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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5895

This sort of attitude is on full display in the US with attempts to undermine the voting process, the rise of "sovereign rights", and the undermining of constitutional rights such as the right to abortion. An interesting article about Christian Dominionists paints a troubling picture of an anti-democratic strain of thought that has been influential in the rightwing in the US: How extremist Christian theology is driving the right-wing assault on democracy, Salon. And there are echoes of that thinking apparent over here too.

This has been building for a long time. The Christian Right in the US are very powerful and very wealthy. They have established their owns schools, universities, politicians, wealthy donors, media outlets etc. We should be very afraid. They mean business, and they're not the types that can reason all that well.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5896
This has been building for a long time. The Christian Right in the US are very powerful and very wealthy. They have established their owns schools, universities, politicians, wealthy donors, media outlets etc. We should be very afraid. They mean business, and they're not the types that can reason all that well.
I'm not sure we have to consign ourselves to watching this from far anymore! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5897
Authoritarians don't need to reason. Might is right, and when you have God on your side you're as mighty as they come.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5898
Authoritarians don't need to reason. Might is right, and when you have God on your side you're as mighty as they come.
Religion is a bit different, if they die in ICU it is God's will, if they survive it is God's will, ................ you can't argue with that because you have no influence over God's will!

Combine that with Authoritarian or should we say, Autocracy, and things get very bad very quickly. What could possibly be worse, ......... putting a narcissistic psychopath in the big chair? Where could that possibly happen? ::)
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5899
Yet nobody criticising those governments seems to notice the very low vaccination rates in those regions, or associate it as a cause to retain restrictions until vaccination rates climb!

Quite aware of that LP.  In fact, very.  

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5900
One thing that I keep coming back to, is how is it, that we get so impacted here in victoria, and yet somehow the rest of Aus is insulated from this?  They all had the chance for it to flare up, and yet it didnt.  even NSW, I am hearing and seeing their testing numbers, and I have stated this before, that we are not testing people in the right spots well enough, or often enough. 

When you have each state in charge of themselves, and making up their own rules, there will always be one state that is the harshest, and one state which is the most lenient. Doesn't matter how far each way they are, it will always be the case.

As it happens, we are in victoria, the harshest hit. What does all that mean? Not much really.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5901
As it happens, we are in victoria, the harshest hit. What does all that mean? Not much really.
Some of it is down to circumstances, for example there is a global trend that further you are away from the equator the outcome will be different, the thought being regional weather and humidity plays a role. Other differences are important too, like the timing of the outbreaks versus the season, and the general social demographic. The timing of the availability of vaccines relative to the outbreaks, there are lots of applicable factors.

Also no doubt there are some political issues, like the difference in Federal support to Liberal or Labor states, or the willingness of each state to accept military interventions and co-ordination.

There are many such local effects, and this is where the generalisations do not apply, but even so local critics cannot escape the global averages.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5902
Some of it is down to circumstances, for example there is a global trend that further you are away from the equator the outcome will be different. Other differences are important too, like the timing of the outbreaks versus the seasons.

Also no doubt there are some political issues, like the difference in Federal support, or the willingness of the state to accept military interventions and co-ordination.

There are many such local effects, and this is where the generalisations do not apply, but even so local critics cannot escape the global averages.

There are plenty of reasons for it, some geographical, some political, some social....but in the end, it still doesn't mean much.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5903
There are plenty of reasons for it, some geographical, some political, some social....but in the end, it still doesn't mean much.
Agreed, which is why I always prefer global data over regional experience.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5904
I think we just have to be a little careful with some of the generalisations.
I'd hazard a guess that the majority of LNP voting/Right wing leaning/Christian folk in NSW have been double jabbed.
Other states will no doubt follow suit...there's nothing like an outbreak to bump the vaccination rate.

I have two friends who are lay preachers (Uniting church) and they're amongst the most fervent supporters of vaccination, so it's not a religious thing either. Among friends and family the majority of practicing religious folk have had at least one dose.

