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Topic: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension (Read 56792 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #180
Well my recent bout of distemper is just about cleared up now and my nose is cold again!  :)

Have you stopped humping legs though?  :P

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #181
Don't expect it to be cheaper! ;)

I have a 15 year old diabetic cat! I'm well aware. ;D
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #183
I'm afraid your prejudiced shows your ignorance.

Vets are trained every bit has heavily as any human doctor, cartilage, muscle, vascular systems, orthopedics and healing are virtually identical across all mammals. Most of those medical treatments, procedures and drugs used on athletes were invented or refined on animals under the guidance of a vet long before a doctor was ever allowed to use them on a person.

It turns out vets are at the cutting edge, it is the doctors who follow! ;)

That's quite funny!  My day job involves the identification and analysis of human and animal skeletal remains.  Even though doctors often mistake animal bones for human bones, there really is little similarity.  Next time you have a spare moment, compare the structure of your leg that of a dog, cat, horse, sheep, etc.  Our bipedal gait means that our physiology is very different to other vertebrates.  Most creatures, with the exception of primates and reptiles, walk on their toes while humans walk on their toes, metatarsals and tarsal bones.

Yes, vets have a good general knowledge of vertebrate anatomy and physiology but they don't study human anatomy and physiology. 
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #184
Have you stopped humping legs though?  :P

I prefer cushions - they're not as likely to kick.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #185
I repeat this question.

Its been answered.

Risk/reward, i'd do it again.

You win some, you lose some.

If you don't play, you can't win.


Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #186
That's quite funny!  My day job involves the identification and analysis of human and animal skeletal remains.  Even though doctors often mistake animal bones for human bones, there really is little similarity.  Next time you have a spare moment, compare the structure of your leg that of a dog, cat, horse, sheep, etc.  Our bipedal gait means that our physiology is very different to other vertebrates.  Most creatures, with the exception of primates and reptiles, walk on their toes while humans walk on their toes, metatarsals and tarsal bones.

Yes, vets have a good general knowledge of vertebrate anatomy and physiology but they don't study human anatomy and physiology.

Given your day job you should have exhibited far more respect for the extensive training vets have and their ability to read XRays, scans and echograms. Especially those who specialize and receive their doctorate, they can be as heavily trained as the best general surgeon.

So I gather your belittling McKay as a vet is just cheap points scoring exercise and rather pathetic given what you do!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #187
Given your day job you should have exhibited far more respect for the extensive training vets have and their ability to read XRays, scans and echograms. Especially those who specialize and receive their doctorate, they can be as heavily trained as the best general surgeon.

So I gather your belittling McKay as a vet is just cheap points scoring exercise and rather pathetic given what you do!

Give it up LP!  When have I ever belittled Andy McKay?

Everyone with a skerrick of knowledge of how Carlton was operating knows that Malthouse and Swann sidelined McKay to give Daisy the deal to secure his financial future.

Your spurious argument collapses because vets, despite their extensive training, do not study human anatomy and physiology.  Furthermore, our club should be condemned if they relied on a vet to determine whether a crippled player could be rehabilitated.  That has to be up there with some of the most stupid comments ever posted here.  You've really excelled this time: congratulations!

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #188
Give it up LP!  When have I ever belittled Andy McKay?

Everyone with a skerrick of knowledge of how Carlton was operating knows that Malthouse and Swann sidelined McKay to give Daisy the deal to secure his financial future.

Your spurious argument collapses because vets, despite their extensive training, do not study human anatomy and physiology.  Furthermore, our club should be condemned if they relied on a vet to determine whether a crippled player could be rehabilitated.  That has to be up there with some of the most stupid comments ever posted here.  You've really excelled this time: congratulations!

Nobody has made any assumptions about McKay diagnosing Daisy, you are just trying to infer that to colour the debate.

But even after his most basic training McKay is infinitely more qualified than any coach, trainer, recruiter, administrator or taxonomist to listen to the assessment of the experts, form an opinion, make a decision and communicate that to the club.

