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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 424009 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2640
The Emperor's New Clothes!

It's a tell, as much as people do not want it to be!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2641
I'll let the wife and daughters know >:(

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2642
The Emperor's New Clothes!

It's a tell, as much as people do not want it to be!

When you can ridicule someone's policies, ethics, code of conduct, rotten tactics, and a laundry list of undesirable activities, then electing to attack how they look says more about the person attacking than the person being critiqued.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2643
It's like worrying about Biden's hair weave ... bread and circuses

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2644
I often think that when folks have a dig at Giuliani and his running hair dye it's not so literal as a metaphor. And as a metaphor, it is very telling and somewhat comical.

And there's something about seeing bullies and thugs (Trump/Giuliani etc.) 'get theirs' that many humans delight in. I think the German word for this is, schadenfreude - sort of delighting in the demise of another. Not our most impressive trait.

I recall reading decades ago about an address by Abe Lincoln to his troops and govt officials after the surrender of the South. He demanded, that to a man, none celebrate... none humiliate or abuse the defeated/captors, total humility and respect for the defeated was demanded. Rare bloke this Abe Lincoln fella.

But just to keep my personal hypocrisy in tact... I admit to delighting at the defeats of and Rottingwood, ah, the schadenfreude glows brightly on those occasions.

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2645
When you can ridicule someone's policies, ethics, code of conduct, rotten tactics, and a laundry list of undesirable activities, then electing to attack how they look says more about the person attacking than the person being critiqued.
The hair dye amplifying the presence of sweat running down the speakers face while responding to somewhat simplistic questions about Trumps claims is clearly a tell about the speakers mindset, no matter what spin observers want to put on it.

It's just a blatant exposure of the greater public lie! A moment akin to the narcissist being caught with a hand in the cookie jar!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2646
The new right-winger’s guide to etiquette:
1. Don’t do what right-wingers do because it’s rude and detracts from civil discussions.
2. Right-wingers are exempt from rule 1 because coming from them it’s just ironic & “owning the libs”.

Example: Right-wingers are free to edit video to suggest Biden’s senile, use aging filters on his photos or superimpose his face on a resident of a nursing home in a wheelchair. Because that’s comedy gold and isn’t an attack on older people generally! But anyone who laughs at poor old Rudy’s hair dye fail is mocking every older person. It’s an outrage! If only I had some pearls to clutch ...

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2647
The hair dye amplifying the presence of sweat running down the speakers face while responding to somewhat simplistic questions about Trumps claims is clearly a tell about the speakers mindset, no matter what spin observers want to put on it.

It's just a blatant exposure of the greater public lie! A moment akin to the narcissist being caught with a hand in the cookie jar!

I'm not sure it's a spin.
It's more about personal perception of what's actually happening.

I've been in similar situations.
Carrying a bit of weight, and racing to meet a deadline, ending up in a meeting perspiring heavily, while folks around me ask if I'm OK.
It had nothing to do with the pressure of the meeting...very low key.
You get a similar effect under strong lighting.
He could have a serious health issue, he hasn't looked well for some time (heart problem maybe.)
I just saw a bloke who was having a bit of a heat problem.
I can't really say what his mindset was.

I can't say I feel sorry for RG, but I do understand there may be a number of reasons for his appearance.



Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2648
True there could be many reasons, health no doubt, but regardless it's an indicator of duress or stress in an air-conditioned high technology Whitehouse Press Gallery that has a fraction of the usual occupation density in late November(Autumn).

I suspect most of the lighting would be the latest LED technology, probably donated or sponsored by a US manufacturer as a demonstrator, like many such government press facilities are! Go into our own State or Federal meeting rooms in Collins St office blocks and in the waiting areas you can read the plaques commenting on the donations made by local business to the facility. Lighting by X, audio provided by Y, furnished by Z, flooring provided by Q, etc., etc., it's a defacto showroom for local business and technology. I doubt the US misses that opportunity!

We can't apply domestic perspectives to those situations, the day to day experience of Joe Average is not relevant. If it's Joe Average getting up to speak even in front of a room of peers then I pardon the sweating, but this is a top silk that has been in the game for many decades!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2649
The Trump House of Cards is waving in the decent gust and it's all over.

What is pathetic is the Republicans who sit there saying nothing about this farce in case they lose their own supporter base.

