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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4740
A Sydney COVID-19 patient is recovering from a self-inflicted bout of diarrhoea and vomiting brought on by an unproven drug, health officials say, the latest round in a battle against self-medicating Australians.

Westmead Hospital toxicologist Associate Professor Naren Gunja said the patient arrived at the emergency department recently having overdosed on Ivermectin and other "supposed COVID 'cures'" ordered online.

The drug, used widely on farm animals and with no proven evidence it works against COVID-19, is not approved to treat the disease in Australia or any other wealthy western nation.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration, which has approved the drug only for the purpose of roundworm, scabies and inflammatory rosacea, last week warned of a significant increase in imports.

A spokesperson told The Guardian that Australian Border Force officers looking for potentially unlawful imports had noticed a more than tenfold increase.

"The TGA strongly discourages self-medication and self-dosing with Ivermectin for COVID-19 as it may be dangerous to your health," the organisation said in a release issued on August 23.

"There is insufficient evidence to validate the use of Ivermectin in patients with COVID-19."

Even Ivermectin manufacturer Merck doesn't recommend the drug against COVID-19, warning early this year there was "no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect" and noting a "concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies."

America's Food and Drug Administration famously came out even harder against increasing reports of Ivermectin usage.
"You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it," the agency said.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4743

Because the patent has expired and they're introducing a new drug! Duh.

You do realise it has been on the WHO's list of most essential human drugs for decades and won the Nobel Prize in 2015?

We've known here about it since early 2000, but chose to run with 'we're thinking about starting up a trial that will start in 2024 and run to 2028' (terrific the sense of urgency)

There's also an earlier study - kills 99.98% in vitro - couldn't find it just now.

You guys sure love the koolaid.

Israel - kaboom.

Three jabs now early 2023 the 4th....notice a pattern?

Not getting it yet kids? (wondering why case numbers are exploding in Oz?)
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4744

About to crack 500 reported deaths, but thankfully 486 of them are coincidences....
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4745
Just in case you missed it the 1st & 2nd time, Flyboy:
And as the delta variant continues to infect the nation, even Kory admits that ivermectin (the human kind) is no match for it, tweeting on Aug. 9, “I have experienced and am getting reports from FLCCC Alliance members that Delta variant patients crashing into ICU’s ... are not showing responses to MATH+. We are demoralized and frightened. Early treatment is CRITICAL. Every household should take I-MASK+ upon first symptoms.”
People Are Eating Horse Paste To Fight COVID. These Doctors Are One Reason Why, HuffPost.

So, if your lead medical expert is dismayed by the lack of effectiveness of Ivermectin in the face of the Delta variant, isn’t the vaccine the only protection we have?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4746
And just remember the wise words of Dr Eric Osgood, a former member of Dr Kory’s Alliance:
“[Ivermectin] shouldn’t have been promoted as a vaccine alternative or a miracle cure,” he said. “People are drinking sheep drench! If that’s not a call to use your clout and influence to say, ‘Enough is enough! Get your shots!’ then I just don’t know.”

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4747
Because the patent has expired and they're introducing a new drug! Duh.

You do realise it has been on the WHO's list of most essential human drugs for decades and won the Nobel Prize in 2015?

We've known here about it since early 2000, but chose to run with 'we're thinking about starting up a trial that will start in 2024 and run to 2028' (terrific the sense of urgency)

There's also an earlier study - kills 99.98% in vitro - couldn't find it just now.

You guys sure love the koolaid.

Israel - kaboom.

Three jabs now early 2023 the 4th....notice a pattern?

Not getting it yet kids? (wondering why case numbers are exploding in Oz?)

As you rightly point out Israel is proof that while vaccinations reduce the severity of Delta they do stuff all reducing transmission, in fact they may even accelerate transmission.

Therefore Dan dangling the carrot again saying relaxing of rules will occur once get to 70-80% vaccinated is absolute BS. 

This strain cant be contained even with stringent lockdowns such as we have had. Until our leaders accept that we must live with this and stop focusing on fear mongering 'case numbers' we will lose more young lives to suicide then we ever will lose to Delta (2 deaths in Victoria in last 10 months). 


