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Topic: New Government for Vic (Read 18874 times) previous topic - next topic
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New Government for Vic

With no vision, no narrative and nothing particularly interesting to say, the Victorian Liberals should not be surprised to lose a parliament they won by a bee's dick.

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #1
The Federallies are going to take it out on our state, they have a vindictive leader!
The Force Awakens!

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #2
The Federallies are going to take it out on our state, they have a vindictive leader!

Qld next. Te he he he. Sleep tight Tony...not long to go.
Keep the Faith

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #3
Labor left a train wreck 4 years ago..desal plant  myki etc...libs fixed the budget now it will blow it out again by breaking the east west contract....situation normal....

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #4
What's the big fuss? They all leave train wrecks (though I will admit Brumby was especially bad) which begs the question, how does someone like Brumby come in and cripple the state and then retire on a 2.3 million dollar superannuation fund? Not to mention free flights etc for him and his family for the rest of his life. That's tax payers money they he pissed up the wall and still gets to retire on.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #5
Liberals ran a poor campaign attacking Andrews which was their only strategy and the ALP really hurt them on education with their campaign focusing on cuts to TAFE etc....when you get companies closing down and high unemployment its very hard to win an election even with a AAA credit rating and surplus.

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #6
They hardly crippled the state. Those claims were overblown, and I reckon made it harder for the Libs when the got in. Past 4 years have been dysfunctional. That's why they are the first one term government in a bloody long time.

And trying to divert the Frankston Line from going to Flinders St was suicidal.

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #7
The Liberal campaign was disgraceful, people would have voted them out for all the crap they were putting in their mailboxes.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #8
I've never voted Liberal but I think Doyle summed it up well when he said that the reason for Napthine not receiving a second term was due to the fact that Baillieu bailed and it gave voters an out clause. Nothing against Denis who did a mighty job to try and get things done. Napthine was also a scapegoat for Abbotts pathetic first term in government that shall be short lived. Notice how Bishop and Howard were sent to try and salvage a victory because Tony is political poison.

Kennett tonight said that the East West project will go ahead according to understandings he has with ALP members due to the fact that it is too far gone. Blind Freddy knew that, yet the Victorian electorate have voted for a mob who have secured power based on lies and the support of union thugs.

Like I said I have never voted Liberal, but I'll be farked if I'll support a carnt like Andrews who is in bed with corrupt unions and doesn't give a crape to what it means to every day Victorians.


Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #9
unelected premier, replaced with a union thugs puppet - bikie gangs rejoicing everywhere.
Abbott will be sh1tting himself right about now.

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #10
Abbott will be sh1tting himself right about now.

And so he should be!! If they were smart they'd put Bishop/Turnbull up but they're dumb carnts who will reap what they have sewn.

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #11
Unless the new State ALP government perform outstandingly well the Coalition losing office at a state level is probably an advantage federally.

The new Government will need to be disciplined and responsible or it becomes a burden for National Labor.

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #12
Just a quick question here...

How many people were happy with the proposed east-west link?
How many people would actually use it? How often?

Personally, i couldn't give 2 $hits about it, as i live in the northern suburbs.

As far as i can tell, not many people would actually travel from east to west or vice versa going across the city. Most people want to get into the city. Yes, i know that is still possible, but wouldn't it make sense to upgrade the trains and public transport to ease east/west travel?

FWIW, Labor, Liberal and Greens all decided to extend the rail network out north which is what we all care about up here.

Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #13
The east west link is important, it's an absolute nightmare for traffic trying to get from the Tulla/Calder to the Eastern and it's only going to get worse and with no public transport options available it probably does need to be done at some stage. Doesn't really affect me either.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: New Government for Vic

Reply #14
Its an absolute nightmare for traffic everywhere in Melbourne.

Plenty road is the main road to the northern suburbs. It starts at Thornbury and continues through to the fastest growing area in Victoria South Morang/Mernda/Doreen and continues all the way to Whittlesea. 27km straight up in all.

It can take you 30 minutes to get through the South Morang/Doreen section everyday. That is only a 6km long stretch of road. This is not in the heart of the city, this is a good 45minutes out of town!

This is why they are extending the rail line in this area, but point is, traffic is $hit everywhere. Is the EAST/WEST link really going to fix it?