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Messages - rocky

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Rd 12: Post Game Passion: Carlton vs GWS
Great win. So proud and optimistic  about our club.
Levi's miss in the last was a bad, but not unexpected one but the miss by the umpire of the obvious 50m penalty to Matty Wright after he takes the mark preceding was way way worse.  Disgraceful non-decision.
Don't get me started on the last deliberate at the death. Trying desperately to drag the GWS across the line the umpires were.
Football wise Doc, Kreuz, LJ, Simmo our best.
Go Bluess@
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2017 Rd 7: After Match Analysis: Carlton vs Collingwood
I've hated many clubs over the years with fluctuations in the level of that hate based on the circumstances of the time (I really disliked St Kilda more than anyone for a long while). However I've never forgotten my inherit long inbred abhorrence of the Collingwood Football Club. So it is with great pleasure I sit here after finishing a couple off bottles of plonk and say well done boys ..... well done.
If we only win 2 games a year let the first one be Collingwood and the second one ..... Collingwood.
Thanks to Eddie (Maguire not Betts) for having that beautiful purple melon head that just about splits every time we beat your rabble. That vision just about does it for me. Up yours. Your stinkin cessation plan failed. You're a brick.
Stinkin experts had us winning the spoon. Up yours. You have no idea,
Media, would be nice to tune into the shows this week and have something more about the CFC than just a conciliatory acknowledgement of "they were good". Probably be more about how Collingwood had to play too many games. Bite me!
Really good signs. Go Blues.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2017 Round 6: Post game Awesomeness
A lot of love on here for A Silvagni and deservedly so but gee there was a lot of criticism about his selection pre-season so it's kinda amusing.
Can't believe the boys got the win today and gee after watching the replay WTF is going on with Sydney? A shadow of a team that contested for a flag. Still you're only as good as you opposition and our blokes were relentless. I like the way they're trying to improve their ball movement. Trying not to waste a kick. Work in progress but very exciting to watch.
Hard to pick a bad player today.
Really liking Williamson.
CCurnow. Gee he looks like something.
Doc was awesome today.
Kreuz is a juggernaut
MurphyGibbs solid again
Backline great.
Lot's of injury concerns this week. I hope they don't play the young blokes under duress.
If we only win one more game this year please God let it be next week. Please!
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2017 Round 5: Post Game Prognostications: Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Read the first page and it's shake your head stuff. For years we as a Carlton collective have been crying out for change, we must embrace the draft, build from the bottom, NO MORE quick fixes. The club has done that and when things get a little hard we start to sook it up.

It's hard to be competitive when you have a team of babies going up against a team in their prime. The third quarter showed that, what we saw from Port is where we'll be in 3-4 years time. For now we have to do the hard yards watching a team that is just too young and inexperienced to be in a winning position.

I saw Kruddler put up a comparison of coaches and their wining percentages, sorry Krudd but that is not relevant. This is the FIRST TIME Carlton has truly embraced the draft, so you cannot compare any former Carlton coach with Bolton as they are on different paths.

I'm not really concerned about what Murphy, Gibbs and Simmo do, I'm only looking at our players 23 and under.

Jack Silvagni - A workman like game yet again, does the tough stuff, gets to the right places and plays a true team game. A few unrewarded chases and some dropped marks that need to be tidied up on, but a step forward.

Weitering - Needs to be given a block of games down back, he's just not getting the ball and for a man with his talent he can set up more plays from CHB. When he went back in the third we looked a bit surer around the ball.

Charlie Curnow - Best game so far, I doubt we can have both CC and Jack in the one forward line, just like going out drinking, keep to one or the other or you'll have a bad time. Great marks and used the ball the best he has so far.

Macreadie - Never afraid, decent kick and in constant motion. Is being played on smaller guys so he doesn't get smashed by the bigger frames but we have picked up a steam here. Thanks GWS for not matching our bid. I wouldn't mind using him down forward for a game or two while bringing Weitering down back to see what he could do up front.

Samo - Needs to learn to move the ball quicker. Has shown great evasion skills but players are aware he will try to step them now, so a quick give will allow him to use his evasion on occasion with more effect.

Fisher - Love this kid. He is a terrier who gets knocked down and gets up straight away and goes again. Always looks for the right option and has the skills to back it up.

Williamson - 2nd gamer my ass! Looks in control, has a beautiful kicking style and works hard and smart. With the other talls down there hasn't had to do much in the air so I don't know how good he is there, but is a ready made replacement for Simmo at years end.

Poulson - Like his attitude, loved his run down tackle and one other thing stood out to me. He was on a wing near the boundary, got the ball and gave it off to Murph, then it was instinctual, he looked at Murphs trailing player and laid a shepherd. For so long our players have not protected the ball carrier like other teams do, in Cams first game he did it. Good debut, now back it up and get better.

