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Re: General Discussions

Reply #1860
You must have extraordinary powers of observation to determine people’s intent from a couple of seconds of CCTV footage.

And yet eyewitnesses at the nightclub and security at Parliament House gave evidence that clearly contradicts your assessment of Higgins and Lehrmann’s state of sobriety.

Unless you sat through the entire trial and carefully considered every piece of material evidence and every sentence of testimony from Higgins, Lehrmann and all of the witnesses, you’re not really in a position to dispute Justice Lee’s findings.

Of course you can have an opinion, but it’s not worth much in this particular context.

Not sure about all of that but that version of events aired on TV showed plenty of footage, before and after of all parties.  I've seen messy people before who might look like they're being taken advantage of, and the footage that I've seen of both parties on the night suggests that potentially this is not correct.

Want me to explain Lehrmanns credit card?  Easy.  Did he buy drinks just for Brittany?  How would one know who consumed those drinks once they've left the bar?

Did Higgins consume them all?  Again unsure but as she walked into parliament house on the security footage I've seen with my own eyes, I dont think she was anywhere near out of it.  To the contrary she was walking in barefoot, holding her shoes, and able to balance herself quite easily. 

Now from the transcripts:

  Mr Fairweather recalled a general smell of alcohol but did not think that the visitors were overly affected (by which he meant slurring, falling over, vomiting level drunk) so as to be refused entry (Fairweather (at [29]–[32], [62])). He considered the scale of intoxication to be “very moderate” and not “heavily intoxicated” because otherwise he would have refused entry (T1172.4–27). Mr Fairweather, although an experienced security guard, was not a breathalyser in human form. He said at the time they were “half pissed” (Ex R69). I have no doubt his evidence was given genuinely, but without prolonged examination and complete information as to what had occurred earlier in the evening (and although Mr Lehrmann may only have been “half pissed”), he mistakenly but honestly underestimated the extent of the intoxication of Ms Higgins. Similarly, Ms Anderson realised Ms Higgins was intoxicated after she observed her struggling to get her shoes back on coming through the metal detector (Anderson (at [27]–[28])) and later recorded this observation in her incident report (Ex R67).

The security guards shared my opinion.

Now this was later changed based on what has been perceived to occur.  It seeks to absolve and ratify.  Absolve security from not realising how drunk she was as well as explain how drunk people can pull it together, but what this does do is actually point to Higgins being no where near completely out to lunch.

Was she raped?  I dont know.

Was she taken advantage of?  Maybe.

I'm not convinced this is rape, but I wouldn't be putting myself in these situations to begin with, on either side of that fence.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1861
You might need to fabricate some corroborating evidence and set up some eye witnesses first. 
All I need is cctv of us going in and out of the room. Then Ill find an "expert lip reader" (farken lol) to say my boss was "seen"  saying she wanted to see my boobies in a meeting a room and voila', she's a rapist (on the balance of probability)...apparently.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1862
He could take a  picture of a bruise on his leg from another time he got drunk and fell over.

Only if it was to help the boss's case, as it did with Lehrmann vs Ten.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1863
The case should not have even got to court in the first place, there was no evidence, only the words of two drunks who were as stupid and as ill advised as each other. Speculative BS at best.
But the most intriguing fact of all to me is that a security guard allegedly finds Higgins naked the next morning, in an office, in Parliament House no less, without pass and they simply let her get dressed and leave. Turn it up. Surely as a guard who has worked in security there for 12 years, you make her stay exactly where she is, in the state she is in, call the head of security (who should have notified the federal police) and get to the bottom as to why a woman is naked in a Senators office, with no security pass in a drunken state. Clearly a failure by security.

2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1864

The ex-Liberal staffer was treated at Royal Perth Hospital amid a breakdown in mediation talks in a defamation case being brought against her by her former employer, Senator Linda Reynolds.
Brittany Higgins’ former boss, Senator Linda Reynolds, has spoken out in the wake of the Federal Court’s defamation judgment against Bruce Lehrmann, saying it has finally “set the record straight” on allegations her office engaged in a cover-up.

In his judgment this week, Justice Michael Lee found that, on the balance of probabilities, “Mr Lehrmann raped” Ms Higgins at Parliament House.

Mr Lehrmann had brought the unsuccessful defamation action against Channel Ten and one of its hosts, Lisa Wilkinson.

The judgment also found that an allegation pushed by Ms Higgins and her partner, David Sharaz, claiming there had been a cover-up of the rape allegation, was “objectively short on facts, but long on speculation and internal inconsistencies”.

“Trying to particularise it during the evidence was like trying to grab a column of smoke,” Justice Lee wrote.

Brittany Higgins. Picture: Colin Murty
Brittany Higgins. Picture: Colin Murty
On Tuesday night, Ms Reynolds – who was defence minister at the time of the rape – claimed vindication for both herself and her former chief of staff, Fiona Brown.

“For three years I have endured intense public scrutiny, vilification, vile trolling and have been demonised as the villain in a story of a political cover-up I have always known to be untrue,” she told The Australian.

