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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6720
So, now we have son of Omicron, a variant of the variant. Apparently, it's more transmissible than the original.

I read an article from the UK where the data shows that influenza is more deadly than omricon. Delta by comparison was twice as deadly as influenza. Hopefully the son or cousin of omricon is milder again.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6721
I read an article from the UK where the data shows that influenza is more deadly than omricon. Delta by comparison was twice as deadly as influenza. Hopefully the son or cousin of omricon is milder again.

As nice as that thought is, there’s no guarantees.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6722
And unfortunately there's no guarantees there won't be a completely new variant coming along. Omicron has been a bit of a mystery. Scientists didn't see it coming and there are gaps in its family tree. To explain the gaps, there are 2 theories (and may be others):
  • Covid infected an HIV patient whose suppressed immune system allowed it to mutate over months rather than the usual days.
  • A human infected an animal with Covid and Covid mutated within that animal population to produce Omicron before animals returned the favour and infected a human with it.

Whatever the reason for Omicron being a surprise to epidemiologists might be, it appears that new mutations can suddenly appear like Captain Kirk transporting down from the Enterprise. Life wasn't meant to be easy, I guess ...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6723
I read an article from the UK where the data shows that influenza is more deadly than omricon. Delta by comparison was twice as deadly as influenza.
I suspect that explanation will be based on percentages.

Be careful of articles that are comparing percentages because there are nowhere near as many Influenza cases as Sars-CoV-2 (Alpha, Delta or Omicron), so as a percentage of cases Sars-CoV-2 Omicron may be less deadly, but on average there are way way more cases of Omicron is far far easy to transmit.

We know when the figures are normalised, which scales the count so they can be directly compared, there are many more deaths from COVID as Influenza, I've read figures as high as 10:1. But it is hard to tell because historical data used for Influenza stats is very poor, and relative to modern Sars-CoV-2 data there haven't been any serious Influenza pandemics in recent decades.

PS; From what I can tell in the last decade Australia's worst Influenza year resulted in about 1000 deaths in a calendar year, across Australia we've had about a 1000 COVID deaths just in the month of January 2022.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6724
Just reading that it's not Neil Young's call  as to whether or not his music appears on Spotify. Apparently he sold the rights for $150 mill some years ago now! He has subsequently withdrawn his demand it is reported. Who cares🤭 .

Warner Brothers own the rights to Neil Young's music.  They acted on his behalf in pulling his music from Spotify.

“Before I told my friends at Warner Bros about my desire to leave the Spotify platform, I was reminded by my own legal forces that contractually I did not have the control of my music to do that,” Young wrote on his official website Wednesday. “I want to thank my truly great and supportive record company Warner Brothers – Reprise Records, for standing with me in my decision to pull all my music from Spotify. Thank You!”

Joni Mitchell has also removed her music from Spotify and I would have expected nothing less from her  :)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6725
Warner Brothers own the rights to Neil Young's music.  They acted on his behalf in pulling his music from Spotify.

Joni Mitchell has also removed her music from Spotify and I would have expected nothing less from her  :)

I really don't give a stuff DJ, it's been many a long year since I listened to any of their work and I don't use Spotify. Good luck to both of them and their families. 😎
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6726
I really don't give a stuff DJ, it's been many a long year since I listened to any of their work and I don't use Spotify. Good luck to both of them and their families. 😎
I think the main point isn't the who or what, it's the why and the what if!

Is this the start of the arts majority, who by the way are hurting more than most in the shadow of the pandemic, telling the media platforms that enable the fluffernutters who's stupidity extends everybody's pain, that enough is enough?
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6727
Another candidate for the Darwin Award:
Washington State Trooper Who Quit Over Vaccine Mandates Reportedly Dies Of COVID, HuffPost
Washington State Trooper Robert LaMay, who grabbed headlines when he blew up at Gov. Jay Inslee (D) over vaccine mandates, has died of COVID-19, KIRO news radio reported Friday.

He was 50.

LaMay signed off on his last day on the job on video saying: “Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.”

“We don’t do vaccines,” he told Fox News in an interview last year after he quit, referring to himself and his family. “We don’t do flu shots or any of that stuff.”

