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Re: China

Reply #1
Fans of TV serial The Blacklist will recognise an unerringly family message to the early Season 9 episodes about why Taiwan is so critical.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: China

Reply #2
Fans of TV serial The Blacklist will recognise an unerringly family message to the early Season 9 episodes about why Taiwan is so critical.

Oo yeah! Sweating on the remaining season 9 episodes... now that the 'band is back together'. So hard to find really engrossing Series' with intriguing, relevant, global and credible characters... well, believable exaggeration, let's say. Also loved Homeland and Sinners, though quite different.

Anyway, as for China and Taiwan...  and the US... troubling times ahead.

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: China

Reply #3

The message is abundantly clear.   
They are an expansionist country and won't let Taiwan go, with Russia trying it's luck in Ukraine it's no surprise to me that the Chinese think it's an opportunity to push some boundaries.
Let's hope Xi has more brains than that war mongering journo...

Re: China

Reply #4
Lots of electronics come out of Taiwan.  This could cause a lot of mayhem for us here.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: China

Reply #6
In an alternative universe, this problem would never have developed as the Trans-Pacific Partnership was essentially a geo-political play by the USA to create a politico-economic bloc capable of resisting China. It did so by giving Pacific nations good economic deals which would have strengthened the bond with the USA.

That brilliant strategist Trump didn't like it b/c the USA wasn't screwing the other countries so that it won bigly. Oh, and he didn't like it because of the global conspiracy (Soros and the Jews).

After ripping up the TPP, he then set about alienating any allies and insisting he'd only do deals which made the USA (or his cronies, at least) richer. And now we're complaining that Pacific Island nations are being lured by economic deals with China that the USA should have been able to trump easily.

Re: China

Reply #8
No, we want to remain in control of the world at least until it becomes uninhabitable.

Re: China

Reply #9
China playing games with one of their fighter jets putting one of our RAAF surveillance planes at risk by discharging debris after cutting our plane off and flying too close in front which could have brought our plane down.
They are clearly spoiling for an incident to trigger something more major and I'd be forgetting about kissing and making up with them like Albo and Penny Wong want to do and taking a more hardline approach
and tooling up our military more.
We are trying to buddy up to Indonesia with a trip planned by Albo and Penny to get them onside, but I wouldnt trust the Indonesians either even though they are no fans of the Chinese.
Get the feeling the USA have abandoned Taiwan and I'm uncomfortable with being able to trust them for full support and we need to look after ourselves more.

Re: China

Reply #10
Some eight weeks ago, then Foreign Minister Payne was hosting a Liberal Party fundraiser while her assistant was in the Solomon Islands trying unsuccessfully to stop the pact with China.

Contrast that with new Foreign Minister Wong’s hands on approach to our South Pacific neighbours and the scuttling of China’s security pact.

In defence of Payne, it seems that she wanted to do more in the South Pacific but was blocked by her colleagues.  That said, her authoritarian approach was more likely to put our neighbours offside.

On the big stick side of foreign affairs, the new Government is reportedly considering buying three additional air warfare destroyers and stop-gap submarines; a significant increase in our defensive and force projection capabilities.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball


Re: China

Reply #11
They are clearly spoiling for an incident to trigger something more major and I'd be forgetting about kissing and making up with them like Albo and Penny Wong want to do and taking a more hardline approach and tooling up our military more.

They are aggressive but their greatest weakness, in my opinion, is a complete misunderstanding of western culture and our tolerance toward threats. 

"you must treat us with respect" being one of them.  GAGF.

Re: China

Reply #12
Some eight weeks ago, then Foreign Minister Payne was hosting a Liberal Party fundraiser while her assistant was in the Solomon Islands trying unsuccessfully to stop the pact with China.

Contrast that with new Foreign Minister Wong’s hands on approach to our South Pacific neighbours and the scuttling of China’s security pact.

In defence of Payne, it seems that she wanted to do more in the South Pacific but was blocked by her colleagues.  That said, her authoritarian approach was more likely to put our neighbours offside.

On the big stick side of foreign affairs, the new Government is reportedly considering buying three additional air warfare destroyers and stop-gap submarines; a significant increase in our defensive and force projection capabilities.

The Chinese are doing separate deals now with the nations who have what they want in terms of land position, harbours, docks to give them military advantage.They don't need the pact and will have half of them signed up when they get Tonga on board who have told us to butt out of their business.
We need missile bases with better air defense capabilities to bring planes and inboard missiles down as well to have range and coverage. Happy to have a couple of extra destroyers, subs but we have to have more attack capabilities as a deterrent..imho.

Re: China

Reply #13
Some eight weeks ago, then Foreign Minister Payne was hosting a Liberal Party fundraiser while her assistant was in the Solomon Islands trying unsuccessfully to stop the pact with China.

Contrast that with new Foreign Minister Wong’s hands on approach to our South Pacific neighbours and the scuttling of China’s security pact.

In defence of Payne, it seems that she wanted to do more in the South Pacific but was blocked by her colleagues.  That said, her authoritarian approach was more likely to put our neighbours offside.

On the big stick side of foreign affairs, the new Government is reportedly considering buying three additional air warfare destroyers and stop-gap submarines; a significant increase in our defensive and force projection capabilities.

What did you think about Penny Wong bullying Kimberly Kitching? Take your Labour hat off and answer truthfully.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: China

Reply #14
In defence of Payne, it seems that she wanted to do more in the South Pacific but was blocked by her colleagues.  That said, her authoritarian approach was more likely to put our neighbours offside.

'Fraid I have to disagree @DGC ... I think she is / was weak and more than reluctant on a social level to communicate with the electorate.  A very poor minister.  In fact pitiful