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Topic: ALFW B&F Thread (Read 22653 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #30
3 Davey
2 Sheirlaw
1 Downie

HM Arnell, Axon, Hoskin, Jacobson, Vescio, Loynes
Coming together is the beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
Henry Ford.

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #31
She certainly appears to be the most complete player, moves like a footballer, thinks like a footballer.

I think you could say that about all 3 of our vote getters in R1.

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #32
Special mentions to Exon and Davey. I mean it's hard not to have Davey in there as top possession getter, but I reckon the influence of someone like Loynes was more noticeable. 5 tackles and a massive amount of pressure around the ball stopped GWS from getting clean breaks at a number of stations. Arnell led from the front again. Maybe it's the strapped shoulders, but for me she's the women's Juddy. Bulldozed through to get the ball out of stoppages when it counted most.

Yes, Loynes was really influential, and really hard at the contest.  I'm still pondering my votes but I don't think I can squeeze her in and that's why I'm not all that enamoured of the 3-2-1 system.  Anyway, there's no point crying over spilt milk and I'll just have to make a judgement call  :)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #33
Yes, Loynes was really influential, and really hard at the contest.  I'm still pondering my votes but I don't think I can squeeze her in and that's why I'm not all that enamoured of the 3-2-1 system.  Anyway, there's no point crying over spilt milk and I'll just have to make a judgement call  :)

The girls are tough to vote on, the possession counts are low and someone can have single figure disposals yet still be influential.

It's like the old days when a stay at home forward might get 7 kicks and 3 or 4 goals! Or the fullback who gets 3 or 4 kicks but keeps the gun FF goalless !
The Force Awakens!

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #34

3. Jakobsson
2. Davey
1. Loynes
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #35
Ridiculously hard to give votes this week. Could've given votes to 10 players easily.

I'll settle with...
3. Davey - Highest possession winner on the ground, daylight ahead of 2nd. Solid, consistent and dependable.
2. Vescio - Quiet game compared to last week, but thats because the ball didnt get down there as much. Still extremely dangerous when the ball is near her. 2 goals
1. Exon - Relentless in the 1%'s. Plays like simmo. Our =highest tackler on the day, never dies wondering with repeat efforts a plenty. Team player.

KGJ, Sierlaw, Downie, Jakobsson, Loynes, hardimann, arnell.....the list goes on, all unlucky.

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #36

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #37
Bit harder this week as quite a few were more prominent.
That's a good thing...we're starting to get more familiar with the players and their strengths and limitations.

We've gone with the 3, 2, 1 for this season.
We realise it's not ideal, and no doubt we'll rejig it for next season.
This year is just about judging interest.
The thing is though if we're having 10-12 people voting we will usually end up with a fair consensus for the top 3. If we get a tie for a position we'll use a count-back system to break it.

My votes.
3 Davey
2 Arnell
1 Exon

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #38
3 - Davey
2 - Arnell
1 - Downie

... and apologies to half a dozen others  :)

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball


Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #39
I'll go with:

[3] Loynes
[2] Hardiman
[1] Davey

With apologies to a number of others.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #40

Votes for round 2 will go

Davey 3
Arnell 2
Loynes 1


Davey 6
Vescio 2
Arnell 2
Jakobsson 1
Loynes 1

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #41
Round 3 Voting is now open

Just vote on a 3, 2, 1 basis.

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #42
[3] Davey
[2] Hardiman
[1] Arnell
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #43
3 - Davey
2- Hardiman
1 - Downie
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: ALFW B&F Thread

Reply #44
Was trying to work out who i was voted for throughout the game. It changed repeatedly, but i settled on this too.

3 - Davey
2- Hardiman
1 - Downie