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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4980
Its fairly easy for me to sit here in Darwin and point this out to you, but if the self important among you southerners would just sit still for 2 weeks you'd then be able to ease up on the restrictions.
You'd be better served directing your ire at them than any of the politicians

Your first part was right.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4982
The suggestions that any politician are on a "powertrip" because they are enforcing the advice of I don't know, professionals who are in place to offer said advice... seems just a little rediculous.

I can and do understand the frustrations of you guys who are the collatoral damage between the government and the anti vaxers/anti science brigade.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4983
Can I ask - what is your super beef with Dan? I don’t get the ‘Dan is locking us up for his power trip’ rhetoric at all. I do not see any advantage to him as a leader whatsoever in these lockdowns.

You won't get a legitimate answer to that, because there isn't one. Its just what the social media propaganda machine has been filling these heads with.

I've encountered these same arguments by others on construction sites. Having some apprentice plumber who dropped out of school at 15 trying to teach me science (or his backward version of it) and inform me about how vaccines work (as i mentioned elsewhere, my wife specialises in it) was a particularly interesting day.
They all peddle the same uninformed BS that they learned off facebook and Joe Rogan etc.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4984
That's the best excuse/argument you have to my post implying its sad that regional employees who are fully vaccinated followed all the rules are within the spate of 48 hours out of work if they work in metro Melbourne. These are not rule breakers rather the opposite. You do understand not everyone that challenges the running of the pandemic is a D-head, protesting in the 1000s or doing lines of coke at illegal parties. The shear majority may not agree but follow the rules. I know that doesn't suit your narrative but its a fact. The same way as this virus has a 95% survival rate. Again doesn't suit your spin but its a fact.

If you want to blame every F up this 'i cant recall' leader makes on the minority of idiots who break the law and do self minded acts, you really are showing your bias and your ignorance. 

The man you blindly seem to support no matter what is the very same man with the blood of 700 plus lives lost last year due to his stubbornness on quarantine or maybe again it was the 1% of the population who broke the rules.

And maybe Dan simply did not recall any of his decisions when questioned.   :o  :-X     

The Interim Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care was tabled in Parliament on 31 October 2019.
Part 1  begins under the heading "A Shocking tale of Neglect."

Between that date and mid-August last year, when a close relative died in a federally funded nursing home in suburban Melbourne, nothing was done by the Federal Government to act on the changes recommended by the Royal Commission. 

You make the claim that Dan has the blood of 700 lives on his hands, but the facts show that 800 of the approx. 850 covid deaths occurred in federally funded nursing homes.

  Why is your anger not directed towards possibly the most incompetent minister since federation, 
Senator Richard Colbeck?  He is the invisible man since his appearance before a Senate committee where he embarrassed  himself with his lack of knowledge of his portfolio.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4987
Why is your anger not directed towards possibly the most incompetent minister since federation, 
Senator Richard Colbeck? 

....because there hasn't been any social media propaganda put out by Dan and the state government, only by the other side to cover their tracks in areas like this.

You expect logic from the illogical.

Its ironic that the anti-dan, anti-vax, anti-government types label everyone following the science as 'sheep' when they are the ones who are being lead to the slaughter by misinformation and doing it with a smile on their face that only ignorance can provide.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4988
You won't get a legitimate answer to that, because there isn't one. Its just what the social media propaganda machine has been filling these heads with.
I fear you’re right.

I used to read the Herald Sun and over time noticed it became most like a celebrity and footy rag and the writing got worse and worse.  It really got super dumbed down.

I used to hate The Age, it was a bit too businessy for me but then I found myself finding information from there rather than the HS.

Then the changes that started seeping in when Costello took over became obvious and during last years reporting, I found it to be uninformative and anti Victorian - not Anti Dan - anti Victorian. Because head office changed to Sydney and most journos are Syd based.

