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Topic: Bali 9 thoughts (Read 45577 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #90
Did you see the photos they were taking on the plane to death island? They love all this attention we're giving them.

There is no reason to expect the Indonesian media has any higher morality than our own! ;)

Also, you have to keep in mind that many elected to office in Indonesia come out of the military, paramilitary or police. When they get their face on TV it is a bonus, regardless of the circumstances!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #91
I'm trying to find the pic on the net that I saw on tv. The guard was smiling for a selfie.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #92
And look at the way Indonesia have behaved in the last few days, showing the world how it will be done. Poor, pathetic idiots, clueless imbeciles, it gives an insight into how these people think.
Whilst I agree with you on the above, I just hope that potential drug trafficers will look at this "muscle flexing" and think "these prix mean business" and deter them from making the same mistake. I doubt it but one can only hope.

Good luck with that :P

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #93
If Australia and Indonesia are serious about the war on drugs, they would give the families of the guilty asylum, and those found guilty protection and life in prison in return for evidence against the Mr Bigs!

Even more good luck with that!

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #94
Drug Dealers= Serial Killers= Terrorists = Merchants of Death........if your child was on the receiving end of the Bali 9 products you might not be so
enthused about their welfare. If they were not caught they would still be killing other peoples are they different from a serial killer or a terrorist?


Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #95
Drug Dealers= Serial Killers= Terrorists = Merchants of Death

=Tying someone up to a pole and putting bullets in them.

I don't care what happens to the two but do we really need this macho show?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #97
I'm trying to find the pic on the net that I saw on tv. The guard was smiling for a selfie.

In fairness to the Indonesian soldiers, they are probably taught to shoot but not to read!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #98
Drug Dealers= Serial Killers= Terrorists = Merchants of Death........if your child was on the receiving end of the Bali 9 products you might not be so
enthused about their welfare. If they were not caught they would still be killing other peoples are they different from a serial killer or a terrorist?

Alcohol and cigarettes kill more people than all other drugs combined. How are the government and legalized 'suppliers', both beneficiaries of profit any different from a serial killer or terrorist? Seriously. Just like with alcohol and cigarettes when it comes to drugs, people make a choice.


I just read your post, I ask you the same question. Also Ray, they were dealing heroin, not a drug associated with violence. It's quite ironic that you use the word 'hypocrisy'. I'm sure you love a beer, a drug that IS associated with all sorts of violence whether it be domestic or not.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #99
Drug Dealers= Serial Killers= Terrorists = Merchants of Death........if your child was on the receiving end of the Bali 9 products you might not be so
enthused about their welfare. If they were not caught they would still be killing other peoples are they different from a serial killer or a terrorist?

^^ This.

These blokes are serial offenders.
There are currently 17 people in Asian prisons for drug trafficking that were recruited by Andrew Chan.
2 of  the Bali 9 have admitted they did 2 trips for Chan before this last one.

If you believe all this rehabilitation stuff you probably believe in Leprechauns.
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #100
Check the photo of Filipino Mary Jane will be lined up for a bullet, alongside our boys.
Our Press don't mourn the others facing the firing squad.
Does the Press get vicarious pleasure from leading us step by step through to rifles crack?

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #101
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #102
Oh dear God.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Bali 9 thoughts

Reply #103
Our Press don't mourn the others facing the firing squad.
Does the Press get vicarious pleasure from leading us step by step through to rifles crack?

I'm 100% in agreement with you.

I was thinking the same very thing last night and again this morning while listening to "Eddie Everywhere" and his offsider "The Hair Sniffer" do their AM radio spot. I thought I might ring up and ask them to list a few of the other Internationals shot in Indonesia over the last few years. I heard someone comment as such to Bolt, I suspect Bolt is now busily studying a list of Internationals executed by Indonesia just in case he is asked the question live!

Where was their protest on those occasions?

It's just more proof to me it is all about ratings for them, if James Hird comes out and states he is thinking about the pair it must be the start of the reckoning! ;)
The Force Awakens!