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At the 2022 Federal Election which party will receive your first preference?

[ 7 ] (26.9%)
[ 8 ] (30.8%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
One Nation
[ 0 ] (0%)
United Australia Party
[ 3 ] (11.5%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
None of the Above
[ 4 ] (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Topic: Election 2022 (Poll added) (Read 32524 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #60
Turnbull is correct, he isn't being vindictive he is just telling the public how it is, and what he states is basically the reason why teal exists as the new blue!

Blue has been infiltrated by the hard right, Scomo and Perrottet pander to the new order fundamentalists, some on the opposing(red) side of politics will try to paint all the opposition as a new world order. Reality is factions on both sides, red or blue, have hijacked the parties. On the blue side this stems from weak leadership during the Abbott years, on the red side it's diffusion of policy with green agendas that has been going on for decades since Peter Garrett was a lad!

If blue moderate's like Turnbull fail to stand up and identify the rot, if they fail to single out the whiteants, in the ranks then their party will be forever lost!

An inherent weakness in Albanese's seems to be his unwillingness or inability to call out factions on his own side of politics. He is the embodiment of the weak creation of factional compromise. The Red side needs someone like Tunrbull to call out the whiteants on it's side of the ant hill!

The problem I have is this, modern media join in with the crowd to throw rocks rather than offer analysis and investigation, it's really lowest common denominator stuff, opinion rather than reporting. The people who are charged with guiding the public, the Fourth Estate, actually now incite the turmoil.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #61
Turnbull is correct, he isn't being vindictive he is just telling the public how it is

Perhaps you missed the embarrassing exposé on this ego driven "Team Turnbull" goose and subsequently losing 14 Coalition seats come the next election.  He white anted anyone who stood against him.  Useless diesel subs alone was a 90 million dollar waste.  He got everything he deserved

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #62
Perhaps you missed the embarrassing exposé on this ego driven "Team Turnbull" goose and subsequently losing 14 Coalition seats come the next election.  He white anted anyone who stood against him.  Useless diesel subs alone was a 90 million dollar waste.  He got everything he deserved
A bigger F-wit in politics you will not meet. Oh wait, there is Albo:):)
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #63
Hard right.  Australia doesn't have a hard right political party.  At best they are centrists, at worst lefties (and conservative at that).

We as a society are rather left in general, so even our more conservative parties seem hard right, but the reality is, that they are just right of general society and they are arguably more centrist in nature leaning right. 

The tell is, that regardless of whom wins the election, our policies, method of government, freedoms, etc, don't vary wildly (aside from the Knights and Dames crap the Abbott Government came up with).

The One Nation and Clive Palmer types are the ones that present as more Hard Right, and even they arent that ridiculous.

It has been hijacked by the Greenies over the last 20 years to present Australia as having a Hard Right party and that is an easy win for the Labor party, but in reality during the pandemic, we have seen the biggest Draconian enforcement of rules and regulations I have personally witnessed in my 40 years on this earth.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #64
Hard right.  Australia doesn't have a hard right political party.  At best they are centrists, at worst lefties (and conservative at that).
I think it's not wise to write off the right just because it hasn't a aggressive public face, they may not be overt but they share policies and ethos that are every bit as right leaning as any other, they just won't state it publicly because too much of what they truly believe is shared with the likes of Hanson or Christensen and is seen as political poison in the party that hosts them.

But they are one or two candidates / seats likes Deves from being chock full of confidence and then you will see them become more prominent!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #65
I think it's not wise to write off the right just because it hasn't a aggressive public face, they may not be overt but they share policies and ethos that are every bit as right leaning as any other, they just won't state it publicly because too much of what they truly believe is shared with the likes of Hanson or Christensen and is seen as political poison in the party that hosts them.

But they are one or two candidates / seats likes Deves from being chock full of confidence and then you will see them become more prominent!
Thats like calling the Lefties communist.

We don't have that style of politics in Australia LP.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #66
but in reality during the pandemic, we have seen the biggest Draconian enforcement of rules and regulations I have personally witnessed in my 40 years on this earth.
Not really, my global contacts do not reflect that at all, it is just presented in the media that way, as each week passes we see more and more examples of just how moderate our "brutal lockdown" actually was compared to other global locations. For example my UK contacts tell me they are paying a very high price for freedoms in the UK, as your brother may know!

So it's a bit of a grass is greener argument made by disgruntled locals, that "somewhere over there" has it better!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #67
We don't have that style of politics in Australia LP.
Not with a public face, but it is there, hidden from view. If it's allowed to flourish our sons and daughters will share less liberty than us.

Our generation complaining about the brutality of leadership in things like the recent "harsh lockdowns" just plays directly into the hands of the extremists, they want you to believe you've been hard done by, it's the currency they deal in. But they are not for all Australians, as you well know!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #68
Not really, my global contacts do not reflect that at all, it is just presented in the media that way, as each week passes we see more and more examples of just how moderate our "brutal lockdown" actually was compared to other global locations. For example my UK contacts tell me they are paying a very high price for freedoms in the UK, as your brother may know!

So it's a bit of a grass is greener argument made by disgruntled locals, that "somewhere over there" has it better!
I think the fact the Liberals advertising with the puppet Albo ads and linking him to Premier Andrews reinforces what Thry is suggesting.Andrews was a prime enforcer of Draconian laws and none too popular and the Libs want to exploit that unpopularity by linking him to Albo and painting the latter as a weak leader..

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #69
I think the fact the Liberals advertising with the puppet Albo ads and linking him to Premier Andrews reinforces what Thry is suggesting.Andrews was a prime enforcer of Draconian laws and none too popular and the Libs want to exploit that unpopularity by linking him to Albo and painting the latter as a weak leader..
Regardless of what locals think, the relative global view is the truth of the matter.

Claiming to be hard done by has become the countries national pastime, but God help these complaining people if China roll on south, then they will know what hard done by means on the global scale. Actually God won't help them either.

Life is so tough for them, let's see how Lydia Thorpe goes abusing Xi's security force!

A little global perspective wouldn't hurt some of these people, it might hopefully stop them complaining about how tough they have got it. They might collect a new definition of oppressed.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #70
A lot of candidates being outed as not living in their electorate, seems reasonable.

However, I'd ask this question, on working in or running a business in an electorate versus living there. If I live in one electorate and operate a business with employees in another electorate, should I be able to nominate for either location?

To me being an employer in an electorate is just as valid as a form of residency, perhaps even more valid given many might move house several times but maintain the physical location of a factory, store or pub!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #71
Ironic the Libs going with the 'puppet' and 'incompetent' schtick,  considering their woeful management,  lack of any responsibility and the strings in the background being pulled by the NSW right.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #72
That's what happens for the City of Melbourne election - you own a business in there or live there, you vote.  I think it may even mean that some people who do both get more than one vote

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #73
Ill give you a real life example of local members in action.
I think I have told this story but many years ago, we had issues in our street and area with young louts. I emailed then local member Martin Ferguson and bang, instant action by him and the local plods, problem solved for good.
I recently emailed local member Ged Kearney about problem in my local park, farken oxygen thief is all I'll say (once she eventually replied). Handballed me Greg Williams style to oxygen thief no 2 in Kat Theophanous.
Similar situations years appart, same party, totally different outcomes. Wouldn't vote for today's Labour version if my life depended on it.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #74
A lot of candidates being outed as not living in their electorate, seems reasonable.

However, I'd ask this question, on working in or running a business in an electorate versus living there. If I live in one electorate and operate a business with employees in another electorate, should I be able to nominate for either location?

To me being an employer in an electorate is just as valid as a form of residency, perhaps even more valid given many might move house several times but maintain the physical location of a factory, store or pub!

I reckon that's probably fair enough.
You're probably employing people from the electorate your business is in so you would be across their concerns.

I think it's more of a problem if you're standing in  Townsville and you live in Pakenham as a One Nation candidate seems to be.