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Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy. I'm so over these guys.

Has there ever been a more over rated duo than these two? Jesus, talk about turn over kings and soft at the contest. I hope that Bolton trades both these clowns at seasons end so I at least don't have to waste my time watching their continued ineptitude representing this once great club.

I would prefer to watch an entire team of 18 year olds getting smashed week in week out, that show some heart than these two constantly turning it over and putting team mates under pressure. For two that are supposed to be skillful players, I'm yet to see any evidence of that. Marc Murphy's missed goal in the first sums him up at the club perfectly. When you need him or his cohort to do something to give the team some heart you can guarantee they'll f*ck it up.

Over the last couple of weeks there are numerous examples from both the to illustrate their sh*tness. Go watch the games again and do it critically and you'll see what I'm talking about. People giving either of these two votes in any game is beyond belief in my eyes. It's like you blokes are watching a different game to me or are living in an alternate world where lack of skill and softness is to be lauded. They are kings of killing momentum and sucking the life out of the side with their efforts and poor execution of basic footy skills. Although, Casboult and his goal kicking is right up there as well in this regard.

Look at Samo Petrevski-Seton, now that's someone with poise and doesn't panic even under extreme pressure. Hits a target 95% of the time and is in his 5th game. Then look at Gibbs and Murphy's constant turn overs and mis-kicks. I can't remember the last time either got the ball to spin correctly through the air using a drop punt. It's just embarrassing! Having said that, Docherty hasn't been much better.

You would expect Murphy as the captain of the club to show at least some grunt at the contest, but all he does is soft it up when he's there and allows opponents to run past him like he's standing still. Our back line is placed under so much pressure because these two effectively put on zero pressure at the source. They allow their direct opponents to simply stroll through the centre of the ground unimpeded. It sh*ts me no end when I see Murphy with his customary head wobble to make it look like he's putting in an effort. I don't see the head wobble when he has the ball on the outside running 1 minute later in preparation for another turn over.

Don't give me this bullsh*t that they're both spent from running covering for the kids, that's just plain crap. If anything, it's the other way around because the kids are constantly having to sprint back trying to make up for the inevitable turn over. All the while, those causing the turn over stroll back without a care in the world. It's like they're above all that and aren't required to put in the effort to run back and support.

They are the two of the most selfish players in the AFL with zero commitment to the cause and are only in it for themselves and what the club can do for them.

Drugs are bad, mmmkay...

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #1
Unfortunately Spanner, I cant argue with any of that. When you look at their games (not just last nights, any) and mark them hard because of their age, experience and standing at the Club, they come up very short on many occasions. They are not elite ball users I dont care what anyone says. I am happy to play to the kids and suffer the growing pains but I am having difficulty tolerating the efforts (inconsistent) of our senior players, these two especially. Murph will not be proud of that game whether he was injured or not. Whether he can redeem himself or not remains to be seen. As for Gibbs, he just looks like he doesn't give a feck. A few years ago, he admitted to snapping out of his lacklustre effort under the mentoring of Dean Laidley, he showed great urgency in games and went hard at it. He seems to have slipped back into that pre Laidley attitude.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #2
I'd be surprised if Caracella's arrival rather than Vickery's departure isn't the main reason why the Tiges have looked half decent.

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #3
I'd be surprised if Caracella's arrival rather than Vickery's departure isn't the main reason why the Tiges have looked half decent.

So you don't give any credence to poor attitude and effort has any contributing factor to team moral and performance? The selfishness of effort these two portray weekly is directly attributable to where we've been as a club since they've been here.

They think their shi+ don't stink and believe because they're high drafting picks, effort is only required when they feel like it.
Drugs are bad, mmmkay...

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #4
I doubt Vickery had much had much to do with anything. They did make finals 3 years in a row before last year and we're only 4 rounds in. Vickery was playing then, and contributed.

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #5
So you don't give any credence to poor attitude and effort has any contributing factor to team moral and performance? The selfishness of effort these two portray weekly is directly attributable to where we've been as a club since they've been here.

They think their shi+ don't stink and believe because they're high drafting picks, effort is only required when they feel like it.

You've had it in for them for ages. As with all of us, you are completely entitled to your opinion.

Putting aside the question of Murph for the minute, the club has been steadfast in its praise and defense of Gibbs since day 1. All his coaches, starting with Pagan, Ratten, MM, Barker and Bolts have had nothing but good things to say about him. Compare this with Jack Watts' position at Melbourne, where coaches and others have publicly taken him to task at various points. We saw last season the club flat out refused to trade him, unless they got an offer they were happy with. This gives you some idea about how the club views him.

And of course, poor attitude is unacceptable, and is without doubt a corrosive quality. Both of them give me the craps sometimes as well. But they are still in our top 5 players, week in week out. If they are both out next week against the Swans, I guess we will know one way or the other how they fit into the scheme of things.

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #6
Agree 100% spanner.
Murphy turns it over continuously, can't kick straight from 30 metres out, and can't stick a tackle at all because he's scared about injuring his shoulders. So he makes out like he's trying to tackle, but isn't really doing it.

Gibbs, well, I've had it in for Gibbs from day 1. F-or every good game he's played, he's played 30 cr@p ones. I was praying that we could do the Adelaide deal, but once again, God let me down. Let's hope he's gone at the end of the year.

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #7
Spanner, whilst your comments are strong, its obvious to me that you have had a gut full and that I can understand.

You do single out Murph and Gibbs, but i don't think they have been the lone rangers in regards to certain deficiencies.

From my perspective when i observe our players, specifically our more seasoned players I try to give myself some perspective by comparing them to similar players in other teams. Right now, Murph and Gibbs have not been up to scratch, so far.

I do question some of Murphs disposals, as they can seem to be poorly executed, but then i have to remember the cattle around him maybe doesnt provide him any decent options. Remember we do have alot of newbies who are still learning.

I try not to look at one match in isolation and pass judgement as that can lead to incorrect conclusions. I'm hoping to see some improvement in around 8 rounds, better skills, better decision making once our newbies get their head around the gameplan.

Lets just all take a deep breath, pour a bourbon, we know its going to be a long year, but sometimes you have to go backwards a little before you start moving forward.

Rock bottom exists for a reason, from that point the only way is up, i'm content to put up with disappointment because i know it will eventually deliver us sustained access.
SOS - "I hated losing"

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #8

Obviously you and your mate are comfortable with their efforts. Keep that head in the sand and those rose coloured glasses on. Wouldn't want to say anything outside what you consider the norm otherwise that boat may be rocked.

Drugs are bad, mmmkay...


Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #9
Why are Murphy's and Gibbs's skill errors immune to criticism? Are people suggesting they dont exist?
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #10
They are number 1 picks so they can't do no wrong. They also play for Carlton and therefore should be placed in a cocoon and molly-coddled to protect their fragile existence and egos.

It's about time they're called out for what they are. Over paid hacks.

It just goes to show you how good Judd really was in carrying these two loafers. Now it's poor Cripps' turn and I really find that appalling that two of the most senior players at the club are climbing on the back of Cripps (who's what, 21 years old??) and asking him to carry the load.

Drugs are bad, mmmkay...

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #11
Murph works his guts out and Whilst I agree Gibbs seems
To be lacklustre at times he is also one of our most skillful players.

We all think we know everything watching these guys play once a week but obviously not - the club would not have stayed with Murph as captain and Gibbs in the leadership group if they weren't worthy of it.

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #12
Do yourself a favour to get out of last nights funk

Turn on Vhannel 7 the NBs are winning against Willie who they haven't beaten in three years.

Cunningham McKay Graham Jones Boekhorst Smedts all playing well - get some positivity into yourself  ;D

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #13
The fact that they turn it over or put team mates under pressure, and the effect it has on the group (ie the young ones expect more from their leaders) is fair game I reckon. Heck, Simmo even turned to Murph with an evil stare after one of the turnovers. I understand last night was not a good night at all, but the criticism of the leaders/more experienced players though is somewhat warranted. In Murphs and Simmon Capt and V Capt acceptance speeches on CFC TV, they both stated the accountability would go both ways.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Bryce Gibbs & Marc Murphy

Reply #14
Its funny. Pagan was mentioned a couple of times after the match and BANG. Spanner shows up.

It's like Beetlejuice by proxy.