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Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #90
It would be a pretty poor individual who be heckling or sledging Billy over this, innocent victim.  I don't imagine the majority of a sportmans night audience would take too kindly to that sort of behaviour.

How long it takes before Billy feels able to do those sort of gigs again is another matter entirely.

Agree. Billy would be feeling pretty down atm and the last thing he'd want is the company or "humour" that you might find at a sportsman's night. Gee, all that sophistication would be just too much to bear!
Reality always wins in the end.


Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #91
Lyon and Brownless have made multi's from gagging others, can't see them avoiding some clown doing unto them what they have done to others...
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #92
Absolutely Thry!

These sorts of grubby affairs happen anonymously all the time but, when it involves so-called celebrities, it suddenly becomes newsworthy.  I'm as guilty as everyone else in speculating about the gory details but I don't need to know and wouldn't mind if nothing more was said.

I guess there's so much speculation in social media, etc that those involved feel that they have to correct the record and, in doing so, feed the flames.

I have the same ideas about footballers too.

We are emotionally invested in their outcomes, but we don't need to know if they like Martha or Steve (borrowing from another thread).

We just want to see their exploits on field, and as much as we are emotionally invested in their performances, finding out about public urination after hours, or perhaps issues to do with substances of addiction, mental health issues, or etc, are only a concern of ours if they effect their on field performances.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #93
Lyon and Brownless have made multi's from gagging others, can't see them avoiding some clown doing unto them what they have done to others...

Nope - the lowest common denominator is a powerful magnet for some.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #94
Ths misfortune for the those who become collateral damage isn't just being named it is the way it gets reported. For example today the newspapers run with the headline;
"Nicky Brownless Out of Hiding!"

Now I understand that perhaps this is the first time she has been spotted in public since the news broke, but to imply she has been in hiding is just sensationalism.

As for Billy and Lyon, they know how the media works and how easily it turns on their own. They should be expecting the Full Monty, as a few people currently or previously involved with the footy show know they have a reputation in the industry. There will be many waiting in the wings for the opportunity to lower their profile by a few inches! But this is what happens when historically part of your profit comes at the expense of others, and this is also where the situation significantly differs for Nicky Brownless and other family members from the situation Billy and Lyon find themselves in.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #95
Lyon has always come across to me as slimy, arrogant and smarmy. Never expected this, but somehow neither am I surprised.

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #96
What about Nicky B the socialite.
Does the typical thing, and goes for her ex's best mate.
How will she be able to face the gals at the Polo lol
Another one whose (rightly or wrongly) reputation is gone.

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #97
Lyon has made himself the punchline to a million dumb jokes in one move. Exactly the sort of dumb jokes he's enjoyed at the expense of others his whole career.

The mental issues bit seems a little convenient to me. A good way to extract some sympathy in a moment where he should be copping an absolute pounding.

If this was anyone else Jim would come out dressed as Nicky and Sam would spend the whole first show hitting on him. Will be interesting to see how the double standards play out.

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #98
Great article by Clementine Ford in today's Age:

Cut another man's lunch though, and it's to the doghouse for you. It doesn't matter that Brownless himself has admitted that he could have been a better husband, and that he allowed his role in the media to make him selfish and self-absorbed. Whatever reasons his ex-wife had for leaving him, according to this narrative, she's still 'his'.

And it's interesting how sidelined Nicky Brownless and Melissa Lyon have been in all this. If mentioned at all, any distress felt by the latter has been dealt with as an afterthought to the real tragedy here of Lyon betraying his best mate. Nicky's consent or wishes haven't been considered at all, because they're irrelevant to the overriding narrative of Bros Before Hoes and the violation of the time honoured code of masculinity and mateship.

This is the story the media is focusing on, and it's a subtle demonstration of how influential the narrative of masculinity is on the news cycle as a whole. Before you roll your eyes at that, ask yourself if this story would be taken as seriously if it were about two sportswomen and their extracurricular relationships.

It's sure to outrage the misogynists  :)

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #99
Can't speak about mental health issues, but I would not be at all surprised if part of what he's battling is a guilty conscience.

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #100
There is one winner in the sorry saga...Wayne longer the only douchebag hit on your best mates Missus in the AFL and he must be thinking its great Gary Lyon has now taken over that mantle....Wayne blamed it on the drugs, booze, his old man and I'll be interested to see where GL lays the blame particularly if tries to rebuild his media career...Depression is a terrible affliction but I hope Lyon isnt hiding behind that cover only because he has been caught out.

Ricky Nixon is another AFL fallen angel that would be enjoying the focus on former cleanskin Lyon....

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #101
There is news and then there is just trashy social stories.

To be honest, I think we find out too much about these people that doesnt benefit us or society at all.

Goes with the territory, you want  a career in a public forum like the media then your life becomes public.....

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #102
Great article by Clementine Ford in today's Age:

It's sure to outrage the misogynists  :)

Women are fine with their best friends sniffing around their ex's soon after break up, I suppose?

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #103
Women are fine with their best friends sniffing around their ex's soon after break up, I suppose?

Yeah, and they won't bitch about it to anyone if it happens! ::)
The Force Awakens!

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #104
Yeah, and they won't bitch about it to anyone if it happens! ::)

What Clementine completely neglects to take into account is that Brownless is upset that it's Lyon involved and the timing. He's not boorishly smashing anyone who comes near her. It's as if this was written by a robot who doesn't understand human emotions. She should apologize to Brownless for this categorisation