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6728
Looks like some of the anti-vaxers in the AFL are going to blink and use the selection of the Novavax option as a "right to choose" get out clause!

Ironic that the same fragments of spike protein that exist in Pfizer or Moderna are somehow OK when it is delivered in different wrapper, regardless if the holdouts can use it as an excuse to get vaccinated then it's all good! But I'm not sure many of them will be convinced if they are truly anti-vax!

The whole issue seems to pivot on allergies, or perceived allergies, like when some vaccines cause problems for vegans because they are based on eggs. Which in itself seems a misunderstood concept in social media, there is a stark difference between an adjuvant and an anaphylactic shock!

Social media confuses an adjuvant, something which increases the bodies immune response, with an allergen that might lead to anaphylactic shock. In reality it should be far more alarming to people if they get no immune response at all, because if you get nothing it is possibly doing nothing!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6729
Sad news for the Wheatley family, I wish them well.

Sometimes it's the simplest observation or question that exposes the lie.

If Joe "The Gish" Rogan and Donald Trump are right about Sars-CoV-2, that a few cheap tablets and a perhaps a costly jab can allegedly cure the flu like disease, then why are filthy rich people like Glenn Wheatley dying of COVID complications?

Are the naysayers going to assert Wheatley, along with a few other millionaires/billionaires, would rather perish, suffer or be disabled than pay for a cure that probably costs them less to buy than the price of a luxury car service?

The truth is all the money in the world buying all the cures you can find won't help the Portsea Private ICU set if it happens that Sars-CoV-2 takes a liking to your genetics!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6730
I read a mainstream media article today that exposes the inequity of Facebook, Instagram and Spotify, and how complicit they have become in spreading COVID misinformation for profit.

Joe "The Gish" Rogan gets about $100M per annum from Spotify for spreading his garbage information, apparently that's about 20x the going rate for the same number of hits/streams paid to a musician or singer.

Now if those social media platforms are truly paying Rogan $100M per annum for his COVID dribble, how much do the platforms make from COVID disinformation, it must be billion$ and billion$?

If this exposed detail is true, how could anyone trust or believe Rogan or any social media platform ever again?

Now it seems this is going to blow up for the social media giants, not because of those rallying against COVID disinformation, but because of the remuneration disparity, dollar$ talk!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6731
He isn't the biggest anti vaxxer going around. It was one of his podcasts at the start of the pandemic that informed me how bad covid is.

He's just becoming another victim of cancel culture.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6732
He's just becoming another victim of cancel culture.
Looks like he pulled the wool over a few eyes, if he gets cancelled it seems he can afford it! ;D

An associate at work did a quick calculation on what local girl "Tone ands I" would be worth if Spotify and other social media valued and remunerated her the same as Joe "The Gish" Rogan. Apparently she has earned about $43M from streaming of her hits, if she got Rogan's pay deal she would earn about $720M!
(Rather than hits I think he used some complex time basis, equivalent streaming minutes per artist)

Has Tones and I been ripped off?

Rogan is a king of spin, he uses the Gish Gallop technique, slick and smooth but very very little of what he speaks stacks up.
Gish Gallop is a technique, named after the creationist Duane Gish who employed it, whereby someone argues a cause by hurling as many different half-truths and no-truths into a very short space of time so that their opponent cannot hope to combat each point in real time.
It sounds slick, it sounds knowledgeable, but when it's slowed down and analysed it turns out to be a hundred different flavours of the same bull5h1zen!

How much does internet nurse Dr John Campbell get paid, and does this explain his sometimes controversial deviations from reality?
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6733
I thought I might have been harsh on Joe Rogan when I gave him the label "The Gish".

Then today I found this article that makes an analogy with Gwyneth Paltrow, Joe "Goop" Rogan, ............. ouch!

He is just one step away from Fish Slapping it seems, accompanied by a jar of "training modality" vitamins, allegedly a bargain for about US$140 a bottle!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6734
Crosby, Stills and Nash have joined Neil Young in pulling their music from Spotify:

We support and agree with Neil: Joe Rogan’s podcast on Spotify is dangerous misinformation.

While committed to the expression of alternative opinions, knowingly spreading misinformation during this global pandemic has deadly consequences.

Older folk will be frantically downloading 🙄
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball