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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5940
Problem is that especially in Thailand money talks AND allows one to walk… google Red Bull heir.
True, but that is more about corruption and that is everywhere. It's not like some countries where you can legally pay your way out of a criminal offense by offering a poor victim some compensation.

In the Red Bull case they illegally smuggled him out of Thailand then by hook or crook they had the charges dropped, but I'm not sure that means he can go back there and not face charges for fleeing the country, he is effectively in exile like that kid who killed the people in Melbourne.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5942
Punett Puneet is likely to be extradited.
When it happens it happens, those charges have not been dropped which is quite a bit different to the Red Bull heir. Not that I'm defending the Red Bull heir because he's guilty as sin, but corruption is what corruption does. btw., I do believe that the heir's family offered the police officer some financial recompense, I'm not sure what happened.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5943
At least he learnt a few things while in Australia. He blended the Christopher Skase and Alan Bond fakery in his attempt to con the courts. Now he's moved on to warning about the dangers of sending him to the Abu Ghraib prison in Australia.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5944
An interesting study reported in Lancet found that "Vaccine effectiveness [after a the third dose of vaccine] ... was estimated to be 93% (231 events for two doses vs 29 events for three doses; 95% CI 88–97) for admission to hospital, 92% (157 vs 17 events; 82–97) for severe disease, and 81% (44 vs seven events; 59–97) for COVID-19-related death."  The study is based on data from Clalit Health Services, the provider of mandatory health-care coverage for over half of the Israeli population'
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5945
Dr Mark Hobart of a medical clinic in the Sunshine area had his clinic raided of all client records and employee records. Being investigated for fraudulent activity. Medical exemptions is the main issue. He was known to warn Brett Sutton in the past about vaccines. Risks and the fact he claimed they should only ever be voluntary like the flu vaccines. He was asked by the Department of health services to hand over all his clients medical files and refused. Was told to end his medical work and lose his clinic. Then he got raided Wednesday and everything was taken from his office. You will read articles in the media made public that should keep me safe from disclosing details. Some information states giving medical exemptions without justification by what is under the emergency state rulings. Where only an exemption exists if you have had a severe reaction to a covid accepted vaccine. To have severe proven reactions to the contents of each vaccine. To be of acute illness that prevents you from being administered the vaccine temporarily. Hence the reason the doctor in question has drawn the attention to himself. In the way that is it stated he has made regular media posts against vaccinations and appears to be part of the anti-vaccine alliance. Part of the drive to move towards the human rights that was a part of what people had prior to state emergency limitations. Apparently medical confidentiality doesn’t exist anymore. I also read multiple articles about possible false vaccinations.

Probably not a good thing to read. I admire bending rules, but if being a vigilante is a way to do duties, it will never end well. I myself don’t agree with the criteria of a medical exemption. “A serious reaction to a vaccine administered “. Which could be a problem. My theory of risk factor again being some concern. “A serious concern to specific ingredients of each vaccine that could cause detrimental results”.  Obviously based on past history. “An acute medical condition that prevents you from being administered a vaccine temporarily “. I would be surprised if this was the only story I have read about my topic of discussion. I didn’t make this up by the way. It is there on the internet for you to see. Sometimes in the general media. I am thinking things are serious becoming a way of who can bend rules better to suit their own needs. Could we ever have imagined things like this in our great country in the past? What is it I am missing? I am serious getting confused. Moral obligations and obligations to the people? Who do we ever trust again? Bats and f@cking China. They need to be accountable for what the world is experiencing. Did I just say something racist, or against the animal kingdom? I am tired and need to sleep. Mantis signing off. Night.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5946
Hi Mantis

Thanks for your post.  An enlightened mind will always question something before accepting it.

The big questions are as follows:

Is this doctor bulk billing?  If so, then this muddies the waters for this.  The health department are just as responsible for ensuring malpractice doesn't occur and the medical records are also something that falls to the department of health.

Health information management is a tricky business but the government have generally had free reign to access these via the appropriate authorities for auditing.

Don't fall into the trap of advocating for someone who may not actually be worth advocating for.

These things are actually very complex and are often overly simplified to elicit a very specific response.

The propaganda machines are working overtime and I think we are seeing the sort of mobilising of people and ideals that tend to be seen during revolutions.

The trick there is to look through it.  Figures and organisations tend to orchestrate these happenings which simply shifts the power from one set of rulers to another.  The big question is whom is driving it...
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5947
An interesting study reported in Lancet found that "Vaccine effectiveness [after a the third dose of vaccine] ... was estimated to be 93% (231 events for two doses vs 29 events for three doses; 95% CI 88–97) for admission to hospital, 92% (157 vs 17 events; 82–97) for severe disease, and 81% (44 vs seven events; 59–97) for COVID-19-related death."  The study is based on data from Clalit Health Services, the provider of mandatory health-care coverage for over half of the Israeli population'

Gee, why only tell 1/10th of the story David?

Do you want a lesson on RRR vs. ARR? ARR is about 1%. Citing RRR without the ARR is deceitful.

Or you could then throw in the recent Swedish study:

And then on transmission - total fail:

And then on the vaccine fall out - inexcusable....

My analysis of the VAERS records showed 5 of the 13 died of cardiac arrest. That’s not normal for kids. In a recent 5 year period (2015 to 2019), there have been zero deaths listing cardiac arrest in that age group (as you might expect). Zero deaths in 5 years! So the 5 deaths are both excess and suspicious and merit investigation. But not according to the CDC.

Only 647 coincidental deaths now. Sweet.

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5948
All immunity against all disease wanes over time, none of it is life long, which is why the elderly are more vulnerable to all disease than the young.

