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Topic: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon. (Read 4120 times) previous topic - next topic
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AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

3rd Friday night game in a row. This time its the later game.

Gold Coast are definitely gettable, but will be pushing hard for finals. Whereas after R8, our hopes have all but gone.

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #1
Small chance we can still make finals if we win....and win well.

2 changes.

OUT: Pound (study commitments), Plane
IN: ODea, Schaap.

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #2
Fell away just at the end of the qtr. 13pts at 3/4 time is a big margin in the women's game.

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #3
Really missing a key forward.

Too many long kicks to basically nothing I50. Girls idenified it at 1/4 time, but nothing really changes because of the personnel we have.

We can't kick to our own advantage and it shows.

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #4
Harford needs to go.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #5
Harford needs to go.
Realistically, we have been more competitive than i thought we'd be given how much we were gutting in the off-season.
Literally 1/3 of our best team went out, including MVP Prespakis.

We got Vellardo in, who has been ok, but far from great.

I'm not sure a new coach could've done any better. we see our former key forward emphasizing the point with her 2nd.

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #6
Why did they a leave? Clearly there is a crap culture there.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #8
Why did they a leave? Clearly there is a crap culture there.

Expansion teams and the pull of playing for your childhood side took care of a couple.
More money would've been a factor too.
Sure culture can limit that somewhat, but it basically happened across the board.

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #9
We have to be patient and...
We have to stop looking at a 'semi-pro' league and comparing it with a fully professional competition with a 120+ years of history.

The women's competition is as settled as my 'weetbix, crunchy nut, nutra-grain' breakfast combination.

Expansion was always going to gut existing sides.
I guess the question is...Would it have been better to be in at the start, and be 'gutted now'...or wait until this last season, and be the 'gutter' of existing sides?
I'm not sure what the answer is ..I suspect being in at the start may have cost us a few initial supporters who were a bit dismayed by the loss of players.

The factors Kruddler mentions meant existing sides were never going to be able to maintain settled lists.
Some of these problems with retention are short term and unique.
How many AFL men players would cite a move to a club because they were life long supporters as the main reason for that move?
That factor would be way down the list.
It's more about money, opportunities and family reasons...and that will be the same for the women as the AFLW progresses.

Luck also plays a bit of a part in the AFLW as to how many of your players want a move.
Some existing sides will have been affected by expansion more than others.

As far as culture goes...this is not something you can establish in a few short years with such expansion and movement happening.

And as for interest and support...
I suspect a lot of older supporters will never fully invest in a Carlton AFLW team...but five year old Carlton kids, Jack and Jill, will grow up with the side, and they will be able to tell their kids about our champion 200+game  AFLW players.

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #10
In reality the AFLW is yet to fully embrace professionalism on a wide scale, there are some girls who have settled right in, and they are genuine professionals as good as if not better than the men. But a large chunk of AFLW is mates playing footy and socialising with mates, it's a difficult situation, because it's a cake and eat it scenario. They want the big money, they want the respect, but they want to still pick and choose who they play footy with.

I also see it as a bit of a chicken and egg scenario, some claim they aren't fully professional and aren't remunerated as such so they aren't going to commit 100%. But there needs to be some sacrifice before the dollars roll in, in much the same way Olympians and other top amateur athletes commit before the reward.

The AFLW players cannot have it both ways, but many are still kicking and screaming in a fight against the inevitable tide that professionalism brings. Unfortunately, for some players like Peterson, Moody and Vescio, they are a hard core professional minority who's playing fortune depends on a bunch of casual workers.

Of course my comments will be opposed by many, but they are just self-evident and it is exposed in things player movements, trade and drafting. I get why the AFL are doing it this way, they are offering girls a downhill run into AFLW, but it won't last forever, sooner or later someone paying the dollars is going to expect something in return!

Another bit of weirdness is that the AFLW has become a defacto zoned system, this comes from allowing the girls to nominate regions, that is so far from professional it's a joke. That was kyboshed back in the VFL days, when blokes still had a stubby at 1/2-time!
The Force Awakens!

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #11
The fact you can (at least to this point) only sign a player for 2 seasons, means its very hard to establish long term culture.
On average, there has been 2 clubs joining the comp every year since the end of season 2. Thats over double this size in 5 seasons. Player movement is essential.

Given the way the draft works (ie it doesn't) it means that established interstate sides will dominate, and even newer interstate sides will get a leg up on most Melbourne based sides.
Add to that the pathetic 'compensation' model the AFL came up with in the off-season and its easy to see why we are struggling.
Seriously, losing Prespakis (and not to mention Gee) and the compensation we got was "allowing us to keep our 1st round draft pick"....which was pick 21!
Georgia Gee herself was pick 12 back in the day. Bombers basically got Prespakis and Gee for free....and we didn't lose pick 21 because they were good players. FMD!

The AFL need to bite the bullet. Up the $'s and make it a national draft from next year. They have the extra $'s courtesy of the new TV rights deal.
Until then, the divide between the interstate sides (and 1 or 2 vic sides) and the rest will just widen.

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #12
You simply cannot ask the ladies to be a fully national comp when they have their main income sources outside of footy, and they are likely to be studying or not wanting to leave family.  Its hard enough for the blokes who get 100k to do so.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #13
You simply cannot ask the ladies to be a fully national comp when they have their main income sources outside of footy, and they are likely to be studying or not wanting to leave family.  Its hard enough for the blokes who get 100k to do so.

I don't think that the difficulties caused by juggling a career and AFLW are fully appreciated.  Kez was on the wireless recently and one of the many interesting topics she covered was the fact that many AFLW players had to take annual leave from their jobs in order to train and play.  Having two seasons in one year made it very hard for many players and their employers.

Gab Pound's situation is a case in point; she's missed games because university commitments have prevented her from training.  If AFLW was a fully professional comp, would she have to chose between footy and uni?
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: AFLW 2022b - R9 vs Gold Coast - Friday @ Metricon.

Reply #14
You simply cannot ask the ladies to be a fully national comp when they have their main income sources outside of footy, and they are likely to be studying or not wanting to leave family.  Its hard enough for the blokes who get 100k to do so.
Olympians do it all the time on less, the lower wage is a bullcrap argument that doesn't stack up.

The female cricketers play more games, travel more, play more games, spend more time away form home and do it virtually al year long for less money than some o the AFLW girls.

The lack of money argument is a con.
The Force Awakens!