“Fiona Brown and I have lost our careers, had our reputations destroyed and have had our health seriously and irreparably compromised.

“The decision of His Honour Justice Lee has finally set the record straight with respect to the conduct of Ms Brown and myself and the demonstrably false narrative that has dominated headlines and ruined lives and careers.

“To say I am pleased with the findings in relation to Ms Brown, myself and the cover-up that never was would be an understatement.”

Ms Reynolds is currently suing Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz for defamation in the WA Supreme Court. The matter is expected to go to trial later in the year.

While stressing that she wished to make no further comment, Ms Reynolds noted that “as a matter of law”, Justice Lee’s findings were “not binding on Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz in respect to their defences” in that case.

“I remain committed to fully vindicating my reputation,” the Senator said.

Too bad for Higgjns Justice Lee didn't have the courage to after the big dogs.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!


Re: General Discussions

Reply #1865
I was talking to an associate about domestic violence, they spend some time volunteering in shelters so they see a lot of the effects up close.

They mentioned the current media calls for stronger penalties are completely misplaced. The problem is that the offenders are not in a stable mental space already. His fear is then that if the penalties are stronger the situation will become like the regions with death penalties in the US, in those regions offenders (insane as they may be) conclude if you are going to do the time then you may as well do the crime. In domestic violence law this could be very bad for victims.

My friend would much rather see the use of monitoring devices for repeat offenders, much like the ankle type trackers used in early release. He said it's very rare that the victims of domestic violence are victims of a first offense. Most of the bad cases turn out to be recidivists. He also said legal papers and orders do nothing, a piece of paper is of no use in defence against a knife, gun or fists of someone who is otherwise not quite right in the head!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1866
So in a week that the AFL is promoting action against gender violence, Dane Swan posts on social media that Carlton is the Filth's "Little Bitch"! :o

Is that accidental or deliberate?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1867
The manner in which Daicos senior carried on after the goal lacked a bit of class.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1868
I was talking to an associate about domestic violence, they spend some time volunteering in shelters so they see a lot of the effects up close.

They mentioned the current media calls for stronger penalties are completely misplaced. The problem is that the offenders are not in a stable mental space already. His fear is then that if the penalties are stronger the situation will become like the regions with death penalties in the US, in those regions offenders (insane as they may be) conclude if you are going to do the time then you may as well do the crime. In domestic violence law this could be very bad for victims.

My friend would much rather see the use of monitoring devices for repeat offenders, much like the ankle type trackers used in early release. He said it's very rare that the victims of domestic violence are victims of a first offense. Most of the bad cases turn out to be recidivists. He also said legal papers and orders do nothing, a piece of paper is of no use in defence against a knife, gun or fists of someone who is otherwise not quite right in the head!

I lived in a house of serious domestic violence for 22 years. I would love to tell people what I experienced but some might not want to hear the reality of what takes place. How it has a long term effect on children. I am happy to tell the story if people want to hear it first hand. How it was resolved after a further 25 years later.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1869
The manner in which Daicos senior carried on after the goal lacked a bit of class.
I was hoping he would fall out the window actually. He carries on like a pork chop when he is on the sauce, one day he is going to give the wrong bloke the craps and get a smack in the head and everyone will wonder why.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1871
I lived in a house of serious domestic violence for 22 years. I would love to tell people what I experienced but some might not want to hear the reality of what takes place. How it has a long term effect on children. I am happy to tell the story if people want to hear it first hand. How it was resolved after a further 25 years later.
I am sorry for what you had to experience Mantis. I personally think stories need to be told (as horrific as they might be) so people who live in a sheltered world (like me) can be horrified into understanding domestic violence and help in eradicating it.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1872
I lived in a house of serious domestic violence for 22 years. I would love to tell people what I experienced but some might not want to hear the reality of what takes place. How it has a long term effect on children. I am happy to tell the story if people want to hear it first hand. How it was resolved after a further 25 years later.

My heart goes out to you, Green Stick. Having worked in this area, and experienced it first hand as well, and although it sounds like an exaggeration... it's something of a holocaust what goes on behind closed doors in too many family homes. Violence and abuse (physical, psychological & sexual) are far more prevalent that many folk may realise.

Further to what the Spotted One noted about mental illness, I'd add drugs, alcohol and other destructive addictions. Not to mention the role that fundamental religions play in all manner of abuses as well. And contrary to what many folks believe, these abuses sweep across all socio-economic groups, not confined to lower socio-economic groups.

And bear in mind that what is reported is but the tip of the iceberg. Non-reporting and fear of reporting is a pandemic.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: General Discussions

Reply #1874
When Daicos jr kicked that goal it reminded so much of his father in terms of how he runs, the balance and laying the ball across the boot. His old man is over the top and as GTC has said that when he gets on the drink he acts stupidly, carries on and you can really see him still living the dream through his kids and I wonder how he will react when things dont go their way which will happen one day.