I think we all just want facts. That is all I want. I don’t want bias, I am not a woke leftie at all, I am most certainly not a right winger and mostly despise the right.  I sit on the left not for my benefit but for the benefit of others - personally our family circumstances mean we sit in the middle and probably it wouldn’t make a difference for us who is in. But I would prefer the poor or immigrants etc be given help rather than the rich be given even more.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4989
The litany of his lies and cover ups might be a good start
What lies and cover ups?

Again where’s the vitriol towards scomo - it’s not a race, then gives me vax to gladbag when she fks up and crows about how good nsw vax is - when taking from other states and regional nsw.

What about hunt lying about not being able to get pFizer earlier?

What about Colbeck doing nothing and having people die under his watch?

Honestly look at what you’re hearing and seeing and note that it is a 70% Murdoch media in this country, you don’t think those libs deserve scrunitu? And tell me how much of it you see, honestly? Ask why? Why was gladbag able to not get harangued at her pressers - why did she walk thru the Ruby princess disaster - yes a royal commission said she and nsw health fkd up - tell me why they don’t face headlines like Dan does?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4990
Why did he not submit to a RC.
Why did he hide Cedar meats.
Why did he suddenly have an attack of the "don't recalls".
Why was he called a liar in Federal Parliament by the use of the ADF.
Why didn't he disclose the financials of his hirings of hotel security staff.

He is a born liar.

And don't think for a second I'll defend Berejiklian or Hazzard over the Ruby Princess.  I won't.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4991
When are they going to hold a RC into the rorting of the JobKeeper scheme? The Fed Govt handed out millions of dollars to companies without providing for any clawback if those companies made a killing out of the pandemic. But when challenged, Josh Fraudenberg claimed this wasn’t a bug: it was a feature. He told Leigh Sales that a lot of companies wouldn’t have taken the money if they had to repay it if they made out like bandits. So, to make sure they could stuff money into their corporate supporters’ pockets they made the payments into unconditional gifts. But they’d already done a good job of keeping corporates honest by sacking Christine Holgate.

Un-fracken-believable  :-[

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4992
Scomo and Dan are both flogs but only one of them has locked Victorians up for 7 months. By the way where was Dan's gestapo yesterday when his construction workers were blocking the roads yesterday?


Then again his back can’t take another accidental fall down the stairs either.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4993
So why raise it when I did not?
Raise what?   I'm not really sure what you refer to,  but even though I quoted your post, the main point I was making was really in relation to another poster.   I'm sorry that you seem to have taken it so personally.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4994
Can I ask - what is your super beef with Dan? I don’t get the ‘Dan is locking us up for his power trip’ rhetoric at all. I do not see any advantage to him as a leader whatsoever in these lockdowns.

You know he is given advice to follow in accordance with public health orders, right?

Why are you so personally against him but don’t seem to have the same level of vitriol to Slowmo and his inept leadership and fellow MPs in Hunt Frydenburg Dutton and co? Is it just dyed in the wool Liberal ideologies across the board? Or has a state ALP directive personally effected you badly along the way? I am really curious.

I don’t follow Dan’s leadership blindly but i trust in the advice he’s been given plus I admire him following thru with what he’s said he’ll do - which is mostly and only needs to change due to the ever changing nature of a worldwide pandemic.

The only reason 95% survival rate has been achieved is there’s an bazillion people with underlying health conditions - which by the way include obesity, asthma, diabetes; Which many people have - that have had no choice but to have hidden themselves away from having a chance of catching it.

Feds were responsible for the 800 aged care deaths - they didn’t bother to take any learnings from the Newmarch deaths in NSW and left those poor people unprotected. In Viv State run homes the number was not many at all.

But hey for some Reason Slowmo seems to walk thru these conversations like a hero snd Dan is a dICtaTOR - it’s such a juvenile and incorrect response.

Can’t stand federal or state leadership at the moment. But if I was to rank them ‘I can’t recall’ Dan has no company on the integrity front let me tell you.

Don’t need to look far - just glance at the state by state death numbers. That says enough I reckon. Then he proceed to lie under oath which summed the guy up. Bottom of the barrel.

Once a liar always a liar in my book. Don’t trust a word that comes out of his mouth and never will.