Plowman - Starting to become Mr Reliable down back, reading the play so much better than last season and his disposal is coming up to where his junior bio read. Reminds me a bit of Peter Dean in the way he'll sacrifice his body to spoil.

Marchbank - Great instincts and love his attitude, but I think his mind is ahead of his skills. Time to use the K.I.S.S. method when getting rid of the ball. Is going to be a stud down back in the coming years.

Pickett - Loved his take off on the wing, then he ran too far but he wanted to run which opened the play up and I think gave us a one on one to advantage in forward 50 which didn't happen very often. It bugs me sometimes to see him jog behind play, be he hasn't had a full pre season yet, being injured when he came to the club and a bit chubby.

Right there is half the team who are all babies in bodies, experience and age. They are are future foundation to build around and they will get smashed, but each time they do it's an investment in the future of the club. We will go again to the draft this season having early picks, maybe Kruezer goes via FA and Gibbs via trade getting us a few extra picks inside 30.

It doesn't matter this year where we finish, what matters is getting games of experience into these players and hopefully they learn and get better quickly.


Thanks Ray for a great post. I'm with you. We've seen lots of these thrashings over the years but I still feel for the first time in well over 15 seasons that we're on the right track and we've got some real hope of a future. Having said that I can't see us doing much better against Sydney next week.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2017 Round 3 :Post Game Thread - Carlton vs Essendon
If you've got the game recorded just got to 2:43 minutes to go in the last quarter and enjoy the hit Plowman puts on Heppell. Just came in and gave him one ALMIGHTY whack to the breadbasket. So funny he was shaking his hand afterward. I'm not sure it was because he hit him that hard but it was bloody beautiful.

Other observations

For those of you who are into Daisy I suggest you have a closer look at his game. Did a lot of hard off the ball work, some tough in and unders and timely pressure acts. Will not be dropped on that effort.

Can't believe the last free kick to Kerridge when you take into account the number of boots flying about before that. A very good run from the umpires in the last. No doubt.

The joy the players showed after that final siren was something else. The faces, the excitement, the sheer happiness, well it was like when cheatsfc won the flag 2 weeks ago.  :D
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2017 Round 3 :Post Game Thread - Carlton vs Essendon
Just a great effort. Hard to find a really bad player although there were a couple of blokes who were below par. The kids were fantastic today. I reckon Plowman was our best defender again this week. A welcome return to form by Docherty, thank God. Rowe has now played 3 good games in a row. Today being his best. Can he have turned the corner? I'm still sceptical but he
Great first up for Williamson. Our no 1's were no.1 today.If Kreuzer can stay fit well, who knows.
Just  a great all around effort. Perfect wet weather play, especially after half time.
Go Blues!
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2017 Rd 2: Post Game Postulations: Carlton vs Melbourne
F@@RK ME. Lewis is a repeat offender, snipes a guy and breaks his jaw and only gets 3 weeks!! Do they still think he's playing at Hawthorn?? This competition is a joke. Rules for some and rules for others and we've been shafted again.
Gee how tough is Cripps for playing on and not shirking at any point for the rest of the game from what I saw.
He's a champ. 
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2017 Rd 2: Post Game Postulations: Carlton vs Melbourne
So I went today and have just finished watching the replay so I have the following thoughts.
Really wrapped in the young blokes especially down back. Marchbank looks the real deal, Macredie has improved in one week and Plowman was probably our best defensively. I'm a Rowe basher so it hurts me to say his first 2 games have been pretty good. I still have little confidence in him maintaining that level. Docherty had a 50/50 day and Simmo was thankfully better than last week. Simon White needs to go. I'd play Weitering back settle the back 6 and move onto the next line.
Midfield were a pass mainly because of Cripps who was a workhorse today, but Gibbs and Murphy have to stop creating turnovers at crucial times in a game. It crushes any momentum. Kruezer did well.
Forwards were average to poor bar Matty Wright. Dennis needs to go. Great servant to the club but his time is up. Young SOS needs to learn to kick straight under pressure. Last qtr 40 out directly in front to put us 9 point up and shift momentum and he misses. Crucial.
Still lots of others had worse efforts throughout. Levi was shocking. He needs a rest.
Outs for me next week, White (should but probably won't), Armfield (can't see this not happening) and Levi. Maybe one more week for Thomas. Another week for the young indigenous boys too.
Look, they had a crack but their skills cost them again. Be a lot of that this year. Melbourne would not be final 8 based on their effort.
Finally, and I can't believe no ones mentioned this by now but did those umpires give it to us today or what? Never seen so many tackles laid by our blokes go unrewarded. Pathetic.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2017 Rd 1 Post Game Analysis: Carlton vs Richmond
Our number 1's were good tonight. Especially pleased with Kreuzer's game. Just a workhorse. Anyway, positives were a couple of the kids. Macredie not a bad first  up. At least they show a bit of toe, have a bit of courage.
Negatives were our horrific turnovers. Try a few more kids and get rid of guys like Armfield and Thomas.