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4748
You’re right: we can’t continue to protect the unvaccinated. It’s bad luck for them that they can’t rely upon herd immunity to protect them. Bring in vaccine passports and send them to the back of the queue if they catch Covid and then we can open up and improve the mental health of the youth.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4749
You’re right: we can’t continue to protect the unvaccinated. It’s bad luck for them that they can’t rely upon herd immunity to protect them. Bring in vaccine passports and send them to the back of the queue if they catch Covid and then we can open up and improve the mental health of the youth.

Which bit aren't you understanding?

Looks to me like you're not even protecting yourself.

If vaccines work, how does my vaccination status affect you?

And these numbers include the obviously targeted sub groups - the immune compromised, the fatties, etc.

If you're otherwise healthy, the survival rates are higher again.

But you're keen to jump on the Israeli style jab for life program....your choice.

And I won't even start on the adverse events.

What a bed wetting society we have become....
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4750
By the by, did Dan stick to his word? We all know the answer...

01 April 2020
Victoria’s health system will receive a massive $1.3 billion injection to quickly establish an extra 4,000 ICU beds as we respond to the coronavirus pandemic and protect Victorian lives.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Health Jenny Mikakos announced the boost, which will secure the ICU equipment, staff and space we need to meet the expected surge in case load at the peak of the pandemic.

At present, Victoria’s public and private health services have approximately 450 fully equipped and staffed ICU beds, but we know that won’t be nearly enough if the spread of the coronavirus continues.

Since last April Victoria has brought about 1600 new ICU and critical care beds online as part of a $1.3 billion healthcare investment, tripling the state’s capacity and doubling it in regional and rural areas. The funding included hospital building upgrades, ventilation improvements and critical care equipment purchases.

A new ICU unit has been built at Casey Hospital but much of the additional capacity has been found within the public health system by upgrading beds to be able to cater for critically-ill patients.

“Throughout the pandemic, health services across the globe have been overwhelmed by COVID-19 outbreaks. Luckily no health system in Australia has experienced this. We never wanted to see scenes like that repeated in Victoria,” a government spokesman said.

“Our unprecedented investment tripled Victoria’s ICU capacity with the ability to scale up even further [to 4000 beds] if required.

Note to bed wetters - there are currently 20 (twenty) CV19 ICU cases in Victoria (the whole bloody State).
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4751
You’re right: we can’t continue to protect the unvaccinated. It’s bad luck for them that they can’t rely upon herd immunity to protect them. Bring in vaccine passports and send them to the back of the queue if they catch Covid and then we can open up and improve the mental health of the youth.

Yep that will work and yep that will happen. You really are a master thinker.

At least in your head anyway. 🤨

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4752
Sorry if I offended you. I just assumed you were vaccinated like everyone else on here (save for Flyboy), but I can see how you'd take offence if you aren't. 

But take solace in Flyboy's statistical analysis. Your chances of catching Covid and needing hospitalisation are vanishingly small apparently and If you are sent to the back of the queue, it's not very long so you should be fine.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4753
Great getting more ICU beds /equipment but you need to train more ICU nurses as its a speciality field and stop the experienced ones leaving the profession and start paying them properly.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4754
By the by, did Dan stick to his word? We all know the answer...

Note to bed wetters - there are currently 20 (twenty) CV19 ICU cases in Victoria (the whole bloody State).

The BS media spin in this is out of control. Scare mongering with numbers that suit their narrative is beyond belief.

Hospital icu will be overrun yet only 20 cases in ICU across every hospital in the whole state!

This virus is dangerous, this variant attacks the young and is deadly……..  thousands of cases yet only 3 Deaths in 10 months.

Yet leaders refuse to acknowledge the souring  health rates, costs to the economy that out great grand children will be left to repay and unprecedented suicides.

And all this in the strictest and longest running lockdown in the WORLD!!

But the good news is according to Dan once we get to 80% vaccinated he will remove lockdowns (see Israel) .

Yeah that makes perfect sense.

We are a laughing stock.