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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 424671 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3180
Trump is all about Trump.
He lives for the now.
He'd hate to be subject to the restrictions and sanctions that have affected Putin and Russia.
Most of his talk has been insular and his ambitions beyond the borders of the USA are limited.
He wants to change America, not necessarily the world...but his main aim is personal wealth and glory.

Putin for all his faults is more about history and his legacy and place in history.
He lives for the future.
He'd want his name and achievements to be remembered long after he's gone.
He dreams of a Russian infuence far beyond its own borders.
One that rivals the glory days of the old Soviet Union.

It's no contest.
In terms of the possible effect on the future, Putin poses much more potential for a change in the world order and alliances, one that could have a catastrophic consequence.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3181
The depths to which Trump would sink are only limited by external constraints. If he were able to eliminate all constraints, I shudder to think how far he’d go. After all, he’s a malignant narcissist and sociopath. He suggested to his Defence Secretary that they should launch missiles into Mexico to target drug cartels but fortunately Esper was able to talk him out of that. By the way, Mexico is not an enemy of the USA but would have become one if Trump had had his way and who knows where that would have led. This is also the stable genius who suggested that hurricanes should be targeted with nuclear bombs to blow them up. And his use of Federal agents to target BLM protesters and others shouldn’t be forgotten. Nor should his unleashing of a mob to storm the Capitol building and potentially assassinate his Vice President. Anyone who stands in his way is fair game and any amount of death or destruction he is able to inflict would not weigh on his conscience in the slightest as he has none.

The consequences of an unfettered Trump taking control of the USA are far worse than the dangers of Putin’s autocracy (unless, of course, Putin starts a nuclear war which remains unlikely) as Putin is currently boxed in. Trump’s 45th presidency pushed the far right towards power in South America and Europe and that would accelerate if he were to seize control of the USA. How would he deal with China? Would he team up with China (as Hitler did with Russia) before starting a war with China (as Hitler did with Russia)? Perhaps he’d be able to do none of this as he’s old and may not live long enough to achieve it. And maybe some of the guardrails of democracy would hold him up. But where would Trump end up if things fall well for him?

In the short term, it’s likely he’d hand Ukraine to Putin on a platter. You’re right that Putin is a war criminal and evil incarnate, but wouldn’t it be just as evil to reward his murderous attacks on civilians with victory and allow Putin to re-emerge as a global leader rather than the pariah he currently is? Putin is currently held in check by NATO, but Trump can hobble it by withdrawing from it. And seeing Putin palling around with Trump as Trump did with Kim Jong Un would cut off Putin’s enemies inside and outside Russia at the knees.

He’s already rehabilitated one murderous regime. After the murder and dismemberment of the journalist Kashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Turkey on the orders of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia looked as if it would be a pariah state but Trump did everything he could to rehabilitate the murderer. And it worked. They even have a golf tour now. And a big surprise was that Saudi Arabia gave Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner billions to invest for them.

Yes, Putin is scum and the world would be better if someone takes him out. But the same can be said of Bashir al-Assad and the many dictators around the world who happily murder portions of their population or wage wars (including President Xi who seems intent on wiping out the Uyghurs and other groups). How evil they are isn’t necessarily determined by the body count as that’s often proportional to opportunity and circumstance.


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3182
The depths to which Trump would sink are only limited by external constraints. If he were able to eliminate all constraints, I shudder to think how far he’d go. After all, he’s a malignant narcissist and sociopath. He suggested to his Defence Secretary that they should launch missiles into Mexico to target drug cartels but fortunately Esper was able to talk him out of that. By the way, Mexico is not an enemy of the USA but would have become one if Trump had had his way and who knows where that would have led. This is also the stable genius who suggested that hurricanes should be targeted with nuclear bombs to blow them up. And his use of Federal agents to target BLM protesters and others shouldn’t be forgotten. Nor should his unleashing of a mob to storm the Capitol building and potentially assassinate his Vice President. Anyone who stands in his way is fair game and any amount of death or destruction he is able to inflict would not weigh on his conscience in the slightest as he has none.

The consequences of an unfettered Trump taking control of the USA are far worse than the dangers of Putin’s autocracy (unless, of course, Putin starts a nuclear war which remains unlikely) as Putin is currently boxed in. Trump’s 45th presidency pushed the far right towards power in South America and Europe and that would accelerate if he were to seize control of the USA. How would he deal with China? Would he team up with China (as Hitler did with Russia) before starting a war with China (as Hitler did with Russia)? Perhaps he’d be able to do none of this as he’s old and may not live long enough to achieve it. And maybe some of the guardrails of democracy would hold him up. But where would Trump end up if things fall well for him?

In the short term, it’s likely he’d hand Ukraine to Putin on a platter. You’re right that Putin is a war criminal and evil incarnate, but wouldn’t it be just as evil to reward his murderous attacks on civilians with victory and allow Putin to re-emerge as a global leader rather than the pariah he currently is? Putin is currently held in check by NATO, but Trump can hobble it by withdrawing from it. And seeing Putin palling around with Trump as Trump did with Kim Jong Un would cut off Putin’s enemies inside and outside Russia at the knees.

He’s already rehabilitated one murderous regime. After the murder and dismemberment of the journalist Kashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Turkey on the orders of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia looked as if it would be a pariah state but Trump did everything he could to rehabilitate the murderer. And it worked. They even have a golf tour now. And a big surprise was that Saudi Arabia gave Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner billions to invest for them.

Yes, Putin is scum and the world would be better if someone takes him out. But the same can be said of Bashir al-Assad and the many dictators around the world who happily murder portions of their population or wage wars (including President Xi who seems intent on wiping out the Uyghurs and other groups). How evil they are isn’t necessarily determined by the body count as that’s often proportional to opportunity and circumstance.


How can you assert Trump's leadership had any impact of the sort?

If people are going right, its because they have had enough of being told how to think, speak, walk, and do by the left.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3183
We have just gone through one of the best times in western society to be alive.  There was plenty to go around, plenty of money to be made, plenty of prosperity to be had, and simply a time where health and well being was never better.

Unfortunately, this has given birth to a situation where populations have exploded, and we now have a lot of uncertainty, health care has become something of a stretch for a growing and aging population, our resources arent covering the range of things they used to, education seems to be getting more expensive, and irrespective of where you sit politically, hard times are coming.  The dream of home ownership is getting more difficult.  People with high paying jobs are actually having more difficulty making ends meet, and they are not able to enjoy the privlidges they once did.  This is what is giving birth to a bit of a shift in political stance.

As people get told to embrace social justice movements that simply take more money out of tax payers for very little benefit, they start to wonder why go left?  Its inevitable that this actually gives rise to the next social movement back to conservatism. 

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3184
The depths to which Trump would sink are only limited by external constraints. If he were able to eliminate all constraints, I shudder to think how far he’d go. After all, he’s a malignant narcissist and sociopath. He suggested to his Defence Secretary that they should launch missiles into Mexico to target drug cartels but fortunately Esper was able to talk him out of that. By the way, Mexico is not an enemy of the USA but would have become one if Trump had had his way and who knows where that would have led. This is also the stable genius who suggested that hurricanes should be targeted with nuclear bombs to blow them up. And his use of Federal agents to target BLM protesters and others shouldn’t be forgotten. Nor should his unleashing of a mob to storm the Capitol building and potentially assassinate his Vice President. Anyone who stands in his way is fair game and any amount of death or destruction he is able to inflict would not weigh on his conscience in the slightest as he has none.

The consequences of an unfettered Trump taking control of the USA are far worse than the dangers of Putin’s autocracy (unless, of course, Putin starts a nuclear war which remains unlikely) as Putin is currently boxed in. Trump’s 45th presidency pushed the far right towards power in South America and Europe and that would accelerate if he were to seize control of the USA. How would he deal with China? Would he team up with China (as Hitler did with Russia) before starting a war with China (as Hitler did with Russia)? Perhaps he’d be able to do none of this as he’s old and may not live long enough to achieve it. And maybe some of the guardrails of democracy would hold him up. But where would Trump end up if things fall well for him?

In the short term, it’s likely he’d hand Ukraine to Putin on a platter. You’re right that Putin is a war criminal and evil incarnate, but wouldn’t it be just as evil to reward his murderous attacks on civilians with victory and allow Putin to re-emerge as a global leader rather than the pariah he currently is? Putin is currently held in check by NATO, but Trump can hobble it by withdrawing from it. And seeing Putin palling around with Trump as Trump did with Kim Jong Un would cut off Putin’s enemies inside and outside Russia at the knees.

He’s already rehabilitated one murderous regime. After the murder and dismemberment of the journalist Kashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Turkey on the orders of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia looked as if it would be a pariah state but Trump did everything he could to rehabilitate the murderer. And it worked. They even have a golf tour now. And a big surprise was that Saudi Arabia gave Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner billions to invest for them.

Yes, Putin is scum and the world would be better if someone takes him out. But the same can be said of Bashir al-Assad and the many dictators around the world who happily murder portions of their population or wage wars (including President Xi who seems intent on wiping out the Uyghurs and other groups). How evil they are isn’t necessarily determined by the body count as that’s often proportional to opportunity and circumstance.

