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Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Last post by pew2 -
well i got that wrong i thought we would win, BUT once again our crap game plan i call it u12 get ball boot ball we are so predictable my 2 favourite parts are 1 the kick in from football back long to the wing only to watch it come straight back and 2 long bomb to our fwds and no pressure from our smalls. Trouble is i was saying the same thing last year .Voss and co haven't changed a thing WORRY
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Last post by PaulP -
It's interesting, this idea of the psychology of the sporting mind. It's something of a dilemma, because you can't tell the players that our best team is not on the park, we have a few players out, therefore just try your best etc. But on the other hand, that's precisely what we, the coaches and the players are know perfectly well. There are very good reasons why clubs chase the top draft picks, why Cripps gets paid way more than Lewis Young. You can't tell the players injuries to A grade team mates are an excuse, but we all know those players are first choice for a reason. You can't keep winning with too many stars out. I didn't see our players lack effort last night. But they looked disorganized and tired, and you end up with an untenable situation where the B and C graders are not quite up to the mark, and the A graders try to overcompensate. At least that's how I see it. 
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Last post by Thryleon -
At the start of the season my greatest concern was expectation. And how we would deal with it and rise above it.

So let's distill and keep it simple. Here's the boring repetitious stuff that I've being banging on about for months (that erases nervous expectation delivery)... be the hunters. Live it and breath it.

A cliche that p1sses me off is... 'we know we can't have it all our way all the time...' what a ridiculous obvious reality to put in the player's heads and hearts - it opens a back door. It's a lapse excuse. It's a lapse justification. That's human nature, don't feed it with comments that give a lapse a justification or excuse.

Hunters crack the sh*ts with lapses. Hunters are intolerant of lapses and letting other sides in. Being the hunter should be and must be the default and the ruthlessly persistent position. And if someone hunts us... fckn great... 'now I'm going to hunt you harder than you hunt me, and for longer'. Hunters inspire and lift team mates. Hunters create an energy and spirit that is contagious & omnipotent... and a great single focus, provided, in our game, you have the blokes who can deliver. In the main, we have those blokes. A hunter culture weeds out non-hackers real quick. Examples? Newman is a hunter, so is Weiters, so is Acres, so is Crippa, so is Charles, so is TDK. I'm sure you can think of examples of blokes who once hunted, succumb. They're not hunters. Above the shoulders stuff, again.

This is a combative sport. Keep it simple. Be the hunters for 120 minutes. Every single minute.

isn't that the whole point of saying we can't have it our way all the time?

To keep you fighting when it isn't?
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Last post by Baggers -
At the start of the season my greatest concern was expectation. And how we would deal with it and rise above it.

So let's distill and keep it simple. Here's the boring repetitious stuff that I've being banging on about for months (that erases nervous expectation delivery)... be the hunters. Live it and breath it.

A cliche that p1sses me off is... 'we know we can't have it all our way all the time...' what a ridiculous obvious reality to put in the player's heads and hearts - it opens a back door. It's a lapse excuse. It's a lapse justification. That's human nature, don't feed it with comments that give a lapse a justification or excuse.

Hunters crack the sh*ts with lapses. Hunters are intolerant of lapses and letting other sides in. Being the hunter should be and must be the default and the ruthlessly persistent position. And if someone hunts us... fckn great... 'now I'm going to hunt you harder than you hunt me, and for longer'. Hunters inspire and lift team mates. Hunters create an energy and spirit that is contagious & omnipotent... and a great single focus, provided, in our game, you have the blokes who can deliver. In the main, we have those blokes. A hunter culture weeds out non-hackers real quick. Examples? Newman is a hunter, so is Weiters, so is Acres, so is Crippa, so is Charles, so is TDK. I'm sure you can think of examples of blokes who once hunted, succumb. They're not hunters. Above the shoulders stuff, again.

This is a combative sport. Keep it simple. Be the hunters for 120 minutes. Every single minute.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Last post by Professer E -
Yep EB, I'm at a loss with Young, has all the attributes to be a contributor but soft at the contest.  I thought it was a confidence issue but doesn't play like it means anything to him.  I'd pay out his contract and tell him to F off, that kind of attitude causes deep cultural issues at clubs.  No passengers.

I think Walsh's back issues are a real issue, he's lost any burst speed.  "Back related" hamstring used to be thing, and a real concern

Cerra needs a rocket as well. Play with intensity or piss off to Cramer Street.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Last post by ElwoodBlues1 -
I'd think about Lemmey as well. Right now we have blokes playing that have missed pre season and missed a chunk of the season. That includes Walsh, who is looking tired. We are playing premiership footy for a qtr then are cooked. We can't play more than a qtr right now. Just don't see why Cottell plays. Why bring him straight back after injury. Binns must come in, fresh and can go all day.
Id be promoting Binns this week for the extra run in his legs and to show the club will reward good VFL form.
I'd be telling Lemmey too that if he can play consistent footy like Binns has he too will get an opportunity.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Last post by laj -
I'm done with Young and would prioritize Lemmey. The former was terrible last night and you would get more of a contest at a nursing home bingo night than we got from Young.

I'd think about Lemmey as well. Right now we have blokes playing that have missed pre season and missed a chunk of the season. That includes Walsh, who is looking tired. We are playing premiership footy for a qtr then are cooked. We can't play more than a qtr right now. Just don't see why Cottell plays. Why bring him straight back after injury. Binns must come in, fresh and can go all day.