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Messages - Gab

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2014 Leadership Group
Nath, part of a true leader's makeup is to be inspirational. If you are not inspirational you are not a true leader.

I think you are confusing leaders with managers.

I'm not confusing leaders with managers, my whole point was to explain that our players aren't responsible for managing a single thing so why do you even need a leadership group?

See my example of Chris Judd. He is inspirational in everything he does but is no longer a part of our leadership group. Why do you think that is? I'd suggest its because Chris Judd knows that he can be inspirational without having to have any sort of title and that the title itself is only there to pump up the tyres of the player with said title.

In a purely football sense, if a player can only be inspirational if they're given a title, then they're not really inspirational and don't deserve the title anyway.

So what is the point of it at all?

Judd stated that his reason for not wanting to continue to be captain was that he didn't want to be dealing with what players did off field.

He was happy to perform the on field duties and used the example of what happened with Robinson off season as something he didn't think he needed to be dealing with as captain.

This has been the big change in leadership at football clubs in recent years, past captains weren't responsible for disciplining team mates for their off field behaviours, that was the domain of coaches and other officials.
Robert Heatley Stand / Kade Simpson 200 games
Kade Simpson plays his 200th game this week in the semi-final against Sydney.

Let's hope the boys can play to their best this week and make the occasion a memorable one for him.

He certainly deserves it, great courage, great leader and always puts in. Inspirational.

Well played Kade. :)
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Rate the channel seven coverage of the game

The whole coverage was pro-Nthmond, because they are mostly anti-Carlton, but are you really surprised???

I wasn't at all surprised but i loved it!

I'll take the hatred any day over being laughed at and mocked as we have been for years, the more successful we are the more people will hate us and any respect they give us will be begrudging respect.........ah, just like the good old days lol