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Topic: Deer in the Headlights (Read 26287 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #90
Unfortunately Baggers. there have been many more than a couple started by arsonists. 

I should have been clearer... posting on the run, silly me. Apologies to the Fluffy One and Chalky old son. The 'couple' of fires referred to in my post related to a recent spate of a dozen or so but I didn't clarify that - my bad! (Two of those were confirmed, deliberate... but I failed to give the necessary details/specifics ...doh!).

Yes, over, for example an entire fire season you'll find anything up to 50% caused by deliberate or suspicious circumstances. As mentioned previously, and in the greater scheme of things, there will always be those sick individuals who will deliberately or carelessly cause a bush fire so we have to be even better at locating and combatting fires, especially as now bush fires have the potential to cause so much more devastation.

As TONYO said, "The old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - if we have effective and well-provisioned emergency workforces including volunteers, providing proactive as well as reactive services, we are less likely to end up wondering how so many of these events go so wrong."

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #91
I guess it is a human trait to believe what you want to believe Baggers. True for people from all walks of life and shades of political opinion. Unfortunately few of us are blessed with the gift of absolute impartiality.
Unfortunately in the area where I live all the News Ltd promoted fire bug paranoia has results in vigilantly types patrolling the streets harassing groups of kids and teenagers who are obviously "the fire lighters."

The net result is that everyone is now driving their kids around the area trivial distances instead of them just walking and playing outdoors!

Get that in your carbon sink irony!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #93
Unfortunately in the area where I live all the News Ltd promoted fire bug paranoia has results in vigilantly types patrolling the streets harassing groups of kids and teenagers who are obviously "the fire lighters."

The net result is that everyone is now driving their kids around the area trivial distances instead of them just walking and playing outdoors!

Get that in your carbon sink irony!

Another case of jumping to conclusions by the sound of it. So the fact that firebugs are active should be supressed?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #94
I guess it is a human trait to believe what you want to believe Baggers. True for people from all walks of life and shades of political opinion. Unfortunately few of us are blessed with the gift of absolute impartiality.

Yes, I guess I'm biased against News Ltd/Fox News!  🥴

The people we trust to be the most impartial are scientists, because they test and retest their results. I wonder if they've had anything to say about the horrors of our recent fires  🤓  😉
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #97
Do these scientists have access to the crime reports? If so I would love to listen to them on the subject of firebugs and how their activities may impact the overall picture wrt the bush fires.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #99
For those still blaming 'pinko, lefty, greenie' whatevers for the fires, check out these and other interesting facts:
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #100
What was I saying the other day about the divide between city and country?  Never been more obvious and all it needs is a good read of posts here.  Try this .. I had to release a possum after getting it out of my roof in Kew.  Effin' nuts.  After moving here?  See a brown snake, ring a mate, 2 minutes later, shotgun and a beer.  Eye opening.  And so much better

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #101
What was I saying the other day about the divide between city and country?  Never been more obvious and all it needs is a good read of posts here.  Try this .. I had to release a possum after getting it out of my roof in Kew.  Effin' nuts.  After moving here?  See a brown snake, ring a mate, 2 minutes later, shotgun and a beer.  Eye opening.  And so much better
It's laughable that the people actually living in the bush are told what to do frequently by people who regardless of where they were born or grew up now choose to rarely get further away from the CBD than Prahran or Brighton.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #102
Human Induced Climate Change and rising temps are not geared to global drought or flood, that's a crap assumption blokes like Kelly make to stir up crap for News Ltd and Newcastle Coal shipping mates. They try to assert it's Venus or Mars for the Earth.

Human Induced Climate Changes causes wild swings and extreme peaks and troughs, lots more so called Black Swan events and I think links in this thread have already discussed some relating to the current fires. Extreme rain, extreme drought, extreme blizzards and extreme firestorms.

The averages might be very deceptive if looked at in isolation.

The data shows your assertions are total BS.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #103
The data shows your assertions are total BS.
The first most reliable bullcrap detector you can have is when you hear or read someone claim rising temperatures will lead to widespread global drought, try and sell that drought claim to the people in Bangladesh or Jakarata, or the Pacific Island nations! (For example parts of tropical Thailand are in an extreme drought, while further down the peninsula parts of Malaysia and Indonesia are flooded. Regions most would generalize as having similar climates all year round!)

What the data tells scientists is that the two primary effects will be rising average sea levels and weather regions shifting, some areas becoming dryer while other areas will become wetter. This is coupled to more extreme weather events, driven by larger differentials between high and low pressure regions. From what I've read this is likely being driven by a shift in the latitude of the circumpolar flows.

Of course these are all theories but the early signs are the scientists have got it right, as North America sees blizzard and tornado events in locations they are not previously recorded, and we may even find increasing frequency of tornado type events in parts of SE Australia. Other natural changes need to be considered, for example Victoria is currently inundated with Portuguese Man-O-War, and local fishermen are catching species that to quote them "We don't have down South!", as sure of a sign as you will find that there is a shift in ocean temps and currents.

Is it permanent or just temporary? Who knows because it takes more than a human lifetime to determine that! A reality right wing nutters like Andrew Bolt and Craig Kelly cling to as they make global assertions from cherry-picked data, they sit waiting for small localised contradictions to appear in the exposed data so they can crow about it, a tactic they learned from Christopher Mockton and the Tobacco industry designed to cast doubt on the science and data.
The Force Awakens!


Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #104
What was I saying the other day about the divide between city and country?  Never been more obvious and all it needs is a good read of posts here.  Try this .. I had to release a possum after getting it out of my roof in Kew.  Effin' nuts.  After moving here?  See a brown snake, ring a mate, 2 minutes later, shotgun and a beer.  Eye opening.  And so much better

I think you can find plenty of examples that go the other way, completely. I've certainly sent snakes, possums and rats to 'a better place' when they posed a threat to the wellbeing of my family or attempting to destroy my veggie patch -- yes, living in a bayside suburb then and also when we lived in Tyabb.

One of my dear friends (city dweller - outer suburb) grows the best tomatoes you will ever taste... mostly beefheart for all his pastes (tradition Italian pasta sauces). Suffice to say he has no issues with possoms. As some vanish and new ones arrive, they mysteriously vanish as well... no-one messes with his tomatoes! Kiwis have the right idea for possoms. Conversely, I can tell you about friends in Gippy who would be horrified by my mates attitudes and actions to protect his tomatoes/veggie garden!

I've lived in both city and country since leaving the Navy in 1976 and although there are some definite cultural differences, the divide is not as great as some might believe. We live 2 hours from Melbourne now and the mix of folks here is pretty diverse... there is the 'less rush' of the country here, which I like. I don't miss the smell of pollution in the air of the city, that's for sure. The smell of eucalypt in the morning... aahhhh, magnificent.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17