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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4755
The BS media spin in this is out of control. Scare mongering with numbers that suit their narrative is beyond belief.

Hospital icu will be overrun yet only 20 cases in ICU across every hospital in the whole state!

This virus is dangerous, this variant attacks the young and is deadly……..  thousands of cases yet only 3 Deaths in 10 months.

Yet leaders refuse to acknowledge the souring  health rates, costs to the economy that out great grand children will be left to repay and unprecedented suicides.

And all this in the strictest and longest running lockdown in the WORLD!!

But the good news is according to Dan once we get to 80% vaccinated he will remove lockdowns (see Israel) .

Yeah that makes perfect sense.

We are a laughing stock.

Are you not paying attention to what’s happening on NSW?

COVID patients are being intubated in ambulances because there are no beds for them.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4756
Could the only 3 deaths from Covid thing have something to do with the Covid-0 thing for almost all of the 10 months?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4757
1400 new cases in NSW and 12 Deaths.....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4758
I don’t get peoples preoccupation with ‘the rest of the world is laughing at us’. According to who - Fox News presenters who would kill their own grandma for an extra buck.  The UK vaxed the Fck out of their population very fast and we are lucky to have SlowMo who told us it wasn’t a race!

A big problem is your hatred of Dan blinds you to the facts presented by health officials across the board including the AMA.  There are a smattering of epidemiologists such as Catherine Bennett who sways with the breeze, that say open up only at 70-80% first vax and even then slowly. The majority of them say keep closed as long as possible to drive down Numbers and increase vax rates.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4759
True, EB. As has been pointed out by experts, everyone in Australia will be exposed to Covid at some point. We're not in Kansas any more Toto. Each of us should do what we can to ensure that when we're exposed, our immune system can repel the invaders or at least minimise the extent of the subsequent illness. Obviously vaccines are a major part of our preparations, but masking and social distancing also help to reduce the extent of any exposure.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4760
The suicide stats have been shown time and again to be false, they are not bigger than ever before but should not be used as a throwaway line to ‘open up and let it rip’ - and I think you would agree that a pandemic is going to cause mental anguish for every person on the planet! Everyone has their own fears - whether they be money, business, health, loved ones, long Covid, their children’s health - mental/physical/both! Everyone is experiencing a degree of mental distress.    Regardless of lockdown.  States with no Covid have anxiety other states will give it to them, they worry for loved ones, being able to travel, their businesses.

We are in a pandemic.

The Victorian Chief Psychiatrist encourages and supports the measures in place, weighing up everything.

I won’t go on about that as people reading may be distressed and I don’t want to add to that - please seek support for yourself/loved ones and please be careful in how you speak of this issue as there are triggers.

Please seek help if you need it. Talk to someone, it will help.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4761
Nice post Micky.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4763
The BS media spin in this is out of control. Scare mongering with numbers that suit their narrative is beyond belief.

Hospital icu will be overrun yet only 20 cases in ICU across every hospital in the whole state!

This virus is dangerous, this variant attacks the young and is deadly……..  thousands of cases yet only 3 Deaths in 10 months.

Yet leaders refuse to acknowledge the souring  health rates, costs to the economy that out great grand children will be left to repay and unprecedented suicides.

And all this in the strictest and longest running lockdown in the WORLD!!

But the good news is according to Dan once we get to 80% vaccinated he will remove lockdowns (see Israel) .

Yeah that makes perfect sense.

We are a laughing stock.
Compare deaths overseas vs deaths here.
Compare lockdowns overseas vs lockdowns here.

I suspect you will find a very similar bell curve, and its not a coincidence.

Prevention is better than the cure.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4764
The suicide stats have been shown time and again to be false, they are not bigger than ever before but should not be used as a throwaway line to ‘open up and let it rip’ - and I think you would agree that a pandemic is going to cause mental anguish for every person on the planet! Everyone has their own fears - whether they be money, business, health, loved ones, long Covid, their children’s health - mental/physical/both! Everyone is experiencing a degree of mental distress.    Regardless of lockdown.  States with no Covid have anxiety other states will give it to them, they worry for loved ones, being able to travel, their businesses.

We are in a pandemic.

The Victorian Chief Psychiatrist encourages and supports the measures in place, weighing up everything.

I won’t go on about that as people reading may be distressed and I don’t want to add to that - please seek support for yourself/loved ones and please be careful in how you speak of this issue as there are triggers.

Please seek help if you need it. Talk to someone, it will help.
Well said, Micky.

Yes, the lockdowns do add another level of stress and may expose some vulnerabilities that were being managed for a great number of individuals. It could be a tipping point for some.

I, along with you, would strongly urge anyone experiencing mental health issues -- especially anxiety & depressive problems -- to acknowledge their difficulties and reach out for support, you are not alone and there are plenty of appropriately experienced folks to offer support and effective strategies for dealing with these harsh realities. It is NOT an indication of any weakness to ask for help... in fact, it's quite the opposite - courageous.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4765
Prevention is better than the cure.

Agree but there is always a tipping point and IMO in this state we have passed it.   My point is we cant continue to live this way and sadly there is no credible roadmap out of it as Dan is obsessed with case numbers and wants close to zero before relaxing restrictions. Blind Freddie knows that is not going to happen.

Thing is if the government really want those on the fence to believe their spin that the vaccine is the answer and the way out of these lockdowns explain to me why there isn't freedoms that only apply to citizens that have had both jabs? Why do those who had had it have to wait for others who are dragging there feet. Wouldn't it push all those who have doubts if they can actually see the extra freedom the vaccines provides them. Since the very start of Pandemic our leader just talks and talks before changing the goalposts time and time again. How are you supposed to really believe anything that comes out of his mouth

I know several people who have had both shots - they are locked up like me.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4766
Can you remind of us of any occasion where Dan Andrews has said there will be just 1 fixed response to Covid? If you can, then we'll happily concede he lied. But I think you'll find that he has made the obvious point repeatedly that the response will change as the circumstances change. When there was 0 Covid restrictions were relaxed and when outbreaks occurred lockdowns were imposed. By the way, you might have missed it but he has recently accepted that there'll be no return to Covid-0, so he has flagged that the response now will change to ensure the numbers stay manageable. Moving the goalposts? I'd say Gladys and the Delta variant have moved us to a wholly new stadium. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4767
Thank your lucky stars that we ain't living under palacechooks pyonyang paradise.  Disgusting.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4768

I know several people who have had both shots - they are locked up like me.
My partner and I have both had both shots - it is unfortunately what it is.  I’ll continue to do as asked for the greater good and that is for others to get vaxxed too to give those of us who want the vax to have a chance of living with Covid hopefully reasonably unaffected.

It’s absolutely unbelievable that people are having to wait - the rollout has been an absolute fail! Why every school/community centre etc wasn’t enlisted to become a vaccination centre with more than enough for everyone, clear guidelines on how to get an appt etc. it’s an embarrassment the farce the Feds have shown.

But I guess when you ‘don’t hold a hose mate’ and continue to get away with your inept governance by 70% Murdoch run media in this country, then this type of thing is our reward. Hopeless.