In the fullness of time, when there is no longer the possibility of recriminations, I think we will find out that the Trump 2020 campaign and subsequent legal challenges will be shown to have been the greatest con of all time perpetrated on the American public.  I wonder how the 74 million who voted for him will feel then?  And how could anyone possibly ever believe a word he (or Rudy) says ever again?
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2650
While I'm hopeful the crooks will be exposed, I suspect there will be a re-writing of history by the main stream media, primarily as a face saving exercise, and also to preserve their pay cheques. So I expect it to mostly fade away with a whimper.

I'm not sure Trump's creditors will go so quietly into the night, they are already leaking to the media and I suspect the only thing stopping a full on media onslaught is the ever so increasingly remote chance Trump finds a winning gambit in the election farce!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2651
.............................. I wonder how the 74 million who voted for him will feel then?  And how could anyone possibly ever believe a word he (or Rudy) says ever again?

Those supporters are well past the point of no return. They will go to the grave believing a gross injustice has occurred and Trump was robbed. 

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2652
Those supporters are well past the point of no return. They will go to the grave believing a gross injustice has occurred and Trump was robbed.
I suspect the truth will only be revealed and accepted as the wheels of a Trump bus roll over them, I can't help but feel sorry for them, it's an emotion that is Shakespearean in nature!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2653
In a strange way what's happening with the  delay in conceding, and the dubious legal challenges being mounted are probably for the best.

It puts some distance between election day and a declared result..that allows some of the feelings of loss Republicans may be feeling to dissipate.
The extremists may yet cause some strife but the more reasonable Trump voters will move on.
As each day passes more and more folks accept the fact that it is indeed 'over'
As each new legal challenge is mounted and quickly rejected it confirms that there is really very little of substance in these challenges, and that is important.
The process is seen to be played out with every opportunity for the Trump folk to present their case...and fail to provide evidence of widespread wrong doing.

Trump's given up...he's more concerned with his golf game at the moment.
And the Republican support from senior figures will drop off fairly quickly in the coming weeks.
The thinking there will be 'lets see him off ASAP' so we can get our party back.
Apart from family, Trump really has very little around him that will 'stick fat'...self interest will come in a wave and the minions will be off faster than rats on a sinking ship, to distance themselves from him.
The only concern will be how to do that without alienating his strong base...they'll need them next time around.

There's a lot of untapped vote out there and another major election is only a few years away.
Lots of work to be done on both sides.
You see, even though they've turned out in unprecedented numbers....the real winner of the election is still  'couldn't care less, didn't vote'.

Total  number of Americans of voting age -253,768,092 (as at 2019)

Biden 79,787,724
Trump 73,767,408
Other 2,854,973
Don't really care/didn't vote 97,357,987

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2654
The Republican Party really has the tiger by the tail. It seems pretty obvious now that Mitch McConnell had hoped to keep Trump engaged in the Georgia runoff elections by humouring Trump’s claims that he won the election. No doubt he anticipated that Trump’s recounts & legal challenges would fail and Trump would then retaliate by calling on his voters to make sure Biden faces a hostile Senate. McConnell probably salivated at the prospect of Trump holding multiple rallies every day in Georgia right up to 5 January. Trump could have energised his supporters by telling them he’d run again in 2024 and the Georgia runoffs would be the 1st step in this run.

This may still happen, but I’m sure McConnell is worried. His Senators are starting to speak up against Trump’s attempts to strong arm State Republican lawmakers and officials into ignoring the vote in their States. Senator Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania defended the judge who threw out Rudy’s case, called on Trump to concede and congratulated Biden on his election to the Presidency. Trump has gone to war against the Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger, a Trump supporter, for dismissing his complaints about election fraud and that has led to death threats directed at his family and him. If his attempts to enlist State lawmakers in Michigan come to nothing, he’ll probably blame them for his loss too.

There’s every chance Trump will end up blaming Republicans in Georgia and elsewhere for deserting him. In that case, McConnell will probably have to forget about Trump helping Loeffler and Purdue. He’d just have to hope Trump doesn’t call on his supporters to vote against them. Continual tirades on Twitter would be a real problem for the GOP.

Already, Trump’s claims of electoral fraud are creating problems down in Georgia. There’s a new MAGA-friendly social media network Parler and there are reports of angry conservatives saying that there’s no point voting as the Dominion electoral software will change the votes. Some are calling for voters to boycott the runoff elections. This is on top of Trump’s attacks on mail-in voting which Raffensperger blamed for depressing the GOP vote in Georgia.

Remember that some Trump voters aren’t committed Republicans. With Trump off the ballot, they may not bother to vote, And the more traditional Republican voters may not be impressed by Trump’s banana republic manoeuvres.