You are happy to condemn his involvement in the process, yet next to the clubs orthopedic surgeons he was probably equal to or better than any other person in the club to be involved. It's just bizarre you continue your attack, you must really hate McKay!

Your closed minded attitude is the old Carlton, the bad Carlton, the thing that holds us back! Look for some positives in life, I appreciate it must be hard to do when your stuck dealing with the dead all day, but make an effort it will be rewarding!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #189
You either have NFI or an overactive imagination LP, or perhaps both.

I really can't be bothered responding to your ignorant comments so let's just leave it at that.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #190
Your memory must be faulty Thry.  Indeed, one of Wallsy's comments was about Daisy pulling his head in and setting a better example.
Nah, that's retrospective.

He wasn't a party boy with a bad attitude at Collingwood which is what we are talking about here.  That was the rat pack.  Blokes with tattoos shooting with bikies hits and runs and what not.

Walls was talking about Daisy going down media Street and getting out on the field and letting football do the talking.   Hard to do when your injured.  I think you're mixing up your discussion points a little bit.


Anyway, it's not possible to defend the indefensible and I'm not going to bother to read any more of the lame (sorry about the pun!) justifications for the club recruiting Thomas.  It happened and we're stuck with an overpaid list clogger.  As I've said many times before, I'd love to see him recapture some form but I'm less optimistic of it happening than ever before.

Something I've come around to this year.  But that's the point.   This year.

It's impossible to know what you're going to get until you get it, and what you're really frustrated about was a risk that we didn't need to take that didn't work.

retrospective frustration is fine, but you can't project that back to three years ago based on different opinions it's impossible to know what was right or wrong and the truth was somewhere in between. One of them was going to be right, and in time, both could be.

Daisy is/was cooked.  We have seen him play roughly 15 matches coming into his third year.  We will see but ultimately it doesn't matter.  He will do what he will do, it's not going to effect our flag chances.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #191
We'll have to agree to disagree Thry.

I know that Collingwood was concerned with Daisy's nightclubbing and I know that they were concerned that he would never regain full fitness.  For whatever reason, we chose to ignore those issues and give him a long term contract as the club's highest paid player.

It was a poor decision at the time and it hasn't improved with the passage of time.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #192
You either have NFI or an overactive imagination LP, or perhaps both.

I really can't be bothered responding to your ignorant comments so let's just leave it at that.

So again no comments about the skills and training that make McKay's a suitable choice to deal with the technicalities, jargon, pharmacology and therapies relating to injuries, health and fitness as an AFL player. Just an attack on me.

Your bias is transparent, perhaps you'd prefer we replace him with an accountant or librarian!

Until there is some evidence to support your assertions, I'm happy stand by the knowledge that McKay has hard qualifications that cannot be questioned and makes him the ideal person to assess the reports of medical specialists.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #193
I'm not a Doctor or a Vet and have no experience with skeletal science but if you put a football in a players hands and tell him to kick it as far as he can and it goes only 30m
then you have some idea things are not right..
If the coach starts making excuses for the player and gives the impression that said player is still in rehab mode and not to expect too much in his initial season then you know you have a lemon...

Re: Daisy charged for striking Laidler! - can accept 1 game suspension

Reply #194
So again no comments about the skills and training that make McKay's a suitable choice to deal with the technicalities, jargon, pharmacology and therapies relating to injuries, health and fitness as an AFL player. Just an attack on me.

Your bias is transparent, perhaps you'd prefer we replace him with an accountant or librarian!

Until there is some evidence to support your assertions, I'm happy stand by the knowledge that McKay has hard qualifications that cannot be questioned and makes him the ideal person to assess the reports of medical specialists.

So the guy whose job isn't to assess medical reports and who isn't qualified to do so is the ideal person to make the call? One of the more out there ideas but would nicely explain this mess.