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Messages - Lods

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Final 5 Games.
Not easy bar the Crows and the finals bound teams will be real keen, interesting that Barrett on AFL.coms sliding doors was implying it hasnt been such a great season for Teague in terms of wins and that he will come under pressure.
IMO its more next year where he needs to deliver wins, its been a different year this one and you have to factor that in IMO.

Next year is the judgement one for Teague (assuming things are back to relative normality.)
With  shortened game time, hubs, lack of home comforts and familiar grounds and the 'topsy turvy' results I don't  think any coach should be under the pump this year.
All pre-season strategies are out the door.
They should all get the opportunity for redemption in 2021.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Participation: AFL Rd 11: Carlton vs West Coast
Both were extremely good footballers cruelled by an immature club with a poor culture and dreadful leadership. I stand by what I commented earlier,

Joel Selwoods first game and his team-mates

Bryce Gibbs'  first game and his team-mates
    The weird thing about that is we won and Geelong lost.
    But by the end of the year they were top and we were second last.
    Players around you in your developing years make a huge difference in terms of support.
    Murphy and Gibbs were behind the eight ball from the moment they started.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: CV and mad panic behaviour
There's a  little bit of 'not so subtle' politicking going on.
I think some of them realise there will be a reckoning once this is done and dusted.

Scomo and Andrews are almost at pains to assert how closely co-operative they are but....

Andrews (who I credit for fronting up each day) will constantly make the point that Aged Care is a Commonwealth responsibility.
That may be the case, but he frames it like the state is actually coming to the 'rescue' of the Commonwealth in coping with the issues in this sector.

For the conservatives.... Morrison is staying above it while letting his attack dogs like Hunt and Frydenberg loose to make the attacks.

The right wing commentators are also laying the boot in.

The last thing we need at the moment is political point scoring...even subtle stuff.
Folks will eventually be held accountable, but now is not the time for political games.


Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Participation: AFL Rd 11: Carlton vs West Coast
Cripps is a BIG presence...He's a 'lead by example' guy much like Judd.
The question is 'When he talks does it impact?' ...and for us on the outside that's an unknown
One of the issues may be that age and experience wise Cripps is still behind a few.
It may also be that because we run a dual captaincy there may be some subtle and unconscious division amongst the players as to who is the key driver of the side.
You often get the impression with Cripps, in our bad losses and turn arounds, that he's really frustrated.
And that frustration may stem more from his inability to drag the players along with him.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Participation: AFL Rd 11: Carlton vs West Coast
As for Jones going fwd, I dont think effort, endeavour or marking the thing will be a problem, I think his kicking for goal would be a problem

You may be right...I'm probably thinking more about the opportunities he could create for players like Betts, Fisher and Martin.
And going ahead you would see it more a 'switch' role.
Something you would try mid-game if you needed to shake things up.
He's not SOS....but it was a tactic we used to try with Silvagni at times, often with success.
McGovern v Jones...I'm not sure we'd lose a lot.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Participation: AFL Rd 11: Carlton vs West Coast
With all these blokes going forward we won't have many left in the Midfield/backline. ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

But you know, if we ever reach the stage  where the seasons done and dusted for us, and if we had a tall back-up defender I wouldn't mind seeing Jones switched to the forward line for a bit of an experiment.
The reasoning is... we could do with a tall swingman who could play both ends.
We struggle with responses at the moment when the opposition gets a run on.
We need to develop a few tricks of our own

You would know in a game or two whether Jones has learnt a bit playing on some of the competitions best forwards.
His marking on the weekend was strong ...and we finally have a few small forwards who might be able to make something of the chaos he sometimes creates.

It may be that he proves to be as ineffective as his previous stints forward but if we've nothing  to lose give it a go.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Participation: AFL Rd 11: Carlton vs West Coast
I commented on our size today to my daughter at the end of the game when Murph and Shuey where talking, the difference in mass between the two was very noticable (arms/biceps, shoulders neck).
Having said that, I think its a little hard to blame Russell for injuries that occur during games, these are gonna happen (eg Martin). Even the chandeliers like Marchbank, Charlie, Cunningham etc, Russell is widely regarded as the best in the business yet...

We have a very good record for destroying the reputations of some of the 'best  in the business' ;)  :D
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
That explosion in Lebanon was horrific.
Currently the death toll is around 130 but you would have to think it will be many, many times that number.