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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 426606 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1275
High school taught me, that if you right something, you need to find a stance, back up that stance, and rebutt opposing stances, and that sitting on the fence becomes "painful" to argue.

If you write something it better be right, phone typing or not! :D

Therefore, anyone arguing too heavily one way, has bias and its worth reading the opposing view point simply for a difference perspective.

Or they know you're argument is rubbish and they just won't let it go!  :P

The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1276
If you write something it better be right, phone typing or not! :D

Or they know you're argument is rubbish and they just won't let it go!  :P

You are correct, thank you grammar police, but there is no need to be childish.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1277

You are correct, thank you grammar police, but there is no need to be childish.

You're only as old as you feel! :D

Just behaving likes those "Alternative News Sources", I've been Trumpled you know!

From "The World Set Free" H.G Wells (1914)

Quote from: H.G. Wells
Primitive man had been a fiercely combative animal; innumerable generations had passed their lives in tribal warfare, and the weight of tradition, the example of history, the ideals of loyalty and devotion fell in easily enough with the incitements of the international mischief-maker. The political ideas of the common man were picked up haphazard, there was practically nothing in such education as he was given that was ever intended to fit him for citizenship as such (that conception only appeared, indeed, with the development of Modern State ideas), and it was therefore a comparatively easy matter to fill his vacant mind with the sounds and fury of exasperated suspicion and national aggression.

It appears H.G. Wells was quite an authority on Trump and his like, even back then in 1914, I thought you would like that little bit of learning from history! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1278
You wouldn't know if you were reading it, syndication makes it almost impossible to trace where some articles originate. You should never assume the author, or even the unattributed story, come from the organisation publishing it.

You need to be more selective on your choice of experts. It reminds me of the thousands of "scientists" denying climate change, dentists, surgeons, metallurgists, electronics engineers, geneticists, etc., etc., while the vast bulk of environmental scientists almost 100% agree(Running at about 98.4% for peer reviewed material) it's real.

A few weeks back I was reading a right-wing website that listed Astrologist as one of the career choices for experts wanting to publish/contribute an opinion! Bugger, I'm a dowser(water diviner) so they wouldn't accept my article! :(

There are academic articles you can refer to, peer reviewed by independent scientists and engineers, published in public forums so their reputation is put on the line, that can be used to get an understanding of just about any major event. You should particularly look for on-line institutions associated with the major universities like Standford, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, etc., etc., you don't have to ask Christopher Monckton about 9/11 to find the truth!

I thought structural engineers and building demolition experts may just qualify as experts wrgt commenting on the collapse of the WTC buildings? Or do you know better in your capacity as a dowser?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1279
Lods, I don't buy into much of whats out there for the reasons you mention. However, I am very sceptical also about the MSM, who owns it and their respective agendas, especially in the US. I try to find a few sources I can trust and battle to form some kind of view of what's actually going on. The picture is often very confused with real motives and agendas hidden. Good example - what will Trump do now re. foreign policy, especially in the ME and what will be driving it?

Cookie, Can I recommend a podcast: Left, Right & Center

Very balanced take on US politics, both left and right, avoids the hysterical/lunatic fringe.

It must be good as apparently they got referenced on a recent episode of The Simpsons.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1280
I thought structural engineers and building demolition experts may just qualify as experts wrgt commenting on the collapse of the WTC buildings? Or do you know better in your capacity as a dowser?

I would have thought you know better.

If they are commenting in a magazine, blog or some other non-peer reviewed source of commentary there is a very good reason for that! Usually money, fame or lunacy! ;)

By the way, Christopher Monckton is a Lord, or so he claims! :o
The Force Awakens!


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1281
Cookie, Can I recommend a podcast: Left, Right & Center

Very balanced take on US politics, both left and right, avoids the hysterical/lunatic fringe.

It must be good as apparently they got referenced on a recent episode of The Simpsons.

Thanks Bear, I'll have a look at that.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1282
I would have thought you know better.

If they are commenting in a magazine, blog or some other non-peer reviewed source of commentary there is a very good reason for that! Usually money, fame or lunacy! ;)

By the way, Christopher Monckton is a Lord, or so he claims! :o

Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1283
Thanks Bear, I'll have a look at that.

Besides the political Left, Right & Center there are a whole bunch of NPR Podcasts worth listening to;

Here's The Thing (Alec Baldwin, surprisingly good!)
Intelligence Squared US
Note to Self
Radiolab Presents: More Perfect (US Supreme Court stories.)
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1284
LOL. The hack was internal, the pedo was the successful target of a phishing scam, who simply failed to implement  a 2 step authentication.
Its funny how his name doesn't get mentioned anymore, its just simply "the russians influenced the outcome of election" in globo
60+ million voters were influenced by what? a discovery that former secretary of state had a private server whereby classified information was being stored and CF "business" was being discussed?
Perhaps the voters may have decided  this and many other things, that she wasn't trustworthy? Perhaps it could be argued that the only colluding and influence applied to the general election, was from the corrupted media and their misrepresented 20 and 30+ point margins in polls? Perhaps it could be argued that they inadvertently successfully convinced dems to stay home and relax as margins were so great they were not needed?
The only crime i can see, is media colluded with the DNC to influence the outcome the election and it failed - spectacularly.
The baying dogs found nothing. If there was something, it would be on the table. The only thing on the table are FISA "hacking' warrants that give rise to more questions, as to why they were issued, and kept using them, more than what they found.
If you believe and think the last 3 sitting presidents were clean and honest and acted only in the best interests of the american people, I have some land to sell you.

LOL BTW  if you find these russian hackers, tell em the scoreboard locations of our games. We can use all the help we can get.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1285
How about this dumb *#^~ ...

Trump Voter Shocked To Find That Her Meals On Wheels Could Be Cut, HuffPost, 18/3/17.

Linda Preast has used a wheelchair since she had a stroke two years ago and now relies on Meals on Wheels, a service that provides food to millions of people with disabilities and the elderly. The 56-year-old Georgia resident never envisioned when she voted for President Donald Trump that he’d propose slashing funding for the programs.

“Are you surprised?” CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller asked Preast at her home in Jones County Saturday.

“Yeah,” Preast said. “Because he was told ― I was under the influence that he was going to help us.”
She really thought a billionaire who hates losers was going to look after those who are reliant on welfare?  The stupidity of some people is amazing.

I could understand poor people hoping that Trump will make the economy improve and bring back jobs to the US and that they will benefit from that.  I don't think that's going to happen, but at least there's some method to their madness.  But this woman is disabled and she's not going to get a job even if the economy improves. 

More likely she liked Trump because he was going to put the blacks back in their place, deport Latinos, and bully gays like they did in the good ol' days.  If life has screwed you over, it's nice to see other people being screwed over too. But it's backfired badly on her and those of her ilk.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1286
But it's backfired badly on her and those of her ilk.

I find it hard to believe people are so stupid, but they really are! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1287
Good to see Trump models himself on totallitarians from both the left and the right  8)

Zeig Heil, Comrade Trump!

The Manchurian Candidate should be re-titled "The Siberian Candidate"  ;D

If only Trump had persuaded the Pentagon to provide tanks for his Inauguration Parade.  The photos of that would have been very useful now.  He's the West's version of Kim Jong-Un.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1289
How stupid people vote, Part II ...

She Voted For Trump. Now, Her Husband Is Being Deported, Huff Post.  She thought only bad hombres were at risk  ::)

I wonder how many drug addicts voted for Duterte in the Phillipines ...