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Messages - Lappinlappystick

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 11 - BLUES Lose To Lions (Embarrassment & Dispair)
Landed back from overseas yesterday, and this is the welcome home I get. What a disastrous result. I am outraged. Livid!

How many more games, seasons, eras will we have to endure such passionless efforts? What has changed in the last 10-12 years? 3 different coaches. Several early draft picks. Plodders aplenty. Poor culture, low morale and individuality has set in like a rot. This has been accepted as the norm, and nothing has been established to challenge the status quo. This appears the afflict the board, the playing list, and even down to the maintenance department.

The patient is dead. Time for the autopsy.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 7 : BLUES Lost To PIES (Lambasting & Liabilities)
And one thing people need to realise re clangers under pressure v clangers under no pressure is;

The initial clanger under no pressure can cause a chain of clangers under pressure.

For example, a player takes a mark, has time to assess (under no physical pressure), and lays off a sloppy handball that immediately puts his teammate under physical pressure, who in turn creates another clanger to someone else under pressure etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 7 : BLUES Lost To PIES (Lambasting & Liabilities)
And what is more, you could tell almost from the first bounce that we were in for an off-night.

I thought we started pretty well.
Agree. Probably the first 7 minutes or so. Then the clangers began....

The clangers are a symptom. When an opponent, generally a top 6ish opponent, applies bona fide heat to our girls, they go to water... then the clangers, fumbling, poor disposal and decisions abound which would make any game plan look bad.

Yes, but this doesn't explain the errors when no pressure was applied i.e after taking a mark and then handballing to a teammate with an opponent directly on them!!! Or just generally missing targets from set shots, or in general play. It is mainly OUR guys who are putting us under pressure rather than the opposition. If you have the stomach for it, watch the first 3Q again...
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 7 : BLUES Lost To PIES (Lambasting & Liabilities)
I thought MM summed it up with two points in his Media Conference.

1. Too many passengers.

2. Too many blokes who cannot or will not concentrate for the full 120 minutes.

On the upside - good to Sam Docherty get a gig, be surprised if he spends any more time in the NBs.

The issue I had with both points were;

1. He couldn't identify "how many" passengers we had; and

2. How can our blokes stop concentrating after 7 minutes of play?
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 7 : BLUES Lost To PIES (Lambasting & Liabilities)
At least we showed the previous 2 weeks were the exception rather than the norm. The jury is in and we are fecking terrible.

I left at 3/4 time, I'd well and truly had enough by then. I might get around to watching the last quarter over the weekend to see how Collingwood let us off the hook, that's some hefty % they've missed out on tonight....hope that bites them squarely on the arse at a later date.

Would I be too harsh in saying that Sam Rowe is the worst footballer to ever play at this level?

Would I be too harsh in saying that Daisy embarrassed us and himself tonight?

Would I be too harsh in saying that we are arguably the worst kicking team in the AFL in recent memory?

Would I be too harsh in saying that player-for-player, we have arguably the worst list in the AFL?

Would I be too harsh in saying that Carrazzo's body is done and that he should retire immediately?

Would I be too harsh in saying that we are the least intimidating and physically weakest team in the AFL?

Would I be too harsh in saying that we are a $hit truck of football team in general?

MM was full of praise for Rowe tonight. Just sayin'....

Haven't seen the press conference yet. As usual, it takes the CFC media department 3 months to upload it >:(

But if he praised number 17 (I said I wouldn't mention his name again), then he's gone. Not just as a coach, but as a judge of a footballers ability and his contribution in a game.

17, can't function under pressure because he lacks basic skills. He can't or doesn't want to mark. His handballs when he gets one, don't hit the target. His kicking to position or to a player, is non-existent. He panics when tackled. He gives away, and last night gave away, at least 3-4 free kicks a night, because he tries to compensate for his lack of ability by scragging and pulling jumpers and arms of his opponents, and hasn't got the intelligence to realise that the umpires have woken up to what he is doing.

He's a hack, pure and simple, and not up to AFL standard. But he's in the side at the moment, because we don't according to Mick, have anyone better. If MM can't see that the man just doesn't have it, and really believes that he's a contributor to this team, such as it is a team, then Mick is gone as a coach and a person who has the ability to sum up his cattle in a realistic manner.

In fairness to Mick (and I don't really need or want to defend him), but he did concede that Rowe had a 15 minute bad patch....
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 7 : BLUES Lost To PIES (Lambasting & Liabilities)
At least we showed the previous 2 weeks were the exception rather than the norm. The jury is in and we are fecking terrible.

I left at 3/4 time, I'd well and truly had enough by then. I might get around to watching the last quarter over the weekend to see how Collingwood let us off the hook, that's some hefty % they've missed out on tonight....hope that bites them squarely on the arse at a later date.

Would I be too harsh in saying that Sam Rowe is the worst footballer to ever play at this level?

Would I be too harsh in saying that Daisy embarrassed us and himself tonight?

Would I be too harsh in saying that we are arguably the worst kicking team in the AFL in recent memory?

Would I be too harsh in saying that player-for-player, we have arguably the worst list in the AFL?

Would I be too harsh in saying that Carrazzo's body is done and that he should retire immediately?

Would I be too harsh in saying that we are the least intimidating and physically weakest team in the AFL?

Would I be too harsh in saying that we are a $hit truck of football team in general?

MM was full of praise for Rowe tonight. Just sayin'....
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 7 : BLUES Lost To PIES (Lambasting & Liabilities)
Daisy will be ok eventually

With all due respects, I don't think we got Daisy over to simply be okay.....

His shot at goal was worse than the Asian dude's attempt at a million dollars pre-game.....and that kick was a howler.

He'll have a few years here. Eventually be good value.

Just have to make sure we start to get some value out of others too.

I see him becoming another Nick Stevens. The ultimate whipping boy.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 7 : BLUES Lost To PIES (Lambasting & Liabilities)
We have reached the deepest depths of the mid zeroes. That was the greatest exhibition of the worst skills I have ever seen by any club in any era I have seen. There's no hiding from that, and there is no excuse. Why the screw is it so bad? Dead set rot. If you are a screwing coach, it is your responsibility to teach basic skills. If players cannot learn basic skills, then get them off your screwing list!

Then there's a matter of decision making. Why the screw is it so bad? And the matter of lack of effort. The lack of passion. The morale in this unit is below whale crap.

The list needs a massive clean out. Unfortunately, you can't throw the entire hand in like poker and ask for a new set of cards. I lament what comes.