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Messages - DOA

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: ELIMINATION FINAL : Ninth Beats Ninthmond (Ha Ha Ha Ending)
The day after the negatives come.

McInnes - WTF Simon White the second! Brain fade central, simply can't play against the Swans. The signs were there vs the scum.

Kreuzer - Ruckwork was OK but other than that a witches hat. Watching him try to chase at the ground you could see he was clearly hampered by a leg injury. His man ran off him quite often when he played in the forward line.

Yarran - Timid, bereft of confidence, very disappointing.

Andrew Walker - OK last quarter but gave away some soft frees and 50m Just don't like him at all on the last line of defence. I was calling for him to be traded in the first half! I say move him forward for sure.
Plays half back,not "last line of defence",or were you to pissed to watch the game,think before you post.
Now, it is an accepted strategy by the opposition to drag him deep(for your own edification AW is third in the AFL for rebound/inside 50's), is AW expected to leave an opponent alone on the last line to appease you,pfft?
And further,you can call all you like for players to be traded,or played forward,but mercifully you and your ilk have no say in the matter.