Only naysayers, anti-vaxers and COVID deniers makes claims around vaccines being imperfect as an argument against use, rational people understand that nothing is perfect and openly discuss the need for boosters and research into ongoing monitoring and treatment. As @DJC has done above.

Nobody who is rational has ever sold the public a forever solution, nobody who is rational has ever claimed things will return to be 100% the way they were before using technology that is available now, nobody who is rational has ever made claims of solution perfection.

Making repetitive cases against such alleged claims of failures to achieve perfection is arguing a ghost, the alleged failure doesn't exist because the alleged claims of being perfect never did!

The whole naysayer argument is an elaborate 'smokescreen', a construction designed to imply a conflict of opinion and a lack of consensus amongst specialists, ironically it is a tactic copied from the annals of the cigarette industry's opposition to deleterious effects of smoking.

What really surprises me, it that many naysayers keep posting links to peer reviewed papers that conclude the exact opposite of their conspiracy claims! I suppose they really think that nobody will or has read them, simply because they didn't! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5949
LP, you really piss me off. Your certitude is shill like. And wrong.

And you never address any specifics raised other than in rhetorical verbiage. Opposite conclusions? Funny.

Equal viral loads - you're clearly not a rocket scientist.

COVID vaccine mandates are necessary because the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.

Smokescreens, you read the article about the kids dying? You think that's a smokescreen? Words fail me (polite ones)...

Stop being cheer leaders folks, this is serious stuff.

I'll just leave you lot with this....
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5950
LP, you really piss me off. Your certitude is shill like.
Should he follow your lead in offering up nuanced interpretations of data which admit the possibility that vaccines work and Ivermectin doesn't? The Chinese Communist Party is more accepting of opposing views than you.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5951
@MAV‍ I'm relaxed about this, nobody can debate fake news and fake claims with real facts, just as the absence of evidence is never evidence of absence you can't win those debates, because counter-arguments will just be invented.

Much of the spurious content we find it necessary to debug exists only in a fantasy. As such I only feel obliged to offer a valid response to a heretical claim once, after that any continual repetition or replay of the same old same old claims is merely building evidence of lunacy. Like someone who listens to hours and hours of music on a iPod, with three songs on shuffle! :o

Should he follow your lead in offering up nuanced interpretations of data which admit the possibility that vaccines work and Ivermectin doesn't?
"Nuanced" seems pretty generous, ............. "bastardised" seems a better fit! :D
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5952
Gee, why only tell 1/10th of the story David?

Do you want a lesson on RRR vs. ARR? ARR is about 1%. Citing RRR without the ARR is deceitful.

No, the paper I referenced is not a clinical trial but a real life study.

Or you could then throw in the recent Swedish study:

Yes, the effectiveness of all vaccines wanes over time.  My cousin has to have his childhood vaccinations again because he no longer has immunity.  It has been known for some time that an annual COVID vaccine will be necessary.

And then on transmission - total fail:

I'm not sure how much reliance you can place on a study involving only 231 individuals and no controls for other factors.  However:

Vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and accelerates viral clearance. Nonetheless, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts. Host–virus interactions early in infection may shape the entire viral trajectory.

That seems like a win to me.

Relevance?  The bottom line is that vaccinated folk have less chance of infection and have less sever symptoms if they do get COVID.  For example, another real life study, this time from Canada:

Just seven fully vaccinated Albertans in their 50s have been admitted to an intensive care unit with COVID-19 since mid-May.

That compares to 181 unvaccinated people of the same age — despite the fact that there are far fewer of them.

Fully vaccinated 50-somethings were admitted to ICU at a rate of less than 3 per 100,000.

The rate among the unvaccinated, by comparison, was 139 per 100,000.[

And then on the vaccine fall out - inexcusable....

Nothing like a bit of fake news!  In fact:

CDC reviewed 14 reports of death after vaccination. Among the decedents, four were aged 12–15 years and 10 were aged 16–17 years. All death reports were reviewed by CDC physicians; impressions regarding cause of death were pulmonary embolism (two), suicide (two), intracranial hemorrhage (two), heart failure (one), hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and disseminated Mycobacterium chelonae infection (one), and unknown or pending further records (six).

It's also worth noting that the 14 reports of death arose after approximately 8.9 million US adolescents aged 12–17 years had received the Pfizer vaccine.

Only 647 coincidental deaths now. Sweet.

Yes, people die, and particularly those aged 65 and over.  The vast majority of the 656 folk who died after immunisation were 65 and over.  Inccidentally, the age standardised death rate for January to July 2021 was 246.1, comparable to the 245.8 recorded in 2020 and below the historical average of 262.5.  Not that 656 deaths would have much impact on our death rate but there's no reason to assume that the 647 deaths are anything but normal deaths from ischaemic heart disease or other common causes of death.

It is worth noting that only 9 deaths are linked to immunisation after 36.9 million doses have been administered. 

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5953
You're kidding David. Laughable frankly.

Did I ever say vaccines don't wane?

Name me another 'vaccine' that is dead useless after 6 months and next to useless after 2-3 months?

If you believe only 9 deaths of the 655 odd are caused by the vaccines, you must believe in Santa Claus.

You seen the report someone must complete? Not for the faint hearted.

Zero autopsies.

Fake news?

You refute studies and facts with rhetoric.

Miss this one?

Who would have thought a reputable company like Pfizer might fudge data. Oh wait.

Oh wait.....

Their partner GSK ain't squeaky clean either.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5954
Did I ever say vaccines don't wane?

Name me another 'vaccine' that is dead useless after 6 months and next to useless after 2-3 months?
The flu vaccine. So where do I pick up my prize?