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Republican of the Year

I'm a keen follower of politics but a fairly impartial voter....I'm more concerned with the process and the twists and turns rather than favouring a political side.
I find it fascinating...never miss a Question time.
I'm also very cynical about the motives of pollies and judge them more on how they manipulate and manage situations rather than their policies.... because at the end of the day they're all about gaining and maintaining power.
The best ones do that well.

Think what you will about him...Tony Abbott has in the past proven to be a pretty astute politician...Let's face it....You don't get to be PM if you don't have some skills in that area.

That's why I find the decision to 'grant' a knighthood to Prince Phillip incredulous.
What was the bloke thinking?
It is a dumb move politically.
It's a dumb move for monarchists
It's a dumb move for the Liberal party.

He wont be PM by the middle of the year...if he lasts that long.

....and it's a move that's given a huge boost to the Republican movement.

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #1
No fan of Abbott or the Royal family and I think the former's days are numbered and this strange Knighthood for lucky Phil is another nail in his coffin.

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #2
I'm a keen follower of politics but a fairly impartial voter....I'm more concerned with the process and the twists and turns rather than favouring a political side.
I find it fascinating...never miss a Question time.
I'm also very cynical about the motives of pollies and judge them more on how they manipulate and manage situations rather than their policies.... because at the end of the day they're all about gaining and maintaining power.
The best ones do that well.

Think what you will about him...Tony Abbott has in the past proven to be a pretty astute politician...Let's face it....You don't get to be PM if you don't have some skills in that area.

That's why I find the decision to 'grant' a knighthood to Prince Phillip incredulous.
What was the bloke thinking?
It is a dumb move politically.
It's a dumb move for monarchists
It's a dumb move for the Liberal party.

He wont be PM by the middle of the year...if he lasts that long.

....and it's a move that's given a huge boost to the Republican movement.

Amazing really. Abbott keeps stumbling. So much easier being a one trick Opposition Leader...just say No and promise the World. Labor are playing it smart really. Keeping it relatively clean, sitting back and letting them eat their own. With Mr.Charisma Bill Shorten, they've been lucky in that regard. Mind you, my Liberal fanboy mate actually met Shorten in his electorate and was very impressed by him..that says a lot if you knew my capitalist mate.

Anyway. Interesting call you think the middle of the year Lods. Big call. I wonder if the QLD vote will be another serious blow. From memory though the QLD crowd will vote in the LNP intent on destroying the Reef and pocking gaseous holes all over Australia's prime farm land...what they haven't sold off to foreign investors to feed their on populations on back in Asia. Bloody tragic. Quite telling that the current Prime Minister is not welcome in QLD at the moment. How telling is that!

As for the LNP. Ms. Bishop would be a hell of a leader I'd say. Smart, incredibly hard working and with a death stare a Sith would be proud off. She surely would be more moderate that the Monk.

Snake Oil Pine and Cigar Hockey have no chance and Morrisson...Jesus No. The only other one..the one that Abbott had Minchin help screw over, is Malcolm Turnbull. I genuinely felt sorry for the poor basta%rd when he lost the leadership by 1 point. God he must have been shell shocked loosing to Abbott - knowing what he was like before the rest of the populace truly saw what he knew.

Hope either Julie or Malcolm take the helm and repair the damage these muppets have done.
Keep the Faith

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #3
I think from this point Abbott is a "dead man walking".
It's now a question of who and when.
Turnbull strikes me as a 'lazy' politician....not necessarily in terms of his work ethic in his portfolio but in the political sense... i.e. in terms of working hard enough to gain the leadership and then keeping it.

Bishop is the flavour of the month and has performed well...but under the scrutiny of a being a potential PM it will be interesting to see if she stays strong or a few cracks start to appear.

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #4
Yes I think Tone's truly flipped with this one! WTF was he thinking - if indeed he was thinking at all? Mystifying.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #5
I think from this point Abbott is a "dead man walking".
It's now a question of who and when.
Turnbull strikes me as a 'lazy' politician....not necessarily in terms of his work ethic in his portfolio but in the political sense... i.e. in terms of working hard enough to gain the leadership and then keeping it.

Bishop is the flavour of the month and has performed well...but under the scrutiny of a being a potential PM it will be interesting to see if she stays strong or a few cracks start to appear.

Being a woman brings extra attention as Gillard found out but like Angela Merkel I think Bishop probably has the personality to get the job done and mix it
with the world heavyweights....

re: Turnbull...the Jarrod Waite of the Liberal party...highly rated with plenty of talent but goes missing too often....

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #6
the decision by Abbott to firstly reinstate knighthoods and secondly hand one to the  Prince Phillip is beyond comprehension - remember Abbott was the go to man to terminate and destroy the push for the republic years ago. i have grave fears for our country. Of the 28 or so Prime Ministers Australia has had I could only count about 5 to 6  that were any good...the last 3 were absolutely disgraceful...

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #7
I'm a keen follower of politics but a fairly impartial voter....I'm more concerned with the process and the twists and turns rather than favouring a political side.
I find it fascinating...never miss a Question time.
I'm also very cynical about the motives of pollies and judge them more on how they manipulate and manage situations rather than their policies.... because at the end of the day they're all about gaining and maintaining power.
The best ones do that well.

Think what you will about him...Tony Abbott has in the past proven to be a pretty astute politician...Let's face it....You don't get to be PM if you don't have some skills in that area.

That's why I find the decision to 'grant' a knighthood to Prince Phillip incredulous.
What was the bloke thinking?
It is a dumb move politically.
It's a dumb move for monarchists
It's a dumb move for the Liberal party.

He wont be PM by the middle of the year...if he lasts that long.

....and it's a move that's given a huge boost to the Republican movement.

Amazing really. Abbott keeps stumbling. So much easier being a one trick Opposition Leader...just say No and promise the World. Labor are playing it smart really. Keeping it relatively clean, sitting back and letting them eat their own. With Mr.Charisma Bill Shorten, they've been lucky in that regard. Mind you, my Liberal fanboy mate actually met Shorten in his electorate and was very impressed by him..that says a lot if you knew my capitalist mate.

Anyway. Interesting call you think the middle of the year Lods. Big call. I wonder if the QLD vote will be another serious blow. From memory though the QLD crowd will vote in the LNP intent on destroying the Reef and pocking gaseous holes all over Australia's prime farm land...what they haven't sold off to foreign investors to feed their on populations on back in Asia. Bloody tragic. Quite telling that the current Prime Minister is not welcome in QLD at the moment. How telling is that!

As for the LNP. Ms. Bishop would be a hell of a leader I'd say. Smart, incredibly hard working and with a death stare a Sith would be proud off. She surely would be more moderate that the Monk.

Snake Oil Pine and Cigar Hockey have no chance and Morrisson...Jesus No. The only other one..the one that Abbott had Minchin help screw over, is Malcolm Turnbull. I genuinely felt sorry for the poor basta%rd when he lost the leadership by 1 point. God he must have been shell shocked loosing to Abbott - knowing what he was like before the rest of the populace truly saw what he knew.

Hope either Julie or Malcolm take the helm and repair the damage these muppets have done.

Really like what you wrote here, Woodstock - greatest rock concert ever. I sometimes wonder if Abbott is 'on the spectrum'. Shoving his head up Phil's dot is one crazy move. And the fact he did not consult his colleagues says how self-righteous he can be.

Reckon you're so on the money when you talk of Turnbull or Bishop heading up a new LNP. Bishop does have a history of terrible errors under pressure but seems to have grown beyond this and may in fact make a terrific deputy leader/treasurer. The Labor party would be dreading the LNP changing leadership and probably kick in a few bucks to pay Abbott's wages each month. An election campaign against Abbott would have so much ammunition to completely obliterate the poor d1ckhead.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #8
I think from this point Abbott is a "dead man walking".
It's now a question of who and when.
Turnbull strikes me as a 'lazy' politician....not necessarily in terms of his work ethic in his portfolio but in the political sense... i.e. in terms of working hard enough to gain the leadership and then keeping it.

Bishop is the flavour of the month and has performed well...but under the scrutiny of a being a potential PM it will be interesting to see if she stays strong or a few cracks start to appear.

Turnbull did only loose the leadership vote by 1 or 2 votes... he was brought down because they were negotiating with the Rudd government over the carbon tax. God forbid, given it was a policy both parties had taken to an election at the time. You could argue that Australian politics has been broken since then... mindless partisanship, ALP implosion, minority governments, current Senate balance of power in the hands of micro-parties.

Bishop... please. Some of you jokers could be Foreign Minister and appear competent. It's the easiest job in government... everyone else does the hard yards and you get to hang out at the UN. Keep in mind she failed as Shadow Treasurer.

But i doubt the Libs have it in them to pick up the sword and dispatch Tony. I can't see that happening - it's not their way, and it would garuntee defeat at the next election.

More chance of Tony calling an early election. I mean, he only has to beat Bill Shorten.


Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #9

He is a dead man walking.

He will either get knifed, or he will be voted out.

At this point, Labor dont even have to win the election, Abbot will lose it.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #10
Certainly no fan of Abbott... I also have no idea wtf he was thinking.
The real question is can they get him to stand aside ?
I don't think they can afford to knife him after the Rudd/gillard debacle.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #11
Certainly no fan of Abbott... I also have no idea wtf he was thinking.
The real question is can they get him to stand aside ?
I don't think they can afford to knife him after the Rudd/gillard debacle.

There is more damage to keep him on.
LNP members in marginal seats wouldn't need much convincing.
Even hard core conservatives would be shaking their heads over his performance in recent times.
This is a bit like an iceberg.
All we're seeing is the tip of the discontent.
Deep in the party the manoeuvring would already be under way.
The problem is the alternative and the timing.

"Sticking with Tony" is not an alternative.
He's done pretty well to keep the 'real' Tony Abbott under wraps....but he's out again now.
What that means is there are potentially 'no gains' to be made for the LNP leading up to the next election under his leadership... only a gradual weakening of their electoral position and constant leadership speculation.

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #12
I think questions have to be asked about the competence of the Prime Minister's office and his advisors as well.

While it may be tempting to surround yourself with similar thinking anachronistic reactionaries, it's clearly not working  ::)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #13
I think questions have to be asked about the competence of the Prime Minister's office and his advisors as well.

While it may be tempting to surround yourself with similar thinking anachronistic reactionaries, it's clearly not working  ::)

Even more important , questions have to be asked about the PM himself !!!!
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.

Re: Republican of the Year

Reply #14
I think questions have to be asked about the competence of the Prime Minister's office and his advisors as well.

While it may be tempting to surround yourself with similar thinking anachronistic reactionaries, it's clearly not working  ::)

Even more important , questions have to be asked about the PM himself !!!!

Haven't they already been asked?

I was just spreading the net  :)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball