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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5955
The fact that a person received a COVID-19 vaccine some time prior to their death does not of itself make their death
reportable to the coroner. Underlying causes is a very convenient way of not having perform an autopsy, I think its very common sense to assume that Doctors would not be encouraged by hospital admins to investigate or write death certificates with CoVid19 Vaccination as the probable cause of death. As most would know death certificates written up with underlying causes usually include all known conditions the deceased suffered from but I'd bet CoVid vax isnt in on too many of those lists as a potential cause of death. Respiratory failure is a favourite that covers a myriad of conditions because its the end result when you pass.....too easy to write that instead of investigating the real cause especially something sensitive like a vaccine caused death...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5956
The fact that a person received a COVID-19 vaccine some time prior to their death does not of itself make their death
reportable to the coroner. Underlying causes is a very convenient way of not having perform an autopsy, I think its very common sense to assume that Doctors would not be encouraged by hospital admins to investigate or write death certificates with CoVid19 Vaccination as the probable cause of death. As most would know death certificates written up with underlying causes usually include all known conditions the deceased suffered from but I'd bet CoVid vax isnt in on too many of those lists as a potential cause of death. Respiratory failure is a favourite that covers a myriad of conditions because its the end result when you pass.....too easy to write that instead of investigating the real cause especially something sensitive like a vaccine caused death...

No one wants to hear the vaccines have an issue.

Except people who don't want it.

That in itself is cause for concern.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5958
Back in September Flyboy contributed a post that included the statement:

You do realise it [Ivermectin] has been on the WHO's list of most essential human drugs for decades and won the Nobel Prize in 2015?

I didn't respond at the time but now I think I should.  Ivermectin did not win the Nobel prize.  No drug has ever won the Nobel prize.  It is a prize that is awarded to people. 

The truth of the matter is that Satoshi Omura and William Campbell were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their research that demonstrated that Ivermectin (developed back in the 1970s as a veterinary medicine) is effective in treating parasitic infections in humans as well as animals. 

At around the time of Flyboy's post, many prominent COVID-deniers and Ivermectin-boosters were making almost identical claims that Ivermectin "won" the Nobel Prize.  Of course, that got me thinking that someone or something was orchestrating a campaign and the COVID-deniers and Ivermectin-boosters were simply falling into line with their approved statements or catchphrases.

In response to the outrageous and blatantly wrong claims of the COVID-deniers and Ivermectin-boosters, Dr William Campbell was moved to make the following statement:

I utterly despise and deny the remarks attributed to me on social media on September 8, 2021,” he wrote. “I reject both the substance and the tone of the remarks, and resent their presentation as a direct quotation. The tweet in question was not concerned with science. I am a biologist with no claim to expertise in the clinical evaluation of drugs against viral infections. Thus, I have not taken a stand in support of, or against, the efficacy of ivermectin against COVID-19.

Anyone who claims that Ivermectin "won" the Nobel Prize or has any application beyond treating parasitic infections in humans and animals is playing fast and loose with the truth.. 
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5959
You're kidding David. Laughable frankly.

Did I ever say vaccines don't wane?

Name me another 'vaccine' that is dead useless after 6 months and next to useless after 2-3 months?

If you believe only 9 deaths of the 655 odd are caused by the vaccines, you must believe in Santa Claus.

You seen the report someone must complete? Not for the faint hearted.

Zero autopsies.

Fake news?

You refute studies and facts with rhetoric.

Miss this one?

Who would have thought a reputable company like Pfizer might fudge data. Oh wait.

Oh wait.....

Their partner GSK ain't squeaky clean either.

Well, none of the COVID vaccines are dead useless after 6 months but the flu vaccine is. 

The facts don't support your position Flyboy and conspiracy theories don't cut the mustard.  Unless you can come up with empirical evidence it's probably best just to fade away.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5960
Firstly no Vaccines wane, vaccine effectiveness remains against the targeted strain but viral strains evolve.

Resistance from vaccination may diminish, but the immune system is complex and the measures of resistance only survey small parts of the immune system like neutralizing antibodies.

In Silico(computer) and In Vitro(Petri dish) and not the same as In Situ/Vivo(people).

Vaccines like Influenza are often a blend of new and old vaccines design to target In Silico predictions of viral evolution.

Resistance from immunization is a variable person to person, the best evidence comes from the billions of immunized people not dying or being hospitalized.

Infections are only part of the story because viral load matters, vaccination remains efficacious at reducing acute symptoms and viral load months or years after immunization.

Neutralizing antibody counts can fully or fractionally diminish over time, but that is only the simplest available measure, B-cell and T-cell immunity remains and it is the combination of many factors that deliver efficacy. Efficacy is not just a measure of antibody levels but a complex array of effectiveness measures.
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5961
Drugs shown to have some efficacy In Silico or In Vitro do not always work In Situ/Vivo, in fact most do not!

