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Topic: Is Psychological help the answer ? (Read 40303 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #105
I think your mistaken on a couple of points Kruds.
I wrote this after a win back in August 2012.
The injuries were being mentioned back then I'm sure I wasn't alone in that thinking (but I'll leave it for others to find their posts and support that view.)

I don't believe folk are attacking the excuse of a poor pre-season....what they're actually attacking are those that said it wasn't an excuse in 2012 but is in 2014.

The thing is we don't know if any of these blokes would be a better CARLTON coach.

It's a case where it's not that easy, it actually is "Rocket Science" (maybe we should get Eade )

It's too simplistic to say because a coach has been successful at one club with a select group of players he can take our group, at our club, and go that extra step that Ratten apparently can't.

If Malthouse or Roos had been in the box today would we have played better, differently, or won by more.

The way I look at is we have a bloke who is doing a pretty fair job.
He's improved the group each year (including one where we lost perhaps our most potent forward)

This year is an abberation severly affected by injuries which affect the performances of other players, their confidence and their roles in the side.
In that case he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

If everyone went for the best avaliable.....only one coach would get a job.
But the reality is that the best coach for Geelong might not be the best coach for Adelaide. The best coach for Collingwood might not be the best coach for Carlton.
We have a relatively young enthusiastic coach who gives me the impression he's learnt a lot...... particularly this season.
He could have walked away but he chose to stick it out and today was rewarded with one of the best wins of his coaching career.
Yep..... now's the time to dump him

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #106
Nostradamus!! You had it covered even back then lods.

Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #107
I think your mistaken on a couple of points Kruds.
I wrote this after a win back in August 2012.
The injuries were being mentioned back then I'm sure I wasn't alone in that thinking (but I'll leave it for others to find their posts and support that view.)

I don't believe folk are attacking the excuse of a poor pre-season....what they're actually attacking are those that said it wasn't an excuse in 2012 but is in 2014.

The thing is we don't know if any of these blokes would be a better CARLTON coach.

It's a case where it's not that easy, it actually is "Rocket Science" (maybe we should get Eade )

It's too simplistic to say because a coach has been successful at one club with a select group of players he can take our group, at our club, and go that extra step that Ratten apparently can't.

If Malthouse or Roos had been in the box today would we have played better, differently, or won by more.

The way I look at is we have a bloke who is doing a pretty fair job.
He's improved the group each year (including one where we lost perhaps our most potent forward)

This year is an abberation severly affected by injuries which affect the performances of other players, their confidence and their roles in the side.
In that case he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

If everyone went for the best avaliable.....only one coach would get a job.
But the reality is that the best coach for Geelong might not be the best coach for Adelaide. The best coach for Collingwood might not be the best coach for Carlton.
We have a relatively young enthusiastic coach who gives me the impression he's learnt a lot...... particularly this season.
He could have walked away but he chose to stick it out and today was rewarded with one of the best wins of his coaching career.
Yep..... now's the time to dump him

I don't disagree with your comments there, and i believe i was on a similar path with you during that time.

What i think you are mistaken for is that we were severely in the minority in realising injuries were an issue.

Now, i think the minority is people thinking injuries are an issue this year as well.

What makes matters worse is that people who didn't believe injuries were an issue (at the time) under Ratten have now changed their tune and feel he was hard done by. At the same time, they don't see it as a valid excuse to what we are going through now.

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #108
OMG. Do you not read anything he posts? It's opposite way around that's the problem. Those who dismissed the injuries as an excuse for Ratten now use them as an excuse for Malthouse! And the injuries are nowhere near as bad as what Ratts had and almost non-existent this year. FFS it's not rocket science. The type of person you speak of above doesn't exist.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #109
Injuries may be a reason for being unable to win games - they are not an excuse for not trying your absolute best in every game. Our problems then, as now, I think go beyond injuries.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #110
OMG. Do you not read anything he posts? It's opposite way around that's the problem. Those who dismissed the injuries as an excuse for Ratten now use them as an excuse for Malthouse! And the injuries are nowhere near as bad as what Ratts had and almost non-existent this year. FFS it's not rocket science. The type of person you speak of above doesn't exist.

In your view it's the opposite way around.

I disagree.

TBH, its people like you, who call for Rattens sacking, then change your mind afterwards and blame Malthouse for everything since that is the issue IMO.

I didn't hear you sticking up for Ratten too much during the year he was sacked. You started the sacking thread, you changed your mind like a yoyo along the way depending on if we were winning or not, but you got what you were after in the end.

I agree there is more than one issue at the club and have never suggested otherwise. I have just tried to point out that we are not in as big of a hole as people make out. After a win like tonight, it might be a bit easier to see why.

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #111
Injuries may be a reason for being unable to win games - they are not an excuse for not trying your absolute best in every game. Our problems then, as now, I think go beyond injuries.

Nicely identified, there, Hairy Biscuit.

It is an on-going process for us all to negotiate and understand, with cold objectivity, the errors of the recent past which lead to failure, along with what's caused failure last year and this year.

It really is time to move on from the Ratten years as it was time to move on from the Pagan years...

Some were cynical, even critical of the club's 'United' publicity. But sometimes something as simple as a single word can galvanize people (and even organisations) into getting a collective positive spirit. And that kind of focus seems to be exactly what the players needed, ie something with a really positive focus amongst the avalanche of negativity. So well done club and whoever thought of this and whoever seconded it.

But... there was also another extremely important ingredient, maybe even more important ingredient, in my very humble observation, and that was that our boys were 'allowed' to be more attacking/positive. I think TURNIPS alluded to this in an earlier missive.

It is important for MM to learn something from this. To learn to adapt and adjust to his list. This is not a time for pig-headedness or stubbornness. Might not be the best list, but it aint a 17th list. You'll get a lot more out of this list with a healthy balance between positive and negative rather than too much negative. And then gradually recruit to suit your needs, but in the interim…
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #112
It is important for MM to learn something from this. To learn to adapt and adjust to his list. This is not a time for pig-headedness or stubbornness. Might not be the best list, but it aint a 17th list. You'll get a lot more out of this list with a healthy balance between positive and negative rather than too much negative. And then gradually recruit to suit your needs, but in the interim

Well said Baggers!!

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #113
OMG. Do you not read anything he posts? It's opposite way around that's the problem. Those who dismissed the injuries as an excuse for Ratten now use them as an excuse for Malthouse! And the injuries are nowhere near as bad as what Ratts had and almost non-existent this year. FFS it's not rocket science. The type of person you speak of above doesn't exist.

In your view it's the opposite way around.

I disagree.

TBH, its people like you, who call for Rattens sacking, then change your mind afterwards and blame Malthouse for everything since that is the issue IMO.

I didn't hear you sticking up for Ratten too much during the year he was sacked. You started the sacking thread, you changed your mind like a yoyo along the way depending on if we were winning or not, but you got what you were after in the end.

Absolutely I stuck up for him in his final year, when all were calling for his head. I started the sack Ratten thread the year before later that terrible effort against the Scum. Everyone called for his head from the Geelong game onward but I stuck up for him right to the end. I commented many a time that we couldn't judge him in a year that we were so decimated by injuries and I still to this day make the same point. It's just an another example of you producing BS to support your argument, par for the course you get backed into a corner and either produce skewed statistics or try to discredit by making stuff up, like saying the above. Seriously, those who know my stance would look at that comment and piss themselves laughing. You are a dolt in every sense of the word. Just for the record, this is what I said around round 21 with regards to Ratts in 2012.

My belief is that you cannot judge him on this year, we've been crippled by injury. Even you yourself commented on what a difference Waite makes for us up front. We gave him (Ratts) two years for a good reason and to ditch him after one given all the circumstances doesn't make sense.

I believe Brett Ratten is the best fit for our club without a doubt. If he's got the cattle out on the park he can make the team hum. You anti-Rattanites that want MM or Roos need to realise, if it aint broke, don't fix it.

Or if you want something from a bit earlier in the year:

We lost 3 players in the first 40 mins against North. We'd lost Simpson from the week before as well. That's four changes for the game. Our fullback was playing injured and got hammered. Do you not understand how difficult it is to maintain any momentum with so many good players dropping out of the team? It's virtually impossible not even the greatest of great coaches could pull it off. I think Ratts has done very well in the second half of the season with what he's had to work with.

