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Messages - Gointocarlton

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Prognostications!: AFL 2021 Rd 7: Carlton vs Drug Cheat
I thought a lot of fans are being a bit tough on Plowman, they love to whip him. But he along with Parks had a tough gig at the weekend, they were the stay at home guarding 2 or 3 opponents while Jones and Weitering got up the field and intercept marked the footy. Fans have to learn that applauding Weltering or Jones for doing that role comes at a cost to other defenders who get sacrificed. Of course the opposition play through Plowman's or Park's man, because they have 2 or 3 to guard!

But one tell, that Owies tackle in the last, how long since we've seen a SF get to the FB to assist a defender, and what a difference it makes!
As Kenny once sang: You gotta know went to hold em, know when to fold em..."
Its fine for Jones and JW to push up for the intercept but if they mess it up, they leave their mates high and dry. The key to the modern game is how quick you react to what's going on at any point in time. I reckon sometimes, not all the time, the defenders are better off staying home and maintaining shape to defend and force a turnover rather than to attack for the intercept. Fwds and mids need to fold back to guard the middle plus space to then be ready when the turnover comes from defence. I think we are getting that balance wrong at times and are too aggressive. We wont die wondering that's for sure.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Prognostications!: AFL 2021 Rd 7: Carlton vs Drug Cheat
We always match up well against the Dogs.

And their defence is definitely their weakness.

Bring the right level of intensity - for 4 quarters - no reason we can't win.

Williams back in (for Gibbons), maybe Brackets out too (JSOS or Kennedy).

Murphy the sub - gets another game marked up?

They'll have English back - and TDK is the perfect foil for him. TDK for Levi seems a no brainer to me.

They have Bailey Williams, Toby McLean and Josh Dunkley sidelined.

Agree FB.
In TDK JSOS Williams (if fit)
Out Levi Gov (inj) Gibbo or Newnes.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Prognostications!: AFL 2021 Rd 7: Carlton vs Drug Cheat
I agree. They have some gaps that need addressing, but they're not a bad team at all IMO. Last night was very 50/50 until near the end.

And to be honest, I was surprised we ran out the game the way we did. I said in the in game thread that our blokes looked spent at 3/4 time had spent a lot of petrol tickets. They made a concerted effort to run the game out strongly and get the right result not only for the coach, but more importantly for themselves. As we say after all wins, that's the benchmark, four solid, switched on qtrs, no nanna naps. Execution might have been off in the first but the effort was there.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Prognostications!: AFL 2021 Rd 7: Carlton vs Drug Cheat
Dare I say that SPS coming onto the ground was when the game changed? His reading of the play on several occasions and clean hands with efficient disposal through the centre seemed to calm the team down.

Walsh was just tough, skilful and relentless. I wish he'd lower his eyes around goals though.

Owies was what we needed up forward, pressure and toughness from a small. Good return for a second gamer, who wasn't over awed by the big crowd.

Eddie was good, but played the same game as last week, he just kicked the goals this week.

McGovern was better and did present well, chased and competed. Loved the jumper punches, but now he's gone again.

Good to see Harry actually get some holding call for a change, happens every week, but I bet he doesn't get them against the Bulldogs. Another 5 to equal his year high tally and it's only round 7.

Cuningham was a difference maker in the middle, his movement and pace was something that Essendon did not handle well.

Saad and Docherty were very good, but there is little chemistry between them, unlike Simpson and Docherty who seemed to know where each other is at all times.

Jones lowered his colour for the first time this season and Weitering was guarding a decoy to closely. Plowman is always on a hiding to nothing. Tipper got two of his goals from running ahead of the play and hoping, Plowman was setting up in defence playing the percentages, they get a lucky win around the contest twice, the ball is kicked into space Tipper runs into an open goal. If Plowman stand right on him then the ball goes through the right space and we get opened up more often.

Parks, alright in the air, seems lost around a stoppage and very ordinary when the ball in on the ground. Poor kick as well, if we are thinking Parks is the answer, then we're in real trouble.

In fact we had; Parks, Owies, Gibbons, Cotteral, all playing this week, when our high draft picks are in the two's, yep sure these guys give effort, but they are just average players, add to the the other averages out there like Newnes and Casboult and this is why we are an average team.

Which brings me to the elephant in the room Cripps. He is a liability. He does not hunt the ball like he used to, Walsh now does that and what Cripps should be doing is blocking for Walsh and occasionally getting the ball. If we do not get the ball and the oppositin clear it we are playing one man down. As was happening a lot today, you wait til next week when the Dogs have their set up, with two quick handballs and then everyone scampers. Cripps cannot be played anywhere else, so that's why we don't have midfield rotations, that's why SPS and Stocker are playing down back, Setterfield and Kennedy are playing in the twos and other mids, like Ramsay will be lucky to get a look in. It's fortunate for Cuningham and Fogarty that Williams is injured or they wouldn't get much of a look either. For Carlton to blossom we have to get rid of Cripps.

Dow and McGovern out through injury, Newnes, Gibbons and Casboult should be out as well as they have been crap for weeks.

SPS for Dow, deKoning for Casboult, Philip for McGovern, Ramsay for Gibbons and Setterfield for Newnes. Start Setterfield/Cuningham at CHF and have him swap with Cripps after the centre bounce, that way Wood has to pick Cripps up rather than float as a spare against Harry. It won't happen but it should, David King has said it for a while now, we are being too nice at selection, a ruthless dropping of many may shock these under achievers into gear.
Like all that except I reckon you're harsh of Parks, Owies, Gibbo and Cotts (although I thought Gibbo was ordinary today). I reckon there is plenty to work with with Parks and Cotts. Both are animals who love it tough and hard and they give as much as they get. I can't remember the last time I saw a Carlton player give it to a bloke who he pinged HTB, Parks did today and I loved it. Thats what intent looks like to me. Owies did very well in his first game of the year (kicked straight). So if these blokes keep others out of the side and we win, Im happy with that. What I won't be happy about is if they get dropped for names like Murph, ZW etc and we lose.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Prognostications!: AFL 2021 Rd 7: Carlton vs Drug Cheat
Great win against a side in top form with 5-6 of our best 22 out

Walsh, Weitering, Saad, McKay, Owies (fantastic debut & what a saving tackle), Fogarty and even old Eddie Betts (I didn’t see that coming) were great

Our much maligned  recruits also didn’t look too bad! Dow started very well,  SPS showed why he should he played through the middle, Cunningham was electric and Stocker battled hard out of position.

Carried Cripps for most of the day, but it was nice too see him kick one on the run at the end.

On the negatives, Newnes, Casboult continue to struggle, McGovern’s journey has gone from bad to worse, but hopefully the cavalry is arriving with TDK, Silvagni, Martin & Williams expected to resume soon.

Nice to beat the bombers, go blues!

Word is Williams has a bad achilles and may miss more.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Prognostications!: AFL 2021 Rd 7: Carlton vs Drug Cheat
I will take that win. What I liked was the lesser lights had some impact and kept us in the game when we were struggling.

Still have a lot of outs and McGovern injury is the only low light imo. Can Walsh get any better. He is an out and out star who must be AA to this point.

Everyone knows I rate Cunningham highly and I hope supporters can now see why.  He is calm in traffic, smart user and a reliable around goal and has outside run we lacked. He will be one of our starting midfielders imo for the next 10 years and I just hope he had string a solid season without injuries.
Was very good today, no doubt he has talent. Its what he brings next week, the week after, the week after that, and so on  that counts. You dont get the nickname Cameo Cunners for no reason. Mind you, he has a few mates in that dept, no 5 for example who I will say was also very good today. Must have got the rocket he needed being dropped.