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Messages - denimundies

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Chopper Read passes away
Apparently Nine is to screen Chopper Read’s final interview tomorrow night, it includes an admission to 4 murders. Ch nine is being grilled for not reporting the admission to police, their response is that they were checking veracity of his information but that he passed away earlier than expected, before check was completed. They have since passed info onto police. Fortunately for chopper he's now beyond the reach of police and prison authorities.

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: The TV Thread
My nomination for the most potentially socially damaging show is "Home and Away".  Last week I rock up to my finance's house, sitting at the table was her parents and aunty having an in depth serious discussion about the plight of some poor unfortunate individual. 15 mins into the discussion, feeling sympathy for the subject of their discussion , I asked who he was. FMD I almost fell off my chair when they answered with a serious tone, that it was one of the characters in Home and Away.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Chopper Read passes away
Surprisingly there's a multitude of online posts made by prison guards who looked after him, all of which speak of him as hard but fair. 
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Chopper Read passes away
Whilst he displayed some sociopathic tendencies, I don't think he was a sociopath. Either by  logic  or human feeling, his focus on ruthlessness was apparently confined to those that were ruthless and preyed on the weaker inmates The reason officers assisted him was because he had an innate tendency to protect the weaker prisoners against the established hardcore psychopaths.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Chopper Read passes away
Doco on the Crime Channel now. 
He really loved guns. And getting crue cuts.

Gozza, could you post the actual name of the documentary so I can search it at later date. Also if you want to get an idea of the environment in which he was exposed to in H division, watch a film called every night every night ( there's a full length version on youtube). Based on a true story involving Christopher Flannery.   Documents the mind games and violent abuse by prison staff on inmates. One of the reasons why Chopper ruled H division in the infamous over coat wars in Pentridge, was because prison staff purposely assisted him as a  means of controlling and breaking the old firm established hardcore inmates. Freaky stuff.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Chopper Read passes away
Lived a hell of a life, but managed to turn himself around. I enjoyed reading his yarns. I must admit, I'm wondering (with a smile) whether he's followed through with his recent statement that he would be requesting an apology from god upon his arrival at the pearly gates.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Hun Report Card
Taking into account the true nature of our list, the fact that it fell away in depth out side the top 10 or 15, we undoubtedly deserve a pass mark. I'm proud the team for performing as they have this year. there was consistent improvement as the year went on culminating in finals win.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: ELIMINATION FINAL : Ninth Beats Ninthmond (Ha Ha Ha Ending)

OK, yes I think MM would be frustrated with Mitch at times, as we all can be and I would think they have probably discussed it between the two of them. I think MM's remarks at the presser would not have come as a great surprise to Mitch and he didn't say anything new about him - my point is that Mitch is a big enough boy to cope with that, which I'm sure he does.


I suspect he will be traded though


Is there someone better able to perform the role that Robbo does?  Is any other team interested enough in Robbo to countenance trading for him?  If so, do they have a player we want?

I suspect that the answer to all three questions is no.

Interestingly, the only other player I can think of who gave away a goal in similar circumstances was Adam Goodes.  I wonder if he thought that he would be traded


I cant answer your questions with any sort of conviction because I wasn't advocating that he should be traded.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: ELIMINATION FINAL : Ninth Beats Ninthmond (Ha Ha Ha Ending)
Have just started to realize how traumatic yesterdays loss is to Richmond supporters. I copied and pasted the link of that Hitler/Richmond beatup and sent to my BIL. Only to receive a message from my sister asking me to show some compassion, apparently he's been copping it all day, hasn't spoken a word since yesterday. Nephews have apparently also copped it at school today. Time to show some mercy I think,
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: ELIMINATION FINAL : Ninth Beats Ninthmond (Ha Ha Ha Ending)
I reckon Mitch is safe as houses simply because he is trying his backside off to do the right thing despite his brain fades. If he get's it right he will become a MM protégé and all will be well in the world.

Good point JK..there's no doubt he tries hard. On a positive note,  his comment implies he desperately wants to remain at the club.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: ELIMINATION FINAL : Ninth Beats Ninthmond (Ha Ha Ha Ending)

OK, yes I think MM would be frustrated with Mitch at times, as we all can be and I would think they have probably discussed it between the two of them. I think MM's remarks at the presser would not have come as a great surprise to Mitch and he didn't say anything new about him - my point is that Mitch is a big enough boy to cope with that, which I'm sure he does.


I suspect he will be traded though

I flip-flop wildly on this question as he can go from boiled lollies to chocolates and back again in the blink of an eye! I suspect if there's a deal to be done and a player is needed from us to complete it then you may be right. I've got very mixed feelings about it.

I think he's been good since he's come back into the team. I hope my guess is wrong
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: ELIMINATION FINAL : Ninth Beats Ninthmond (Ha Ha Ha Ending)

OK, yes I think MM would be frustrated with Mitch at times, as we all can be and I would think they have probably discussed it between the two of them. I think MM's remarks at the presser would not have come as a great surprise to Mitch and he didn't say anything new about him - my point is that Mitch is a big enough boy to cope with that, which I'm sure he does.


I suspect he will be traded though

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: ELIMINATION FINAL : Ninth Beats Ninthmond (Ha Ha Ha Ending)
If Mitch can't can't cop what MM said in his presser he should give up AFL football and take up macramé! And I'm sure he'd be the first to agree.
You're missing the point.
Mitch didnt say it after MM's presser, he thought/felt it before. It was his immediate reaction upon stuffing up

Tex, sorry I've not made myself clear. I was replying to Denimundies post about what MM had said about Mitch at his presser, not talking about Mitch's statement. Don't have a real problem with his stuff up or his statement about it really - honest mistake IMO. In fact I didn't know that rule and I spent 5 mins abusing umpire Simon Overland for giving that free kick before my mate and I realised it was indeed a fair call.

I think you were missing my point though Cookie, which was an extension of Tex's point before me ;)

Point was that the message from MM at his presser appears to validate that a sense of personal frustration exists toward MR. MR is clearly sensing the same hence his instinctive reaction, immediately after his on-field mistake, fearing he would be traded.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: ELIMINATION FINAL : Ninth Beats Ninthmond (Ha Ha Ha Ending)
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but one thing that I am unsure how to feel about is Mitch Robinsons reaction after rushing that point through: he said on TV afterward that "I was thinking 'Oh no Im gonna get traded now, my careers over.'" - clearly this has come from MM - who himself said that Robinson is a 'coach tester.'

Robinsons reaction is good in that clearly MM demands perfection, but bad if players are so concerned about their futures after one mistake.

Totally with you on this point. I cringed after watching MM's presser last night ( I've thus far been an advocate of MM's appointment). His comment (and accompanying facial expression) regarding MR took me by surprise. Felt it was aimed more at his personality than his football.