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Messages - Amers

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Rowe gets another year.
If Sam can play every week like he played last week... Bloody brilliant move to sign him up.

However, should he return to stinking up the ground as he has prior to last week, then whichever dikehead shoved the contract in front of him, should be himself shoved under the number 19 tram !

I'm sure Sams  a great guy, but he has done sweet farrk all on the park... Since day 1 he has demonstrated zero tank, then on the back of 1 good, sold performance, he gets a 12 month extension... Give me a break ! Why not hold off negotiations until the end of the year ?

I find it hard to believe that there was a stampede to his door from other clubs... So why sign him up early ?

Why not?

If it costs you the same to get it done now as it does in the post season, why not?

Makes me think mids are what we'll be after in the draft/trade period.

Trade for KPP's and draft for the mids is the way I would go. Scotty, Juddy and Carrots aint getting any younger
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Rowe gets another year.
Add another pre-season to improve his strength and fitness base and he could be a very handy contributor. Good luck to the fella, IMO he's giving himself every chance to succeed.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: I like the like (Karma) function !!
I have to say, I started this thread thinking that the Karma function was for individual posts, not to the poster in general.
Now that I know better what it really is, I'll admit that I'm not a fan as all it is likely to do is create a popularity contest and won't really mean much.
If it could be changed, that would be great, if not, I reckon it would be better off being removed.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 17 : North Melbourne v Carlton (Pre-game Jibber-Jabber)
This weeks game will tell me a little bit about where the players are with their mental toughness. Win and it's a step forward, lose and MM has an even tougher job ahead of him than I 1st thought!
We will win, nothing surer. Better list, better coach.
I like your confidence !! Unfortunately I don't share it .................. yet !!
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: RD 16 : Blues Smack Saints (Aftermatch Review)
Only got to watch the replay last night, a good win in the end.
How good was Juddy? I would hate to think where we would be without him, we need some more good clearance players, coz when Juddy goes ........

The other highlight for me were to 2 tall forwards, it was great to see Hendo go forward and do well, and Rowe came in and made a good contribution as well. Rowe deserves more opportunities I reckon, he's not a world beater but plays his role well.