Most of that is a guess of what might be if Trump was allowed free reign.
He won't be.
Even if he's in charge.
The system won't let him.
He's on the skids, he just doesn't know it.

The only reason he's still relevant is that the democrats have been so average in making a distinction between good governance and the Trump era in the eyes of the average American and....the fact that Trump and talking up the threat he poses is the best thing the Dems have going for them in an electoral sense.

If he's the republican candidate he'll split the 'right' vote and the Dems will have an easy win no matter who their candidate.

Putin on the other hand is reality.
He's living 'his' dream...and people are dying in big numbers.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3185
Isn’t that what we all thought in 2016 Lods? No way they’ll vote in a racist, sexist liar like Trump? And then at each stage, the delusion continued. Now he’s the Republican Candidate, he’ll steer to the centre. Now he’s the President, he’ll be more presidential. Now he’s lost the election, he’ll admit defeat for the good of the country. I’m not going with wishful thinking. And there’s no doubt he’ll push harder against Democratic guardrails if he gets in this time. He’ll select far right minions to do his dirty work right off the bat and bring the DOJ and FBI to heel. Then he’ll unleash anti-democratic strategies the far right think tanks have been cooking up. Don’t expect the Supreme Court to stand in the way. Clarence Thomas’s wife is a far right activist and he’s bought and paid for by Harlan Crow. And there’s another 4 arch-conservative justices who rarely stood in Trump’s way when he was last in power.

The thing you’ve neatly sidestepped is what happens to Putin if Trump wins the election. There’s little doubt Putin will win big if Trump wins. If the war in Ukraine is still going on, Ukraine will be forked. MAGA is pro-Putin and there are already outspoken GOP critics of the US backing Ukraine. There won’t be anything to stop him handing the Ukraine over to Putin. And there won’t be anything to stop Trump helping Putin back onto the world stage. In fact, just the prospect of Trump winning election will encourage Putin to keep the war going so he can win after the US backs away. Isn’t emboldening Putin evil?

Thry, that’s the thing I love about the far right. They’re all for people having freedom of speech and freedom to live their lives as they wish. Well, as long as they approve of that speech or way of life. Just don’t say gay or write books they don’t like. Or be gay or trans. Or a feminist. Or Muslim. Or be non-white (unless you have honorary white status). Or be left-wing. Can’t you just smell the freedom?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3186
Isn’t emboldening Putin evil?
There's a couple of maybe's in all that.
Will Trump win?
Will they cave to Putin?
Will the war still be going 18 months from now?
Will Putin still be in power?

The question was though ...who is the worst Trump or Putin
Emboldening the Devil might be evil.
But the Devil still wins. ;)

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3187
But the Devil is the most powerful force in that scenario. Humble minions might help him but he dominates.

But what about the scenario where the Devil is helped by a much more powerful being. Wouldn’t that mean the Devil is really that being’s minion or partner-in-crime? And wouldn’t that affect the moral calculus?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3188
Putin for all his faults is more about history and his legacy and place in history.
He lives for the future.
He'd want his name and achievements to be remembered long after he's gone.
He dreams of a Russian infuence far beyond its own borders.
One that rivals the glory days of the old Soviet Union.
It's possible that Putin's public message is somewhat different from his personal motives, the immense private wealth he is collecting seems to fly in the face of his publicly stated ambitions for Russia as he is more like a harvester than a builder, like Trump his public message seems to overtly contradict his private actions.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3189
Anyway it didn't take long, one legal loss and the floodgates have opened, lawyers and other alleged Whitehouse victims are queuing up like patrons at a Ferris Wheel!

In social media circles he's already being renamed GOTUS (Groper of the US)

To me this was always Trump's fear and motivation, he needs the US Presidency to help him avoid or delay his catching the karma bus.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3190
Anyway it didn't take long, one legal loss and the floodgates have opened, lawyers and other alleged Whitehouse victims are queuing up like patrons at a Ferris Wheel!

In social media circles he's already being renamed GOTUS (Groper of the US)

To me this was always Trump's fear and motivation, he needs the US Presidency to help him avoid or delay his catching the karma bus.
He is a dirty rotten grub of a human, but he is no murdering psychopath.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3191
Hope they don’t give him the chance to prove you wrong.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3192
The problem with this argument is the old eternal one.
Who's the biggest?

It boils down to which one we each think personally, due to our own biases and values.... is the biggest dick.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3193
The problem with this argument is the old eternal one.
Who's the biggest?

It boils down to which one we each think personally, due to our own biases and values.... is the biggest dick.

I'm tipping the people from the Ukraine would have a fairly certain view based on first hand experience.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3194
Looking at the question from another perspective:

Do I support the elimination of Putin? Absolutely!

Do I support the elimination of Aurangzeb? Not yet!
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball