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Topic: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide (Read 39564 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #135
I think we all accept that the 4-6 weeks before last Friday showed a big improvement on the early part of the year....but have we improved as a team in 2014?
Not sure we can say that.

That's not to say it's all doom and gloom but we need to see more of the previous 4-6 weeks going forward..... and a lot less of Friday night.

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #136
Of course he would have made A difference, any change does... on logic alone.

You're taking my comment out of it's context now Baggers. The discussion was whether he would have made a difference in terms of stopping the opposition's dominance. I say he wouldn't have.

No out of context, you clearly stated that you didn't think he would make 'the' difference, as I highlighted for you. It's your absolutism that is being doubted or questioned here. There would not have been any one player who would have made 'the' difference in terms of turning around the result. I repeat, I believe Daisy would have made 'a' difference. Any experienced player would have done so in respect to one of the kids he would have replaced. Even Jammo admitted on radio that there was a (not the) team focus on directing the kids... with Daisy out there (or Murph for the whole game, or Hendo, or Walks etc) we would have had one more 'director/leader' and one fewer 'directees/kids' which must impact on the team dynamic to some degree. I do not know how you can be so absolute in your negative assessment of Daisy. Now whether his impact would have been 2% or 8% or greater none of us can ever know. So we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #137
Fair enough baggers, my absoluteness comes from his performances this year. I did say IMO and I also mentioned that it was drawing a very long bow but still a possibility. FTR, it was you that used the words absolutely and irrefutably. ;)


Basically with a fit and firing list next year I see any repeat of the previous 4 weeks efforts on a consistent basis sees us challenging for a top four spot. Call me optimistic but that's how I see it.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #138
Fair enough baggers, my absoluteness comes from his performances this year. I did say IMO and I also mentioned that it was drawing a very long bow but still a possibility. FTR, it was you that used the words absolutely and irrefutably. ;)


Basically with a fit and firing list next year I see any repeat of the previous 4 weeks efforts on a consistent basis sees us challenging for a top four spot. Call me optimistic but that's how I see it.

One win and four losses over the last 4 weeks.
That won't get us top 4 :P  :D

I understand what you're saying, and I agree.
If we can maintain it there's no reason we can't match it with the top sides.
The problem for me is that there remains such a huge gap between our best and worst.
Given the quality of the opposition we've played well against recently I don't see that as a skill issue... but rather an application issue.
I'm not convinced we've come to grips with that.... and it may well be that the good form of the previous four weeks has masked these problems.
It was always a danger.
I still have no idea where we are,
We're certainly not going to find out this season.
Looking forward to 2015 ;)

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #139

I still have no idea where we are,
We're certainly not going to find out this season.
Looking forward to 2015 ;)

Yep, the uncertainty has been messing with my head most of the season. Nigh on impossible for me to get a read on where we're at.

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #140
@Thry if after 2 years the players don't know what Mick wants we are in deep poo.

Our structures fall apart pretty badly even when Daisy is there so I don't know what that says about his leadership

It's not that they don't know, it's a mixed bag.  Between Shehan, Holman, Johnson we have first year players who all were starting 22.  Then we have a player like Lucas who is deer in the headlights at the best of times.  Combine that with Tom Bell who shows glimpses of good mixed with poor decision making like trying to run through every tackle, and add the manic attack on the footy that Port brought and you have players stop thinking about what they need to do to play their role, and revert to see ball get ball football rather than playing to their structures.

It wouldn't have helped any that we had blokes get a game by default rather than win a game.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #141
I still have no idea where we are,
We're certainly not going to find out this season.
Looking forward to 2015 ;)

Don't know or won't accept? ;)

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #142
Anyone else put a lot of stock in the performance in the last game of the year? Put up a strong showing and play with desire and passionate that's a big plus for Mick IMO

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #143
I still have no idea where we are,
We're certainly not going to find out this season.
Looking forward to 2015 ;)

Don't know or won't accept? ;)

Seriously don't know :P :D

I'm very much a logical realist.
I never accepted we were as "bad" as some suggested at the start of the year given the interrupted pre-season and injuries.
By the same token I didn't agree that we were as "good" as some thought based on a purple patch during the weeks leading up to the Port game.
The truth lies somewhere in between........ but just where I have no idea
We have some good elements, and some class players....too few of course.
We have some good foot soldiers who just lack that bit of polish
Our leaders are a level below those at the power clubs.
We have a mental problem that rivals Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde....worse in fact.

I don't know where we are.......but my concern is Mick has no idea either.
I'm pretty sure he didn't see  that Port Adelaide bus that hit him on Friday night.

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #144

I think you've hit on a good point there Lods. OK we've got injuries and a few newbies were playing on Fri, but that notwithstanding I think Mick is finding it to be quite a challenge and hasn't yet fully worked out where our players are at mentally. I think he was genuinely bemused by the player performances and was definitely struggling to explain. The best he could come up with was they were "tired" and we've got a lot of injuries.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #145
I think they were tired due to the previous week and we did have a lot of injuries though. Obviously that's not good enough though, no 100+ belting is good enough.
Ignorance is bliss.



Re: Post Game Pain: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Reply #146
One the bright side our ruckmen got 31 possessions between them. Be along time since that's happened.