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Messages - LP

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Foul mouthed two bit nobodies!
She wasn't actually headlining this festival, disclosure were and you can't dispute that because they are quality

Well that proves it then, her people are saying she was the headline act and she pulled the gigs because sound quality was no good, then again because a can was thrown on stage.

I suspect she pulled the gig because she is a dead set nobody who stunk it up big time and was ferking up all the records labels hard gained viral marketing in the process!
Blah-Blah Bar / Foul mouthed two bit nobodies!
I must be getting too old, whop the ferk is Azelia Banks?

Every night on TV or radio I see or hear ads for the new album or single from the award winning smash hit performer whom I have never heard of!

Now I read about this Azelia Banks, a foul mouthed female teenage rapper who by the sounds of the descriptions has more tickets on herself than Maradona.

But she hasn't even made an album out yet she is headlining some nothing backyard music festival.

I can give her a great lyrics for her next piss weak rap crap track remix rip off;

Azelia, Azelia, who the fecks Azelia?
Blah-Blah Bar / The New Joke Thread
Son: Dad, what is a tax?

Dad:(Thoughfully) I'd say tax is the ideal way for anyone who doesn't produce goods or contribute to society in anyway, shape or form to make a living!
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Federal Election 2013
Laugh, Palmer might win a seat despite trying his very best to prevent it from actually happening late in the election.

There are some interesting sackings in recent days. Quite a few seem to be more related to silencing the supporters of any emissions trading scheme or carbon tax rather than changing the economic management.

I am not really that fussed, but I am concerned about a change in a major promise already. I was under the impression Abbott had said he would not stop or cut projects that were already sign off or funded. Yet it seems he rolled out the henchmen to axe several innovation and industry initiatives staff halting projects that had already begun, all this while the press were busy watching him get sworn in at government house.

These were not recent projects, not like the Bracks appointment, some of the projects employed hundreds of people and had been underway for 2 or 3 years with another 10 or 15 years to go! In some cases whole centres had been built to house the project staff.

Retrospectively it seems this was an Abbott weasel word promise, because they haven't cut or stopped the project or funding. They have just sacked the administration staff which effectively halts all the projects and spending indefinitely. Several industrial / commercial partners have already made staff redundant as a result.

This is a horrible way for a countries leaders to behave, irrespective of their political background. There is no excuse for deceptive behavior from any public office bearer.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: SNF review of Carlton's year
Trade and delistings will be driven by who's likely to be available in the market place as replacements. MM has already said there are not many - so talk of radical change may be mainly relevant to the fringe dwellers in the NBs, with us looking to renew mainly via the drafts.

The intent of the article is good, and the names listed are all slightly one dimensional in their abilities.

Duigan's elimination final might have put a nail in Laidler's coffin, I can understand us cutting one of the two but not both and Laidler has tweeted he is gone!
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: SNF review of Carlton's year
I think Lucas, Duigan and the Amigos are safe. If he had listed Mitchell or McCarthy I would be more positive in my affirmation of the article, but it is better than the average article.

If we can get hold of White one of Rowe or Casboult "might" be traded to allow White to play as a pure forward. But if we cut Mitchell and McCarthy we are unlikely to cut either Casboult or Rowe.

We will still play two rucks out of Kreuzer, Warnock and Hampson. I suspect it would have to be a significant win for us at the trade table on top of getting someone like White before we would offload any of them. They are all first class 1st rucks that can float defensive side, but none of them are natural forwards despite what many commentators say.

If we can get someone like Jesse White, it does not make sense to cut the Amigos because we then have a mix of players that are difficult to match up on. For someone his size Jesse White is quick, agile and tackles like a bear. Put him working inside F50 surrounded by Betts, Garlett and Yarran or Murphy and the forward line looks vicious.

If we keep the Amigos and fail to get a KPF marking target we are easy to defend against. If we get the KPF and cut the Amigos we are easier to match up on as a traditional setup.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Blues Vs Swans - post match expert analysis
Amongst some of the other shocker out there, did McLean do much? He appeared mighty quiet (struggled with finals pace after missing last week?).

McLean did well, he worked his guts out to get into free space quite often but we did not use him.

I suspect it was because the players quickly lost confidence in their kicking due to the ground shifting under their feet. So they went the safe option quite often knowing if they didn't get the kick right McLean would get run down.

But I maintain we are horrendous with the ball in hand, I think we are the worst in the league by some margin. We get away with the poor disposal quite often because we a lot of guys who can cover ground quickly and cover poor kicks. Our pace hides a bigger problem.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Blues Vs Swans - post match expert analysis
We will regret losing Yaz if we trade him.

Saying he doesn't change the game etc - he's 22 fgs, how many times have Gibbs or Murph changed a game for us - very very rarely.  Give the guy a break, he'll come good and we want him to come good for us.

I agree, if you looked at McVeigh when he was Yarran's age they would be almost identical in terms of roles and output. What McVeigh did tonight is what Yarran has in his future. In my opinion it is only a sign of impatience and being reactionary to demand he be traded, but that is clearly the general feeling here on this forum. But thankfully the posters here do not run the club!

Gibbs is now playing football we know he can play, and Murphy has been OK despite being injured and missing a pre-season. Both are long term A Grade players with many years of football left!

Next year Murphy with some good luck, and all players need good luck, will be a star of the competition!
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Blues Vs Swans - post match expert analysis

In reality the Judd deal crippled the club, but I would do it again in a heart beat.

Yep, in retrospect, I have to agree with you.  It's been a privilege having him in the team and watching him play but it seems the flowchart diagram on the whiteboard in the board room was:

a. get Judd
b. win Premiership
c. pat eachother on the back

Think there were a few steps missing between 'a' and 'b'.

Without Judd we were the Bulldogs for ten years.

He brought the 3 P's

A.. Professionalism

B.. Profile

C.. Performance

Money well spent!!

Exactly, but there is no doubt $1M wages cripple a club, that is 2 or 3 good mids or 2 or 3 good KPPs.

Based on our experience if we pay someone like Betts overs we are doomed. As much as many of you would love to see him stay it is the disproportionately high wages paid to some players that cripple a club.

The Dawks understand this, and that is why Buddy will go despite his abilities. We are one of the stupid clubs that would pay him what he wants!

$1M dollars to one player, or $1M dollars to three good players, as supporters you must decide because it is the bitching, membership burning and complaining of paid up members that will ultimately steer the club.

A rhetorical question, how many of those Swans mids that worked us over like patsies do you think you can get for $1M???
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Blues Vs Swans - post match expert analysis
He mentioned 5 to 10 picks to get new players

He will not go the quick fix for MM

In reality the Judd deal crippled the club, but I would do it again in a heart beat.

As for that MM statement, Judd / Scotto / Carrazzo / Simmo and Waite will all retire without a game in the big danced for the Navy Blue!

2019 before we get another crack, GWS and GC have golden years to come for the next half a decade.