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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #855
Not sure about that.  The suggestion is that he wants to start a right-wing wingnut empire.  His unhinged performance in the presidential campaign would help in that regard.  But it's an increasingly crowded field- Brietbart, Infowars, FoxNews and others.  Given Steven Bannon, the head of Brietbart, is his campaign chairman, it wouldn't be hard to see them joining forces.  But would Trump be willing to partner with Bannon or would he expect to absorb Brietbart?  Trump would add some value to Bannon's operation but I can't see Bannon handing it over to Trump and his kids.  Will a mere slice of the action give Trump enough power and money to satisfy him?  Some erstwhile high-flyers are hitting hard times now.  Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh set up their own media empires but they're losing ground now. 

Trump's appeal to "the deplorables" will help when it comes to entering the media market but it also undermines his core business of licensing his name for luxury products.  He hasn't built anything since 2008 excluding golf courses.  People think he builds hotels, skyscrapers and developments but he doesn't.  He licenses his name to other developers for a fee.  But has his embrace of the rednecks destroyed the cachet of his name?  Rednecks aren't going to pay to go to his luxury resorts and other guests would run away if they did.  Will the wealthy be less willing to patronise his luxury hotels?  We'd need to hear from a marketing guru but it seems to me he's taken his brand downmarket.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #856
Trump's appeal to "the deplorables" will help when it comes to entering the media market but it also undermines his core business of licensing his name for luxury products.  He hasn't built anything since 2008 excluding golf courses.  People think he builds hotels, skyscrapers and developments but he doesn't.  He licenses his name to other developers for a fee.  But has his embrace of the rednecks destroyed the cachet of his name?  Rednecks aren't going to pay to go to his luxury resorts and other guests would run away if they did.  Will the wealthy be less willing to patronise his luxury hotels?  We'd need to hear from a marketing guru but it seems to me he's taken his brand downmarket.

The glamor stuff is good for a media based revenue stream, but his image is on the slide and to some degree self-damaged. If you can't maintain the image but it slides very quickly, ask Paris Hilton.

I believe Trump had previously put his name to other low cost goods and it didn't work out, but that was in the context of a glamor media profile. That won't stop him trying again using his newly found Redneck Patriotic perspectives. Trump ammo, rifles, handguns, bunkers, fencing, razor wire, etc., etc.. Probably all of it re-packed in the USA as a "Made in the USA" product, but fully imported from Mexico!
The Force Awakens!


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #857
Trump is going OK in  the debate, holding  his own, scoring a few hits on Hillary.....

Then he exercises his second amendment right to "shoot himself in the foot" by refusing to say he'd necessarily accept the result of the election. ;D ::)

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #858
Trump is going OK in  the debate, holding  his own, scoring a few hits on Hillary.....

Then he exercises his second amendment right to "shoot himself in the foot" by refusing to say he'd necessarily accept the result of the election. ;D ::)

If this blokes hand was "On the Button" he'd press it just to see what happens!

In other words, he's a dickhead!
The Force Awakens!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #859
Must be hard for Trump to accept being a 3 time loser.  As with the other 2 debates, he's acting like the Black Knight, claiming victory on the "strength" of easily-manipulated online polls regarding the debate. It's funny to think that he once boasted that he's such a winner that America will get sick of winning when he's the President.  He must be devastated that he couldn't even beat a nasty woman which in his own mind should have been a cakewalk.  The other irony is that she overpowered him in the last half of each debate despite his boasts that he has far more stamina than Hillary.  But then that's a bit unfair.  We all know that he was really boasting that he had a penis and she didn't, so that might be one of the few true things he said.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #860
Must be hard for Trump to accept being a 3 time loser.  As with the other 2 debates, he's acting like the Black Knight, claiming victory on the "strength" of easily-manipulated online polls regarding the debate. It's funny to think that he once boasted that he's such a winner that America will get sick of winning when he's the President.  He must be devastated that he couldn't even beat a nasty woman which in his own mind should have been a cakewalk.  The other irony is that she overpowered him in the last half of each debate despite his boasts that he has far more stamina than Hillary.  But then that's a bit unfair.  We all know that he was really boasting that he had a penis and she didn't, so that might be one of the few true things he said.

That's just nasty!  ;)
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #861
Must be hard for Trump to accept being a 3 time loser.  As with the other 2 debates, he's acting like the Black Knight, claiming victory on the "strength" of easily-manipulated online polls regarding the debate. It's funny to think that he once boasted that he's such a winner that America will get sick of winning when he's the President.  He must be devastated that he couldn't even beat a nasty woman which in his own mind should have been a cakewalk.  The other irony is that she overpowered him in the last half of each debate despite his boasts that he has far more stamina than Hillary.  But then that's a bit unfair.  We all know that he was really boasting that he had a penis and she didn't, so that might be one of the few true things he said.

From all reports it's hardly a penis that has anything to boast about... ;D
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #862

Trump has shown again he can't perform after half-time.  Both Hillary and he have attended a charity event that is held each year.  It is in the nature of a comedy roast and coincides each 4th year with the Presidential election campaign.  In previous campaigns, the candidates have engaged in self-deprecating and generous humour.

Trump gave the first speech.  For the first half of it, he was quite funny.  But then bad Trump came out to play.  His "jokes" became unfunny sledges, so much so that he was repeatedly booed.  He then started just giving a campaign speech.  The roastmaster, Al Smith, told the audience after the speech that Ronald Reagan would have said, "There you go again ...".

I guess his inability to follow social conventions might be an electoral asset with his base.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #863

If hes having a hard time going the distance, does that mean he needs viagra??
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #864
Good news for him - cheaper generic Viagra is coming in 2017.

Has anybody ever seen Trump laugh?  Not smiles at a roast or a jokey delivery as he lets a burn fly.  I mean a genuine laugh.  For a guy who established a TV persona as a sometimes mischievously light-hearted guy on The Apprentice, he really doesn't seem to have a sense of humour. 

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #865
To be fair...Hillary had some pretty unfunny cringe-worthy moments too.
Both need some new joke writers ::)

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #866
No one would ever think Hillary could have a career as a stand-up comedian.  But she does laugh.  And both candidates had control of the jokes they used.  It goes without saying that the jokes were written by others.  Hillary even referenced that when she said there were jokes she rejected but you can read them after the next Wikileak.

He obviously crossed the line when he read out a joke in which he called her Crooked Hillary without any humorous angle to it whatsoever.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #867
Good news for him - cheaper generic Viagra is coming in 2017.

Has anybody ever seen Trump laugh?  Not smiles at a roast or a jokey delivery as he lets a burn fly.  I mean a genuine laugh.  For a guy who established a TV persona as a sometimes mischievously light-hearted guy on The Apprentice, he really doesn't seem to have a sense of humour.

He probably exhausts his sense of humour after doing his hair each day.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #868
Good news for him - cheaper generic Viagra is coming in 2017.

Has anybody ever seen Trump laugh?  Not smiles at a roast or a jokey delivery as he lets a burn fly.  I mean a genuine laugh.  For a guy who established a TV persona as a sometimes mischievously light-hearted guy on The Apprentice, he really doesn't seem to have a sense of humour.

Wow - that's good news for us all!
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #869
In the debate there were two ares in particularly that should have shown American's (as if they needed more convincing) that this guy doesn't have the ability or commitment to the issues to run as president.
Now I am not expert on either of these, but I have at least a fundamental understanding of both, more the 2nd item for various reasons, particularly around the Russian/USSR position, but....  If I was running for President of the USA, you would be damned sure there would be two topics you would be 100% all over, with again the 2nd one less likely ton influence the election, but actually having far more reaching consequences.

As any politician running for president in the US you need to know Roe v Wade and you need to understand the importance of abortion to both parties. When quizzed on whether he would seek to reverse the decision he fluffed about, said he would leave it to states and when pressed said it will change automatically in his view.  When talking about partial-birth abortions I am surprised he wasn't claiming that Satan come and took the babies himself and slit their throats as they were coming out of vaginas or women who were having last minute changes of minds. I literally could not believe a presidential candidate was talking this way.

Edit Whilst familiar with  the general understanding of abortion and politics in the US, I was naive to partial-birth abortions, which it seems is in fact a pretty nasty business. Still it was handled really poorly by Trump and used as a way of not really answering directly the original question. It also was handled in a graphic very poor manner.

Middle East
His comments on Aleppo & Mosul were just blindingly stupid and uninformed. Now when you consider that most security experts in the world see Syria as far more than a battle between Islamic extremists, a despotic ruling (let's pretend to call it a political party) and rebels (who of course are made up in a large proportion of more Islamic extremists, including the terrorist group Al-Nusra Front). If it was just those groups it would be still the biggest mess in the world, but perhaps even more importantly it is considered a testing ground for Russia v Europe and the US and if you are going to be the President of the US, you 100% absolutely must be up to date on what is happening there and the ramifications in particular of the battle for Aleppo. It would be well worth understanding the battle for Mosul going on right at the moment also as Mosul looks to overtake Aleppo as potentially the biggest humanitarian crisis facing the world over the next month.

When quizzed on the subject he said both were terrible, but we had Mosul, we had Mosul but Hilary let it slip.. That Mosul should have just been a surprise attack.. How exactly would you make a surprise attack on Mosul (they have been booby trapping  inviting an attack since they took it), at attack was always on the cards and the element of surprise sounds like something he seen in a movie one day. He also seemed to completely overlook completely that if the American's "own" the battle for Mosul, a lot of the fighters will refuse to fight and a lot of people being liberated would turn against them. To a lot of people in Iraq it is important that not only is Mosul taken by a Muslim army, but more so that it is a Sunni Muslim army. So much so that the supporting Shiite Muslim armies have agreed to not enter the city.

In reality having the Kurds take all the surrounding towns, dropping the leaflets and letting the people know what is coming and inching forward would seem the only strategic way to do it without of course doing what it would seem Trump would do, which is just bomb the entire city so that there is no Mosul any longer. Or of course perhaps they go all Call of Duty against a very well drilled, well entrenched army and see all of their army slaughtered.

Mosul is going to fall over the weeks/months and it will be a humanitarian disaster, but what became clear last night is that he literally has only slightly more knowledge and understanding than the average person in a Walmart car park in Mississippi

He just cannot be President of a country that is responsible for providing a counter balance to Russia, he just proves he has zero idea about the responsibility he has to the world and that he will look favorably upon anyone that scratches his head (I don't know Putin, but he said nice things about me).

Going into this I didn't want either candidate to win and I was disgusted that Hilary was going to be the President of the USA, but the more this has gone on, the more obvious it is that he simply has no place even running for the position.

He will lose this by a huge margin
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