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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 424647 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1815
Our last visit to the US was late last year when my wife and I visited a number of midwest and southwest states.  Without exception we found people to be kind and courteous, and without exception they believed the US to be the greatest country in the world.

The vast majority in the fifty to seventy five age group were rusted on Trump followers.  Many listened every morning to Rush Limbaugh because "he is able to take complex matters and simplify them for us".

Few had been overseas and quite a number had not ventured outside their own state.

There was a superficial interest in Australia and Europe, possibly because of their lack of knowledge.  Free to air tv usually concentrated on local and state matters with Fox providing right wing views almost entirely related to the US.

We were left speechless at the end of a Diana Ross concert in Las Vegas when the middle aged couple sitting behind us queried our accent. When we said we were from Australia the wife said she had never heard of it.

Years ago I was told that the US is a first world country with a third world underbelly.  I've seen nothing to change that view

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1816
Your first paragraph - exactly right... Balme may well have put the finishing touches (100th monkey effect?) on what Peggy and Brendan were doing but it was leadership from one or three people who created change. It was the direction and influence of leadership that changed the direction of the Tiggers (ditto Pussycats). Effective leadership can change things, quickly. This is my central point. Effective, visionary and courageous leadership can change the direction of clubs, businesses and governments very quickly.

Just look through corporations and nations that have changed for the better and you'll find new leadership steering a new course and managing the, sometimes significant, changes. The history books are full of such examples. And the reverse is also true... look at the history books for the numerous examples of an individual who steered their club, company or nation to destruction.

As I mentioned earlier, it's not an either/or situation. We minimise poor and dangerous leadership from any individual at our peril - regardless of where it resides. Just look at the dreadful examples the Orangutan is providing to future leaders. The only favour the Orangutan has provided to the US is to show, clearly, the inherit flaws in their political system (that have existed for many years).

Mr Shano, all that may well be true, but I would argue that Trump, Reagan, Obama, Biden etc. are not there to lead. They are there to deliver the lines others have prepared for them, act out the role of leader, and distract the population with everything from debased, low level trash talk (Trump), to feel good, social platitudes (most Democrats) and everything in between. You can only lead if you have power to lead, and in my opinion, these types don't have that, which is exactly the way the corporate elites have arranged it.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1817
Mr Shano, all that may well be true, but I would argue that Trump, Reagan, Obama, Biden etc. are not there to lead. They are there to deliver the lines others have prepared for them, act out the role of leader, and distract the population with everything from debased, low level trash talk (Trump), to feel good, social platitudes (most Democrats) and everything in between. You can only lead if you have power to lead, and in my opinion, these types don't have that, which is exactly the way the corporate elites have arranged it.

From my readings and research Paul I would sincerely agree with you. The "elected" president is strictly retail - a salesperson there to sell the elite message to the masses and to perpetuate their sort of Truman Show world of make believe. The real power is with the elites and their enforcer networks such as the deep state and NGO/thinktanks etc.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1818
Mr Shano, all that may well be true, but I would argue that Trump, Reagan, Obama, Biden etc. are not there to lead. They are there to deliver the lines others have prepared for them, act out the role of leader, and distract the population with everything from debased, low level trash talk (Trump), to feel good, social platitudes (most Democrats) and everything in between. You can only lead if you have power to lead, and in my opinion, these types don't have that, which is exactly the way the corporate elites have arranged it.


Believe me, Pauly, I totally get where you're coming from - plenty of 'puppet' leaders in the world - agree. But that doesn't mean all leaders are 'controlled' by others and leadership per say. This is what I mean by it not being either/or but rather, 'and.' There is both influential leadership from individuals in the world and there is 'controlled by others' individual leaders in the world. To me Trump is a danger for many reasons, none the least for the dreadful example he gives our young. He'd give narcissists the world over inspiration and hope.

I, like many, am under no illusions re the mess the US is in. I believe if you put it in % terms easily half the people of the US are poorly educated, indoctrinated and just plum ignorant. I also believe around 35% are socially aware and represent 'hope'... as slim as that may be.

I mentioned previously the incredible hospitality I was afforded whilst in the US in '93... I also encountered breathtaking ignorance. Incredibly a teacher I was talking with in Marylands, when hearing I was from Oz, asked about Germany and Hungry! I was asked if Kangaroos could fly, by an adult... and so it goes.

Where we differ, maybe, is that I see a glimmer of hope for the US in the short term. In the long term I also believe that unless something amazing happens the US will go the way of the Roman Empire etc - yes, it's already well on the way. If China gets its act together they will no doubt be the next world power (if they're not moving to that already)... many astute business leaders in China must be seeing the flaws in the CCP rule, and how much loot it is costing them and will continue to cost them.

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1819
Mr Shano, we could keep boxing on till doomsday.

The CCP has done fantastically well for China. They went from being among the poorest countries in the world pre 1949 to being a powerhouse that as you say, is second behind the US and will overtake them pretty soon. Despite the communist fear spread by dimwits, China has always been "open for business" under the pinks. They are the textbook example of state capitalism. Clearly they've paid a price, but their economic growth would be the envy of every country on the planet. They have always encouraged foreign investment, and with a population that is highly educated, hard working, disciplined, obedient, and most of all cheap, the attraction for overseas companies is obvious. Unfortunately that new found wealth isn't being shared fairly (workers employed by Apple and many others are basically slave labour with lousy conditions), but that's another story.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1820
... to being a powerhouse that as you say, is second behind the US and will overtake them pretty soon.

