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Messages - Baggers

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!
...and then, perhaps, Russell Brand is right and that most if not all politicians are semi useless creatures who simply do the bidding for the wealthy elite who really control everything.
The Sports Desk / Re: Australian Cricket - Crisis, What Crisis ??
Our batting really is average, at best. Clarke is about the only legitimate test batsman. Everyone else seems brittle.

If Johnson has an average match we might be in strife... on a good batting wicket, as Adelaide just about always is.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!
I watched he last episodes of "Keating" on ABC iView last night.

Keating made the statement that he had to execute Hawk because Hawk could not let go. Turnbull needs to do the same to Abbott, but I fear Turnbull does not have the balls that Keating had!

Abbott is chaos surrounded by calamity, he has picked a set of 2ICs that are no threat to him, the bulk are less capable than himself and unleashed them on the country and the world! What he has done would not even get across the line in place like Appalachia!

Where do we get some of these so called 'leaders'. Pyne's comments and strategies on his education portfolio are beyond embarrassing. Where did we get this clown from? Did the brief read, 'Incompetent D1ckhead needed to take charge of education in Australia... apply A. Abbott... in crayon and 1 syllable words'.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!
We really don't want Anthony to leave or be dumped too soon... there are many comedians preparing for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival for early next year and they're relying on Abbott and now Pyne to provide valuable material. :)
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!
yep, he's on the nose atm
done nothing for consumer confidence, in fact it may have gone backwards.
MIght be only one term tony unless he starts being innovative - and quick

Not in the conservative mantra TTB Old Son. Preserve the status quo is the god of the conservative. Change scares the bejesus (sorry Anthony) out of them. These are not your 'visionary' types... they're more your 'fearful' types, worshippers of what worked in the past and some times that is relevant... but not now.

In fact, wanting Anthony to be innovative is like expecting a chocolate teapot to actually work or an ashtray on a motorbike to be functional.

Sadly, globally, Abbott reflects not so well on all of us... our nation. (Rudd and Julia stank at home but impressed OS due to a variety of superficial factors).
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!
...and such an irony it is that Abbott -- a proud fundamentalist Christian -- was helped in no small manner, into the PMship with the help of one of the front runners for the 'antichrist' label... Rupert and his devilish empire.  :)
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!
There must be betting books already out on how much longer this galah can last. He's beginning to make Rudd and Gillard look almost competent!

His minders are controlling him tighter than an over protective mother using excessive child restraints. Mind you, if I were them I would do exactly the same - especially keep him away from microphones. This bloke cannot think on his feet at all... think WITH his feet, maybe. All the best politicians are good to brilliant at thinking on their feet... probably helped by being extremely confident in respect to what they're doing, and they need to be as many of the political reporters in this nation (except News Limited puppets) are far from being mugs. When you alienate one of the most respected political journos in the nation, Laurie Oaks, you know you're on the nose.

Today's criticism of Abbott from National Senator Ian Macdonald is hardly surprising or a revelation. But it is further evidence of a paranoid little hypocrite of the first order; a pathetic little knob who will say anything to get what he wants or to placate the electorate (bit like Rudd, really!).
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Best 22 for 2014
Cookie ....Remember when he got drafted the comments were that the club know the LARS wont hold up and I get the feeling with Menzel the club are waiting for him to do his knee and then get it done the non LARS way and take it from there....
He is a very classy player as you said but will have some competition from Reynolds and Johnson for his spot down the track IMO which is good for the club...

I remember thinking every time I saw him play last season that he lacked agility, and had issues with the ball below his knees which is my only concern about him.

The rest he looks good.  Physical, Competitive, skillful, accurate and a good decision maker.  Now hopefully the body holds up and we are onto a winner.

The Menzel boy has a great, really great footy brain. Some of his gives to advantage this year were absolutely sublime... he reads the play like a bona fide champ. His attack on the aggott and man is also first rate. His foot disposal is excellent though his shots on goal are just above average.

If the club thinks his knee will not stand up then they should just put him in for standard surgery and write off 2014 for the kid. But maybe this lars surgery has been a real success and all he needs is experience to be the player he can be.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Best 22 for 2014
Ok with all the drafting now finished I will have a early crack at our best lineup for 2014.

FB: Tuohy, Jamison, Everitt
 HB: Walker, Watson, Simpson
 C: Thomas, Gibbs, Lucas
 HF: Yarran, Henderson, Garlett
 FF: Casboult, Waite, Menzel
 R: Kreuzer, Murphy, Judd
 IC: Carrazzo, Robinson, Curnow, Docherty

 FB: Duigan, White, McInnes
 HB: Temay, Giles, Bootsma
 C: Graham, Mclean, Scotland
 HF: Armfield, Rowe, Ellard
 FF: Buckley, Reynolds, Bell
 R: Warnock, Cachia, Cripps
 IC: Wood, Johnson, Holman, Sheehan/Byrne

Pretty good. Though I'd have Dinger for Lucas, Kreuzer for Casboult then Warnock for Kreuzer, McLean for Carrazzo and Armfield for Docherty.

Point is, we're starting to develop a best 30, rather than a best 16-18.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!
How anyone can say with a straight face that the  effectively saying "that is a matter for the Australian people" is the same as taking a stance on the republic issue is beyond me. It's hard to take anything after that seriously but lets try:

This argument that the any reasonable Australian adult would have voted for a change to the constitution, without knowing the changes upfront is lala land stuff. The best model and probably the only workable one was presented, one that I voted yes to, and was shot down fairly soundly.

We're still 10 years away.

Optimist! ;)