either of the major parties was making a decision as to whether I'd rather be hit over the head with a baseball bat or cricket bat - most of us have been voting for the lesser of two evils most of our adult lives. I survived a year in politics and pulled the pin myself as the party I'd joined, though well meaning, was filled with academics and intellectuals who actually didn't know how to make things happen in the real world... which was a pity, a huge pity.

Yes, Constantine, the consummate politician, is the real Founder of Christianity.

You're right, Pauly, this is not the place/forum for such chats but we sure are on the same page in many respects, however, I would add to your comment re it all starting and finishing with the heart that whilst humans are trained from birth to be fearful that we will continue to be easy to manipulate. Fear, to my way of thinking, is the opposite of love. As an interesting aside, recent studies of the conservative v progressive people's brains found that the 'fear centre' is far more active in the brain of conservatives!

Are you familiar with Robert Reich's work?

Coincidentally, the only thing I know about Robert Reich is a 10 minute YT clip by Richard Wolff, which I only watched this morning. Filtered through Wolff's eyes, he sounds like an advocate for the Nordic Model, i.e capitalism with lots of regulation and government intervention. Basically a belief that capitalism can be fixed and made to work.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2035
Of course he didn’t create it. If he had, it would have been a half-ar$ed thing that would have been a minor inconvenience at best. Maybe it would have turned people orange.

But the US President is supposed to protect Americans from all external threats, and pandemics well-and-truly qualify. He himself said he was a wartime president and insinuated that China was attacking the US. So what does the wartime president do? Nothing, of course. The Governors and the drug companies were left to deal with it while he heckled from the sidelines while calling for militias to “liberate your states”.

That perhaps was his greatest success. The wolverines almost kidnapped the Governor of Michigan. If only the Deep State in the FBI hadn’t stuffed things up ...

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2036
If Hillary Clinton was president of the US do you think the covid numbers would be much different?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2037
Yep. If he’d left Tony Fauci in charge, even Trump would have done much better.

Interesting fact: the US Postal Service planned to send 5 masks to every household in the US. Trump vetoed this plan.

And here’s the story of Trump’s brilliant move to withdraw the epidemiologist embedded in China who would have been able to give the US early warning over covid: Trump says China “should have told us” about coronavirus. He removed the official meant to do that: Vox.

Just imagine - in a parallel universe, Trump didn’t yank Dr Quick and hundreds of thousands of Americans didn’t die. Wow ...

And just in, there was a proposal for a mask mandate for passengers on public transport. It had the support of HHS but Pence’s Coronavirus Taskforce refused to even discuss the proposal.

So, yeah, I blame Trump for the disastrous US covid response. To say if it wasn’t for covid, Trump’s performance as President would have been brilliant is like saying that a guy who strips all the safety features from a plane was doing great things and he was just unlucky that they had a few crashes.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2038
The states have 350 million people 

For a country that has not locked everything up like we have their death rate is probably a similar percentage to ours. 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2039
Let’s crunch the numbers.

With a population of 25,670,300, Australia has had 897 deaths. With a population of 328.2 million, the US has had 214,000 deaths. Per 100,000 people, the death rate is 3.5 in Aus & 65.2 in the USA. The US death rate is over 18 times Australia’s.

Feel free to post your own calculations. I took the first stats that appeared in the google searches, so better stats might be out there.