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Messages - tonyo

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Can't help feeling that the US is going to degenerate into divided chaos - that's what happens when you let your democratic process be swallowed by a popularity competition largely decided by who has the most money to spin the story.

The despots sitting on the other side of the world must be sitting back laughing - watching it all come undone without them needing to do a single thing......

Both sides of US politics better get their respective acts together, for all our sakes.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Trump's crew are out claiming he luckily avoided shots, and it now appears the "shots heard" were Secret Service operatives shooting the at the bloke carrying the rifle.

Have the GOP learned that someone taking a potshot at Trump boosts his figures?
Who needs a debate to prove your worth as POTUS....... just go out and dodge some nutters with AK47s.

But how quick did they spot and capture this guy - anyone would think they already knew he was going to be there......  :-X
Ladies Lounge / Re: AFLW 2023 Rd 4: Carlton vs Geelong at Carlton
Maddie Guerin was superb, and we have a strong advantage in the ruck which will give us a chance in most games.

Compared to the top teams, though, we still have a lot of players whose skills are rudimentary at best (especially in the back half).  When the heat is on, they turn the ball over or fumble at crucial times.

When the ball gets in the hand of McKay, Guerin, Hill, Sherar or Vescio, good things usually happen. 
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Zinger quote from Donald 

"I don't need to do a second debate, because I won the first won so easily"......


Perhaps Michael Voss could say there's no need for CFC to play in the Semi-finals, seeing as we were so dominant in the Elimination Final......
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL 2024 Elimination Final 1 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Brisbane
That’s all well and good but if you’re a forward and the ball is delivered NOT to your advantage but to your DISADVANTAGE then you are out of position and cannot impact the contest…
That’s why intercept marks hurt so much
I would agree with that, but watch how hard most of our forwards chase - most barely get out of a trot.  No wonder the opposition can set up such great D50 rebounds - they have plenty of time and space to work out their next move.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL 2024 Elimination Final 1 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Brisbane
Inside 50s mean nothing if the ball comes back out faster than it went in.......

Our biggest weakness is getting caught on the slingshot, and it happens more times than I care to remember.

The level of F50 pressure is pathetic - only Fogarty and sometimes Owies actually give anything in this area.  The rest trot around and admire the opposition defenders' rebounding skills.  The defensive unit must be pulling their hair out when they see that.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL 2024 Elimination Final 1 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Brisbane
After the last 6 weeks of the season, we had little reason to believe we could win a final.  In all honestly, we barely deserved to be there.

What I do know is that, as per Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  We talk about 'rolling the dice'. all we did as go back to the same old same old, only this time more underdone.

So there has to be some significant change or the window will close even faster than it already is.

Fact is, our system just does not develop players the way it should, so our young ones coming in are not prepared for senior footy.  Hence, we keep picking the same old names (even if they are carrying injuries) and wonder why yet another season has gone down the gurgler.  

We need a match committee that is prepared to try something different, and a reserves structure that gets the young ones ready.  

I watch the Hawthorn youngsters running around and their success stems from the fact that they were backed in by their coaching staff even when they were 0-5 at the start of the year, and they are now rolling on youthful enthusiasm.  We give our young ones 1 or 2 games, then drop them.  

Moir, Lord certainly deserved to be playing last night, and Cincotta being dropped was abysmal .  I can think of 6 or 7 players who got a game last night who let the jumper down in a huge way.

When you lose an elimination final by the 10-minute mark of the second quarter, big changes are needed.

The Sports Desk / Re: Gout Gout
It's pretty clear Gout Gout is a jet.

The most important question no-one on here has asked - can he kick a football?  Would look great going down the MCG wings.....
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Finals 2024 Carlton vs Brisbane in Brisbane

So we know he ruptured his acl.  We also know that he played a quarter with it already ruptured.  He didn't go off right away remember?

Where did it tear?  Was hanging on by a thread?  Fully torn right through the middle?  Higher lower?  Closer further from the knee?  The medicos tend to describe a rupture as a full tear but they wouldn't have known until they operated and may have elected to keep that a bit quiet. 

So knowing this what's the recovery and rehab like? 

So if everything goes perfectly, with no post op complications, it is not unreasonable to have full motion back in the knee after 4 to 8 weeks and to be able to resume running in 12 to 16 weeks.  That's about 4 months.  Doch was playing his first game of the season off a full pre season and to quote him was in great condition when it happened.  These days with prp, and stem cell therapy they can accelerate the healing process and using the skinny side of the above guidance its not unreasonable for him to have been back in strength and conditioning training by the end of July being conservative and allowing for 16 weeks. That means he's spent minimum 4 weeks getting miles  in the legs and testing it out.

Given our teams on field fortunes I'd trust him to be in better nick than almost 10 of the players going out this weekend.  The timing of the injury is important.  Jsos did his before pre season. Docherty after he had already done one.  Was probably in really good nick when it happened and won't have the muscle issues the rest have.
If anyone would know about rehab from a knee reco, it will be Doc.  If he thinks he is ready to go, that's good enough for me.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Finals 2024 Carlton vs Brisbane in Brisbane

Most of the training attention from Carlton fans settled on the hulking forward who is endeavouring to overcome a nagging ankle injury. He wore a special ankle monitor/guard and refrained from kicking on his left foot. Did most of the drills but didn’t really extend himself. But Blues insiders are confident he will play

I was at the training session, and Charlie was going about 20% throttle at best.  Can't help thinking (given where Charlie grabbed his ankle when he got injured against Hawthorn) that he has a syndesmosis issue and they do not go away quickly.  Cannot afford to play him if he is still struggling.  
Interesting also that Owies took no part in the session - stayed inside with the Rehab boys.