We're talking a miniscule amount of actual dissenters (less than 7% and decreasing in NSW) who are refusing to be vaccinated.
Add a bit more for those for whom vaccination is not recommended.
Half or more non-vaxxed have genuine (in their minds) reasons for doing so, nothing to do with their political leanings.
Many of those may get sick and be hospitalised...and gain a natural immunity (and likely be converted as they experience the full effects of the disease.)

I suspect we're arguing a position that has already been weighed, measured and found completely acceptable to the majority of Australians.
They're happy to be vaccinated.

Full disclosure, rubbery figures over the top restrictions....there may be elements of all that, but in any war the first casualty is truth and the worst possible time to try and sort that out is in the middle of the battle where the focus should be on the enemy...the disease.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5905
Most of the cafes my wife and I have been attending dont bother with checking your vaccination status, a couple have said they just dont have time or initially spent too much time trying to instruct some folk how to either display the status or link their medicare to their MyGov. A lot of older folk dont have a clue about technology and rely on their children or others to help them out and as one cafe owner said to me that the Government should provide a service at Centrelink or at the local council where folk who are not across the technology can receive instruction or get a print out of their vaccination status to show on entry.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5906
People unvaccinated 'by choice' in Singapore will no longer get free COVID-19 treatment,

The Singaporean government has said unvaccinated people "disproportionately contribute" to the strain on the country's healthcare resources.

Harsh, but fair. Getting people to put their money where their mouths are would have been a good policy in Australia (after giving the unvaccinated the opportunity to back down). As EB & others have noted, ICU stays are much longer for Covid than other causes and many of the drugs that are now available to treat infections are costly. Even better would have been a quota system for the unvaccinated so that Covid care wouldn't dominate other vital services. 

The Singaporean solution is pretty much what happens in Victoria if you don't register a car and end up causing an accident which requires the TAC to pay for medical expenses or lost wages. The TAC will pay out but then will sue to recover those payments from you. The unvaccinated would be like gamblers putting their houses on the roll of the dice. If you throw craps, you lose your house. That's freedom for you.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5907
A lot of older folk dont have a clue about technology and rely on their children or others to help them out

And that's just going to get worse.  They just didn't grow up with PCs and Microsoft never bothered with a stripped down release that catered just for their needs.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5908
I think we just have to be a little careful with some of the generalisations.
I'd hazard a guess that the majority of LNP voting/Right wing leaning/Christian folk in NSW have been double jabbed.
Lods, my comment was about Christian Dominionists and the article details their beliefs. That term doesn't simply embrace all  Christians or even all conservative Christians. Just as importantly, it isn't confined to the clergy. It certainly can apply to far right politicians and activists. Broadly speaking, it refers to those who believe that only laws derived from God are valid (and welfare programs and human rights legislation are not derived from God) and Christians are given dominion over the resources of the world to the exclusion of non-believers. If a "lesser magistrate" directs, laws of men can be ignored, even if that involves murder. They really desire a fundamentalist theocracy. I'm thinking that the majority of right-wing leaning Christian folk in NSW wouldn't subscribe to that sort of religious extremism.

As the article points out, the ultimate aim of the Christian Dominionists, a theocratic State, might be unachievable, but they have influenced far-right thinking and have given moral justification to odious beliefs (e.g. racism and a benevolent view of slavery).

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5909
And that's just going to get worse.  They just didn't grow up with PCs and Microsoft never bothered with a stripped down release that catered just for their needs.
I'm pretty good with the technology side of things (doing some computer programming in a past life) and even i struggled.
I got stuck in an endless loop of verification and linking that simply wouldn't work with MyGOV and service victoria app.
Ultimately i had to download a completely different app to get it to work, but that was found by sheer luck rather than any info i could find online.

I pity some of the older folks who wouldn't even know what an app store is.