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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #780
She won't control Putin.
Whichever one of these 2 ridiculous candidates gets in won't control Putin. Or his Chinese counterpart for that matter.

Uncle Sam will be in a sorry old state by the end of the next 4 years.

I fear you will be proved right S !

And we may well get dragged in.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #781
Trump's had a horrible week and he desperately needs some help from his friends to change momentum.  Sure enough, Assange is happy to act as Putin's puppet.  He is trying to organise a press conference in Berlin to release leaks against Clinton.  He had intended to do it from the balcony of the Ecuadorean Embassy but he changed his mind as he fears an assassination attempt.  He released a document that suggested that Clinton had asked back in 2010 whether they could just "drone him".

The press conference is scheduled for tonight, our time.

If he's wary of assassination attempts, maybe that's the reason he seems to confine himself to stuff that embarrasses the US.  If he embarrassed Putin, not only might he be assassinated but also it would be done in such as way that his death would be as painful and lingering as possible.  Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned in 2006 in England with Polonium 210 which left him with fatal acute radiation syndrome after defecting.  And journalists who criticise Putin in Russia seem to die of unnatural causes at an alarming rate.  Being a lapdog for Putin and his hackers is a far safer option.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #782
Trump's had a horrible week and he desperately needs some help from his friends to change momentum.  Sure enough, Assange is happy to act as Putin's puppet.  He is trying to organise a press conference in Berlin to release leaks against Clinton.  He had intended to do it from the balcony of the Ecuadorean Embassy but he changed his mind as he fears an assassination attempt.  He released a document that suggested that Clinton had asked back in 2010 whether they could just "drone him".

So he'll support the guy who is happy to imply that if you've got nukes you should use them!
The Force Awakens!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #783
Assange is hell bent on disrupting Hillary's campaign.
Trump hasn't offended him.
He's operating at a base personal level.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #784
Wonder if he's going to pursue the vendetta by continuing to stoke the conspiracy theory over Seth Rich's murder.  Mr. Rich was a low-level DNC employee who was killed in the streets in an apparent robbery attempt.  Right-wing conspiracy nuts have tried to tie the Clintons to an amazing number of deaths and they theorised the Clintons must have killed him over DNC leaks to Wikileaks.  However, he had a very low level position which the DNC says wouldn't have given him access to those emails.  But Assange fanned the flames by saying that a Wikileaks source re the DNC dump had been murdered.  If he tries to beat this story up, he better have some good evidence to support the claim.  As Lods says, he appears to harbour a personal vendetta towards Clinton and I, at least, would be sceptical if he makes an unsupported claim that Rich was murdered over the DNC dump.


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #786
How funny!  Right-wing wingnuts were convinced that Assange was going to follow through on his teaser that he was about to kill off Clinton's campaign.  They donned their tinfoil hats and tuned in to the broadcast expecting to experience that rush that fans feel when the final siren goes to confirm their team's grand final victory.  Instead, Assange trolled the world. 

Assange used his big moment to spruik how brilliant Wikileaks has been and encourage contributions.  In the middle of this, he said he wouldn't be making a big release of Clinton documents when it was 3am in the US! 

Alex Jones did a live broadcast on his Infowars channel and you can see in the following clip what happened in wingnut homes across the US.  He exploded and agreed with his offsider that they'd been "Wikirolled" and concluded that Assange had nothing.  And Jones showed why he's the king of conspiracists, launching a conspiracy theory that Clinton had done a deal to set Assange free if he buried the incriminating evidence.  Assange has sold out and Wikileaks is dead, apparently!


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #787
How funny!  Right-wing wingnuts were convinced that Assange was going to follow through on his teaser that he was about to kill off Clinton's campaign.  They donned their tinfoil hats and tuned in to the broadcast expecting to experience that rush that fans feel when the final siren goes to confirm their team's grand final victory.  Instead, Assange trolled the world. 

Assange used his big moment to spruik how brilliant Wikileaks has been and encourage contributions.  In the middle of this, he said he wouldn't be making a big release of Clinton documents when it was 3am in the US! 

Alex Jones did a live broadcast on his Infowars channel and you can see in the following clip what happened in wingnut homes across the US.  He exploded and agreed with his offsider that they'd been "Wikirolled" and concluded that Assange had nothing.  And Jones showed why he's the king of conspiracists, launching a conspiracy theory that Clinton had done a deal to set Assange free if he buried the incriminating evidence.  Assange has sold out and Wikileaks is dead, apparently!


Well put. Alex Jones, sheesh, what a knob... though I do like your term 'wingnut'.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #788
Vice presidential debate was a draw....winner depended on which side you favour by the looks of the commentary ;D

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #789
The majority view is that Pence won but maybe that this won't be much help to Trump.

First, it was only a VP debate, so Pence would have needed to win big to help Trump and no one thinks he did that.  On the flip side, Kaine mostly needed to avoid unforced errors which could be used to beat Clinton over the head and he succeeded in staying safe. 

Secondly, he won the debate by refusing to admit that Trump had said certain things or had certain policies.  That blunted Kaine's attack as you need to get that concession before you ask the opponent to defend that statement or policy.  He did a fine job of boasting of his own conservative credentials but Trump is not a conservative of Pence's ilk.  Pence didn't do his prospects for a run in 2020 any harm at all.

Thirdly, Kaine was clearly aiming his attack at Trump rather than trying to disqualify Pence, so the Clinton camp is less concerned about who won the debate as a separate entity than how it affected the attitudes of swing voters towards Trump.  That's much harder to assess as a discrete issue in opinion polls.  Perhaps the only part of the debate which will feature in a negative ad will be when Pence gave up an unforced error in referring to "whipping out that Mexican thing" in a dismissive way which adds insult to injury in the Latino community.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #790
Vice presidential debate was a draw....winner depended on which side you favour by the looks of the commentary ;D

I like Kaine but it wasn't close at all.

The lunatic left are already trying to say Trump is jealous of how good Pence went.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #791
I like Kaine but it wasn't close at all.

The lunatic left are already trying to say Trump is jealous of how good Pence went.

The lunatic centre agrees ;)  ;D
Came across as lots more presidential than Trump

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #792
Clinton's attack ads are highlighting how many times Pence tried to defend Trump by denying that he made particular comments.  It was quite comedic seeing footage of Trump saying exactly what Pence said he didn't say.

Of course, it won't influence the rusted on Trump supporters and Hillary haters but it may convince swinging voters not to vote for Trump.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #793
Clinton's attack ads are highlighting how many times Pence tried to defend Trump by denying that he made particular comments.  It was quite comedic seeing footage of Trump saying exactly what Pence said he didn't say.

Of course, it won't influence the rusted on Trump supporters and Hillary haters but it may convince swinging voters not to vote for Trump.

Any positive effect will be cancelled out by Kaine's interruptions...nil-nil draw.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #794
Any positive effect will be cancelled out by Kaine's interruptions...nil-nil draw.

That's true Lod's but the audience was relatively small.  More folk will see the ads, particularly in states that Trump has to win.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball