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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 524506 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5475
Yep, great movie, if only the modern film makers spent more time on plots and dialogues than special effects some of the modern films would be an order of magnitude better. When it's cold and rainy some of those old black and white movies they play at the weekend remind me of just how dependant modern films are on special effects and whiz bang.

I suppose that is why we find Nordic Noir so compelling!

Couldn't have said it better, Spotted One.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5476
How we treat people is more important than whether or not someone is vaccinated.

If you are contributing to that social divide then maybe a free country isn't for you. 

Perhaps you could direct that comment to anti-vaxxers who, not content with having their views, seek to harm the general community with their actions.

I suggest that people holding " freedom marches" without wearing masks, deliberately making vaccination appointments with no intention of attending, and, on a personal note, a group forcing the closure of a local eye surgery last Thursday by refusing to wear masks, are the ones contributing to the social divide.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5477
So, Julian Assange is a COVID denier and anti-vaxxer.  Who’d have thunk it?  ::)

I cant find anything on the internet to this effect. At any rate, he has been to hell and back, and can barely tell one day from another. I'd be cutting him some slack on this one, assuming it's even true.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5478
@PaulP‍ looks like you're going all Lotus Eater?

The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5479
10,000 allowed to the Melbourne cup in 3 weeks. What a joke.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5480
@PaulP‍ looks like you're going all Lotus Eater?

Hopefully that doesn't mean you think my posts are produced in a state of narcosis lol.

The lotus avatar is inspired by Hinduism.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5481
Agreed Macca. Here's an article on the site which documents the efforts of anti-vaxxers to promote social cohesion:COVID vaccine letters target GPs and pharmacists demanding they 'cease and desist' or face 'punishment'.

Let's not forget about the time they threw urine at staff at either a vaccination or Covid testing site and ripped down marquees they were using. Charming folk.
They've been busy unleashing a firehose of lies and disinformation on the public through social media. The Age (through AP) reports they have an unlikely ally in their efforts (the article mostly discusses the US experience). It appears a subset of chiropracters are the Scientologists of the medical world as they're scornful of the efforts of mainstream medical practitioners: 

 Anti-vaccine chiropractors rising force of COVID-jab misinformation
At a time when the surgeon general says misinformation has become an urgent threat to public health, an investigation by The Associated Press found a vocal and influential group of chiropractors has been capitalising on the pandemic by sowing fear and mistrust of vaccines.

They have touted their supplements as alternatives to vaccines, written doctor’s notes to allow patients to get out of mask and immunisation mandates, donated large sums of money to anti-vaccine organisations and sold anti-vaccine ads on Facebook and Instagram, the AP discovered. One chiropractor gave thousands of dollars to a Super PAC that hosted an anti-vaccine, pro-Donald Trump rally near the US Capitol on January 6.

Public health advocates are alarmed by the number of chiropractors who have hitched themselves to the anti-vaccine movement and used their public prominence and sheen of medical expertise to undermine the nation’s response to a COVID-19 pandemic that has killed more than 700,000 Americans.

Australia has not been immune from the trend either, with one Melbourne chiropractor suspended for spouting anti-vax claims.

But the pandemic gave a new platform to chiropractors who had been stirring up anti-vaccine misinformation long before COVID-19 arrived, driven by interpretations of 19th century chiropractic beliefs that medicine interferes with the body’s natural flow of energy.

Chiropractic was founded in 1895 by D.D. Palmer, a “magnetic healer” who argued that most disease was a result of misaligned vertebrae. Its early leaders rejected the use of surgery and drugs, as well as the idea that germs cause disease. Instead, they believed the body has an innate intelligence, and the power to heal itself if it is functioning properly, and that chiropractic care can help it do that.

This led many to reject vaccines – even though vaccines are not within their scope of practice. Instead, they treat conditions through spine and musculoskeletal adjustments, as well as exercise and nutritional counselling. A 2015 Gallup survey found an estimated 33.5 million adults had seen a chiropractor in the previous 12 months.

Even before the pandemic, many chiropractors became active in the so-called “health freedom” movement, advocating in state legislatures from Massachusetts to South Dakota to allow more people to skip vaccinations.

AP could find no national numbers of vaccination rates among chiropractors, but Oregon tracks vaccine uptake among all licensed health providers, and the numbers show chiropractors and their assistants are by far the least likely to be vaccinated – and far less than the general public.

So what is the appropriate public policy response? How do we counter outright lies and intimidation? Unsurpisingly, the anti-vaxxers are worked into a frenzy by vaccine mandates. Just imagine if everyone bar the anti-vaxxers gets vaccinated and this helps bring an end to the pandemic. Not great for the anti-vax movement and in the short-term it kills a nice little earner they've got going with the sales of miracle cures and fundraising.

So they promote a PR campaign that we should be compassionate to those they turn into anti-vaxxers or vaccine-hesistants. We shouldn't expect everyone to do their bit in an effort to staunch the Covid onslaught, we're told. And we should be prepared to foot the bill for them when a predictable portion of them need expensive medical treatment and lengthy hospital stays which muscle out others who need those services. We should treat them as a religion or race unto themselves: in other words, it's SEGREGATION or APARTHEID just as in the Deep South of the US before the Civil Rights Movement or in South Africa! That PR campaign is disgusting, Sam Frost tried this on for size when she posted a sobbing video bemoaning this segregation and thankfully the backlash was so immediate and strong she took the video down and disabled her account. 

Mandates and vaccine passports are effective in pushing the disinformation-affected hesitants over the line. Quite apart from encouraging people to do something which will benefit them and the community, they're also defensible on the basis that they simply acknowledge that the unvaccinated are more likely to spread a deadly disease than the fully vaccinated.

In particular, a mandate in the healthcare setting means we force the wingnuts out of the system. Not having a nurse or chiropracter terrorising parents about vaccinating themselves and their kids is a win in itself.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5482
I cant find anything on the internet to this effect. At any rate, he has been to hell and back, and can barely tell one day from another. I'd be cutting him some slack on this one, assuming it's even true.

Assange tweeted that vaccination did more harm than COVID and implied that it was a conspiracy.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5483
Assange tweeted that vaccination did more harm than COVID and implied that it was a conspiracy.

He's in pretty bad shape, and I would disregard that type of nonsense, especially since he doesn't even appear to have a twitter account.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5484
I doubt he would even be allowed access to a computer.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5485
I doubt he would even be allowed access to a computer.

It's on the Wikileaks feed ...
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5488
You'd have to think all of the attendees would be double vaxxed ... not that I'd ever defend andrews.  Was he ever interrogated on that?


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5489
It's on the Wikileaks feed ...

I don't use twitter much, but I've just spent 10 minutes doing searches and advanced searches on the wikileaks twitter account, and found nothing. Do you have a link that takes you to the actual quote / tweet ?