Reckon that's rather fanciful .... the United States is FAR out in front of a technically deficient CCP.   In the air force and in space for starters. 

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1823
Mr Shano, we could keep boxing on till doomsday.

The CCP has done fantastically well for China. They went from being among the poorest countries in the world pre 1949 to being a powerhouse that as you say, is second behind the US and will overtake them pretty soon. Despite the communist fear spread by dimwits, China has always been "open for business" under the pinks. They are the textbook example of state capitalism. Clearly they've paid a price, but their economic growth would be the envy of every country on the planet. They have always encouraged foreign investment, and with a population that is highly educated, hard working, disciplined, obedient, and most of all cheap, the attraction for overseas companies is obvious. Unfortunately that new found wealth isn't being shared fairly (workers employed by Apple and many others are basically slave labour with lousy conditions), but that's another story.

We seem to have swerved into a different direction, Pauly... but, hey, I do appreciate our 'dances.'

Yes, China is the consummate corporate state, without any pretense to democracy or human rights. In China, you speak out against the state and you vanish, or worse (ah, those pesky doctors who spoke out about C-19 in the early days. I wonder where they are!). Their values are very different to ours and their system, economically speaking, is purring along nicely without any interference from any charismatic, individual leadership.

Interesting world, interesting times we live in, eh Pauly?
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1824
So Trumpy Wumpy wants to sue Twittery Wittery because it's being Meany Weany!   :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1825
He's got more problems than twitter. ;)
They're in 'more trouble than the early explorers' over there with looting and an out of control virus in many areas.
Not a lot of social distancing in a mob. :o

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1826
One of the jokes of the year, the orange Orangutan wanting to make social media more accountable. :o  :o  :o
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1827
Our last visit to the US was late last year when my wife and I visited a number of midwest and southwest states.  Without exception we found people to be kind and courteous, and without exception they believed the US to be the greatest country in the world.

The vast majority in the fifty to seventy five age group were rusted on Trump followers.  Many listened every morning to Rush Limbaugh because "he is able to take complex matters and simplify them for us".

Few had been overseas and quite a number had not ventured outside their own state.

There was a superficial interest in Australia and Europe, possibly because of their lack of knowledge.  Free to air tv usually concentrated on local and state matters with Fox providing right wing views almost entirely related to the US.

We were left speechless at the end of a Diana Ross concert in Las Vegas when the middle aged couple sitting behind us queried our accent. When we said we were from Australia the wife said she had never heard of it.

Years ago I was told that the US is a first world country with a third world underbelly.  I've seen nothing to change that view
I can understand that. When I was travelling through Europe in 1987 I met a number of Americans. You could generally hear them a long time before you saw them (although there were a few with volume control).
A quote I heard while I was in a Youth Hostel in Brussel: "Australia! I've been to Australia. Vienna's the capital, isn't it?"
Same day, different American, "You speak real good English for an Australian!" (She thought I spoke German, that I came from Austria. I do speak some, but...)
In Vienna, in the tourist shops, there were t-shirts with Kangaroos in Lederhosen. The comment was 'We have no kangaroos here!" (Please imagine a strong German accent.)
(In those days my body could handle Youth Hostels. Alas, no more.)

I've never met an unpleasant American, although I've heard a few demanding McDonald's type service in Spanish and Portuguese restaurants. They just don't understand that foreigners do thing differently, on the whole.
Their education system is very America-centric. Most other places are not real (except Canada and Mexico). Those that know something of their past are very knowledgeable about that place, but they didn't read about it school. Their ignorance of the world is amazing.

In a lot of ways, Trump does describe a significant group of Americans. That is frightening.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1828
He's got more problems than twitter. ;)
They're in 'more trouble than the early explorers' over there with looting and an out of control virus in many areas.
Not a lot of social distancing in a mob. :o

Survival of the fittest.

USA are showing themselves to largely be ignorant, and they are suffering the consequences. No thanks to the oompa loompa running the joint. Or should that be ruining the joint?

In relation to an earlier post you made about Biden (not) being the best leader.....when was the last time it was about the best? Isn't it just who has the deepest pockets?

Their system is so severly broken. If they keep going down the path they are going, i wouldn't be surprised to see the 'UNITED' States end up in ceasing to be made up of 50 states. There will be a secession


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1829
You're not just whistling Dixie.
There are deep divisions, but they were there before Trump and he's just a catalyst.
Pop in a pandemic and you have a recipe for disaster.
As a group our people are pretty similar... except in the way we pronounce 'castle' and the fact that the only true scallop is a potato slice covered in batter. :D
The USA ,apart from a similar common language, is more like 50 different micro-nations.
Add in strong and assertive minorities and it creates a situation we really cant appreciate,

In relation to Biden, my concern is that he gives Trump a chance when in fact he shouldn't have one.
The guy will be lucky to last half a term, should he be successful in gaining the top job.
He should have been the nominee 4 years ago.
Now he should be looking at aged care.
The one positive is that unlike Trump he will no doubt have folks around him that will be the ones with the real control.
If Biden v Trump is the best they can do they are truly...well you know. :(