Or this comment was almost prophetic:

The stubborn thing to do would be to say 'We are Carlton' and sack Ratten. That went out with the Elliot era never to return. The smart, business savvy thing to do would be to give Ratts his last year of his contract and see how he goes with a full list.

Doesn't sound like I want him gone to me. Sounds like I'm all for him TBH. Not like you to misrepresent th facts again is? Becoming a bit of a habit with you. If course you'll probably pull out some comment from round 4 2011 and say that proves your point about me wanting him gone even though it was 18 months prior because that's what you do.

TBH it's people like you that disagree with and seek to discredit anything said about MM that gives me the shts, Hopkins is clueless as well huh, and you only agree with Fev about the bit where he says it's not MM's fault, Laidler left because he was a sook etc. you are so predictable it's beyond boring. And of course if he does fail you'll feed us some tripe about how you were never for or against and produce some more BS stats in an attempt to discredit anyone who challenges you. You are laughable.
Ignorance is bliss.



Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #114
As usual, someone disagrees with your arguments, so you go the poster.

No point continuing to argue with you because the majority of your points i covered in the post previously, you just overlooked them. You do continue to use your best mate 'EVERYONE' to back up your arguments, still yet to find someone going by that name.

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #115
As usual, someone disagrees with your arguments, so you go the poster.

You mean like your constant futile attempts to discredit me everyone time I outpoint you? I guess this is just another example.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #116
As usual, someone disagrees with your arguments, so you go the poster.

You mean like your constant futile attempts to discredit me everyone time I outpoint you? I guess this is just another example.

You cannot distinguish between someone attacking YOU, and someone attacking YOUR ARGUMENT. They are different.

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #117
Injuries may be a reason for being unable to win games - they are not an excuse for not trying your absolute best in every game. Our problems then, as now, I think go beyond injuries.

Nicely identified, there, Hairy Biscuit.

It is an on-going process for us all to negotiate and understand, with cold objectivity, the errors of the recent past which lead to failure, along with what's caused failure last year and this year.

It really is time to move on from the Ratten years as it was time to move on from the Pagan years.

Some were cynical, even critical of the club's 'United' publicity. But sometimes something as simple as a single word can galvanize people (and even organisations) into getting a collective positive spirit. And that kind of focus seems to be exactly what the players needed, ie something with a really positive focus amongst the avalanche of negativity. So well done club and whoever thought of this and whoever seconded it.

But... there was also another extremely important ingredient, maybe even more important ingredient, in my very humble observation, and that was that our boys were 'allowed' to be more attacking/positive. I think TURNIPS alluded to this in an earlier missive.

It is important for MM to learn something from this. To learn to adapt and adjust to his list. This is not a time for pig-headedness or stubbornness. Might not be the best list, but it aint a 17th list. You'll get a lot more out of this list with a healthy balance between positive and negative rather than too much negative. And then gradually recruit to suit your needs, but in the interim…

Yep the #UNITED approach did seem to have the desired effect.

...and I reckon your last paragraph is pretty spot on.
It's obvious from yesterday that we do have some good players and some less than good players who make up to it for some extent for it with a good attitude....but there are deficiencies that need to be fixed up.
Not wholesale list rebuilds but general culling and additions each year.

About the only thing I'd take issue with is the highlighted part because I think it's contradictory.
The first part is absolutely correct....which is why calls to 'move on' are not.
Like it or not it's part of our recent history and will remain relevant for a little while yet.
We have to remember mistakes, and decisions ( recruiting, developing, processes for appointments) that were made during the Pagan and Ratten years so they're not repeated.

As we've said all along..... if Malthouse can send out a team to play the way they did yesterday on a consistent basis most criticism will dry up (and yesterday was as much about attitude as style of play).
There won't be a need to look back as often because we'll have the model for success.

The important thing now though is consistency.
We'll have down days, but we can't drop back to the level of the last couple of weeks or the good work is undone..

Re: Is Psychological help the answer ?

Reply #118
Knockers played a classic game of palming the ball and even punching the ball into space. Was great to watch. When you get the clearance everything falls into place.

First use of the ball so, so critical (or, at least, not allowing the other team first use).

Warnock SHOULD be able to provide that option against most opponents...... he smashed ZMinson yesterday and was even rather effective as a link man around the ground to boot!

wtf, but that match will be huge for his confidence......
Finals, then 4 in a row!