Example Ivermectin is a demonstrated 3CL Protease inhibitor In Silico, and at ridiculously high dose In Vitro it kills a virus like Sars-CoV-2, but at safe dose In Situ/Vivo it did nothing, it was worse than chance. And they have tested it in millions of people now either through the actions of nefarious despots or very large trials.

Now that doesn't mean they won't find a way to combine and deliver Ivermectin in some way to specifically target Sars-CoV-2, but for now that mechanism doesn't exist. But we should hope they do find a way because it might be cheaper solution!

Proving 3CL Protease inhibition does not prove efficacy, it is just a broad label. Like pieces of metal shaped into keys that superficially look the same they can be cut subtly differently and as such one key does not work opening every lock. If being labelled a 3CL Protease Inhibitor was all you need there are dozens of drugs that should work, but no one drug works on every virus, it is not as simple as applying the broad label suggests.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5963
Well, none of the COVID vaccines are dead useless after 6 months but the flu vaccine is. 

The facts don't support your position Flyboy and conspiracy theories don't cut the mustard.  Unless you can come up with empirical evidence it's probably best just to fade away.

Is that right David. If you don't read what I put up you really are not well placed to comment.

Excess deaths and excess numbers of weird illnesses are just conspiracy?

You clearly have trouble interpreting government sourced data?

Let me know which chart or table you need help understanding?
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5964
Drugs shown to have some efficacy In Silico or In Vitro do not always work In Situ, in fact most do not!

Example Ivermectin is a demonstrated 3CL Protease inhibitor In Silico, and at ridiculously high dose In Vitro it kills a virus like Sars-CoV-2, but at safe dose In Situ it did nothing, it was worse than chance. And they have tested it in millions of people now either through the actions of nefarious despots or very large trials.

Now that doesn't mean they won't find a way to combine and deliver Ivermectin in some way to specifically target Sars-CoV-2, but for now that mechanism doesn't exist. But we should hope they do find a way because it might be cheaper solution!

Proving 3CL Protease inhibition does not prove efficacy, it is just a broad label. Like pieces of metal shaped into keys that superficially look the same they can be cut subtly differently and as such one key does not work opening every lock. If being labelled a 3CL Protease Inhibitor was all you need there are dozens of drugs that should work, but no one drug works on every virus, it is not as simple as applying the broad label suggests.

The high dose claim is just another lie.

Ivermectin has been used widely and very successfully to treat CV19. Why deny it?
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5965
David says:

Well, none of the COVID vaccines are dead useless after 6 months but the flu vaccine is.

Your government says:

"Get a CV19 booster no later than 6 months after your last jab otherwise you're regarded as unvaxxed."

I wonder why that would be?

LP must know surely.

Maryanne Demasi says -
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5966
Worth watching the first 15 minutes or so (if you're in a hurry).

This is the guy developing the COVAX vaccine in Adelaide.

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5967
The high dose claim is just another lie.

Ivermectin has been used widely and very successfully to treat CV19. Why deny it?
Bad news, Brazil and India say hello, even at normal or in India's case about 15x normal dose levels! ;D

It was a mix of vitamins and other pills that President Jair Bolsonaro touted as early treatments for COVID-19, well before vaccines became widely available to prevent and minimize coronavirus infections.

Among the “kit” drugs were the malaria pill hydroxychloroquine and the antiparasitic tablet ivermectin.

Brazilian authorities even at one point launched an app, called TrateCov, (“TreatCov[id]” in English) which recommended the same seven “kit” drugs to all its users. (The evidence base for that protocol leaned heavily on data from Dr. Flávio Cadegiani, who’s now a member of the FLCCC, a US-based ivermectin propaganda machine.)

But Brazilians quickly discovered – through heart-wrenching personal experience – the limits of treating COVID-19 with ivermectin. Brazil suffered some of its worst death rates yet in late 2020 and early 2021, even in heavily ivermectin-dosed areas, as the more transmissible P1 variant spread quickly across the country.

The biggest Ivermectin experiments on earth missed it by that much, massive fail for reasons I've already addressed above, not all protease inhibitors are equal, case closed!

Since he started his Ivermectin / Pfizer rant Dr John Campbell has been questioned about Brazil and India multiple times, yet he refuses to address the Ivermectin it in his videos and continues on with his anti-Pfizer rant! Unfortunately it probably exposes him as a paranoid big pharma conspiracist which will no doubt devalue some of his earlier good work. I suppose everyone can fall off the rails after a bout of illness! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5968
Maryanne Demassi is your poster girl for truth…?
How’s your wifi signal ?

Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5969
I dont know much, but what I've seen is over the last 2 years, painters, electricians and mechanics seem to have more health advice regarding a pandemic with categorical statements of fact than any medical professionals i know which is cause enough to state with accuracy that there is no miracle drug out there that works irrespective of the assertions.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson