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Topic: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain (Read 63633 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #105
I was called a fecking "wog" my entire life at school and was told by teachers to suck it up and move on. When your surname has half the letters of the English alphabet in it with hyphens and other symbols, you are way away from being a genuine Aussie. Even though you were born here. We better be careful we don't allow anti-racism take over. Where native people of this country we live in see us as being foreigners and make us the spot light of all racial issues. Why don't we have a multi-cultural week in footy? 90% of schools have a multi-cultural day at their schools. Where they dress in the old national clothing they were at the folk dances in their countries, and bring in foods from other cultures for all to try and taste. The kids love it and find it very interesting. The AFL wouldn't go for that idea because it would be considered a racist act against the native community of the country we currently live in. Racist divisions works both ways and in every way in this country. I thought we had too many cultures to see racism as an issue in the past. It appears now that if your not indigenous to this country you need to shut up because you will eventually be a racist.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #106
I think I was pretty clear Brettie. Those who boo give the opportunity for racists to boo, and there are plenty out there. Pretty sure one of our own made a pretty racist comment in the in-game thread. If there's one among 50 or so with us how many in a crowd of 40,000?

Why do you think he is booed?

Clearly you weren't, but anyway. So why isn't Rioli booed, Yarran, Betts, Pearce, Hill, Martin, Bennell, Christensen, Varcoe, Garlett, etc., etc., etc???

Every game he plays away from Perth, Ballantyne gets booed - and the last time I checked he wasn't aboriginal, ditto Crowley. Everytime we play Collingwood, Judd gets booed. But when Goodes - the prancing, self-righteous, umpire-appealing tossbag gets booed, suddenly it's because so many of us are racists apparently. Personally, I've never booed him & unless he unduly flattens a Carlton player during a game I'm attending, I never will.....but I reckon it's drawing a very long bow to suggest that because he does get booed, it's giving any racists out there a 'free hit' in regards to simply booing him because of his colour......I simply do not and will not ever agree with that.

Give me a fecking break.
Football is life, there is nothing else....

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #107
Sorry mate but none of those players get booed like Goodes, in fact no one else really gets booed do they?

If you think Australia isn't racist as a country you need to get out more. It's everywhere. I see it at work, at gym, in here, at the footy. Head up QLD way and people are awful, it's like they're stuck in the past. Don't pretend it doesn't exist, and that may be part of the problem with Goodes, he is booed for daring to point out that it still exists everywhere. I've seen many loudmouths (Aker), stagers (Selwood), goal celebrations (jail cuffs Goddard) and dirty players (Hodge) but none of these blokes get booed. I just don't get it someone point out to my why he gets booed?

You called him a prancing, self righteous tossbag but the AFL has been littered with these types for years, but none of them have been booed, so why Goodes? I see you used the term self righteous, are you annoyed with Goodes for daring to stand up against racism? Is this the main reason Goodes gets booed? For suggesting that racism is well and truly out there?
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #108
Yep, I reckon Goodes' main issue with the crowds is that he comes across as a bit dour, seems  aloof, and doesn't seem to connect with everyday people very well. I saw him once in a roadside servo/coffee shop in Tailem Bend of all places and he didn't seem that keen to say g'day to people. A "serious" type, personality-wise.

Maybe he's just not that smart a bloke, it is possible you know. Not enough to deserve getting booed however.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #109
I think Goodes can definitely come across as haughty, and a little self serving as well. He has the eyes and ears of the Australian public, as much as any Indigenous male. He is clearly a man on a mission. I think his motivations are genuine.

As for the on field stuff. he will try and get away with as much as the umps will allow, just like any other player. It's up to the umps to put a stamp on it, not Goodes.

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #110
Nic - the thing that I really struggle with is if it's as glaringly obvious to me (and you) who played at a decent level but am now just a supporter watching from afar, why can't the blokes who run the club football operations full time and live and breath it not see it??

The fact that jones, white and Rowe are 3 of our 5 'talls' last night is a sign of incompetence of the highest order in list management and recruiting. You could bring Jesus Christ in next year to coach and we will still be bottom 4, because we have so many players who are now either past their best (jamo, Judd, carrots, kruz, walker, simmo) or are never going to make it as even decent afl level players. When Judd retires the gold standard for determination, desperation and hunger to win will be lost from the club - and even with the best player of his era we couldn't make it to the top 4. I have been a passionate supporter for over 35 years but am more pessimistic today than I have ever been.

I have watched Sydney belt us up here the last 3 times we have played them, and last night it was like watching the u17's play the u13's. They are playing a different sport to us and we are light years away from being competitive with the good sides when you look at what's coming through our recruiting.

Are you sure you are not my long lost brother?, I actually posted a week or so ago that Jesus Christ couldn't coach this team  ::) ::)

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #111
I should have added, that I totally agree with your post.

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #112
Just a word or three on Goodes.

I listened very carefully every time Goodes got the ball in the first and early part of the second quarter, and could not hear any booing from the Carlton supporters. They treated him with the respect that a great player deserves.

If only Juddy was afforded the same respect when he plays!!

Goodes confirmed that he did not do his war dance because the Carlton fans were booing, in fact quite the opposite.

However, I thought his war dance was as ridiculous as Lindsay Thomas pointing a pretend shot gun in the air, or Dustin Martin, I think it was doing the handcuff sign, although it could have been someone else, I stand to be corrected.

I abhor racism of any kind, there is no place for it in our society.

However, other than kissing a black armband after kicking a goal in order to express their emotions in remembering a deceased family member,  I object to players using the football field either as a political football, or to express any religious or racial symbolism whatsoever.

Do I find anything wrong with Goodes dance? Not at all.

However, it's the old saying of time and place that applies.

Had Goodes stood in front of the Swans cheer squad prior to the first bounce, and performed the dance, just like the Moaris, who, as a TEAM, perform the haka in front of their opponents BEFORE a game, I doubt that anyone but the most abhorrent racist,would have had a problem with it.

However, he waited until he had scored a goal, and performed it in front of the Carlton fans, who, up to that point in time, by Goodes' own admission, had behaved in an exemplary manner.

It was a provocative act, designed to have a go at the Hawthorn supporters who had mercilessly booed him the week before, and saying to those supporters,  and others who had booed him in the past and those likely to boo him in the future, that he would not be intimidated by their booing.

That's fine, Adam, but in my opinion, you picked the wrong time and the wrong place to do it.

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #113
Yeah, Indigenous dance in the Indigenous round what was he thinking BN??!!
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #114
Carrots, unfortunately, you are like many friends of mine who form an opinion on a subject, and no matter how logical a counter argument that I put forward which expresses a different opinion, they are so blinkered biased, that they can't see the wood for the trees.

In this particular case, Carrots, you read what you wanted to read, not what I actually said.

Where did I say that he should not have performed the dance?

The whole basis of my post was, and I'll italicize it so that there can be no misunderstanding, TIME AND PLACE.

To repeat.

Had Adam done the war dance in front of the Swans cheer squad prior to the start of the game, as his contribution and as an expression of his Aboriginal heritage in this Indigenous round, no one, other than the most hateful racist, would have had an issue with it.

But he didn't do that.

He waited for a quarter and a half and until he had scored a goal, and performed the dance, which ended by him throwing an imaginary spear at the Carlton fans, who, by Adams own admission, had treated him with nothing but respect, up to that point in time.

I don't know how old you are Carrots, but with the greatest respect, please take a tip from an old bloke that has been gained over years of living on this planet.

You can teach, kids and adults lot's of things, which will enable them to make a useful contribution to society.

However the one thing you cannot teach anyone, is common-sense. Unfortunately, common-sense, is not so common.  Our umpires are a prime example of men who know all the rules, yet for the most part, lack common-sense in the way they implement those laws.

As an adult, and an Australian of the year, and as a highly respected member of the Aboriginal Community, Adam Goodes should have had the common-sense to understand, that doing a war dance in front of what were up to that point in time, respectful Carlton supporters,  and ending with throwing an imaginary spear at them, COULD invoke in those supporters a feeling of deliberate provocation on Goodes' part.

It did and they booed him from that moment on.

As I said, Carrots, and it's a point that you obviously have a problem comprehending, TIME AND PLACE.

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #115
Carrots, unfortunately, you are like many friends of mine who form an opinion on a subject, and no matter how logical a counter argument that I put forward which expresses a different opinion, they are so blinkered biased, that they can't see the wood for the trees.

That's just it, I don't see your time and place argument as logical. It was Indigenous round, he had just kicked a goal. He wanted o do it as a tribute to the Indigenous community, he may not have kicked another goal. No one seemed to take offence when Murph gave the finger to the Collingwood crowd back in 2012. Was the finger any less offensive?
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #116
You have got to be kidding, Carrots. If anything defy's logic, it's your answer.

Comparing Murphy sticking his finger up to Goodes' war dance, absolutely defies logic.

Firstly, you have conveniently forgotten, that  Murphy's finger gesture did cause offence, and Murphy was justifiably fined for his action.

Secondly, you once again defy all logic, by comparing a gesture to fans by Murphy, which has now been accepted by Australians as being obscene, with a war dance performed by Adam Goodes which, unless one is racist, is accepted by Australians as part of the culture of our Indigenous people. How much more ridiculous can you get!!

This war dance was apparently adopted and developed by an under 18 football team of Aboriginals and they performed it BEFORE a game, just like a HAKA, in front of their opponents.

There is absolutely NO RECORD WHATSOEVER, of any of the players in that team, performing the war dance during the game, after having kicked a goal.

They, who are much younger than Goodes, understood the concept of time and place far better than he did.

It is a pity, that like him, you don't understand it either.

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #117
To me the only logic defying comment is the one questioning an Indigenous celebratory dance in Indigenous round. Amazing stuff. Why don't we ask the under 18 side what they thought of Goodes doing it after a goal? I'm sure they'd have no complaints.
Ignorance is bliss.



Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #118
That would be like asking gays, what they thought of gay marriage. What do you think they would say?

Your illogicality continues to defy logic. ::) ::)

Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain

Reply #119
That would be like asking gays, what they thought of gay marriage. What do you think they would say?

Your illogicality continues to defy logic. ::) ::)

You brought them into it, not me. Still can't get over someone questioning the timing of an indigenous celebratory dance in Indigenous round. :S
Ignorance is bliss.