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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 529835 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6600
Pack your bags sunshine.  Good riddance. :P  :P  :P

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6601
So Djokovic was more of a threat to us than Scomo's Hillsong orgies?
The Liberals are hellbent on exempting Christian organisations from discrimination and other laws, so we shouldn't be surprised. Hopefully, the Coalition won't be able to pass their religious freedom to discriminate laws.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6602
Djokovic is getting an urgent hearing at 9.45 pm tonight. A assume it'll be the sake judge as last time.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6603
FFS, it looks like I was wrong. The reasons for decision apparently say the Minister assumes Djokovic did all that he was required to do, had suffered Covid and legitimately received a vaccine exemption, that he poses little risk to anyone in Australia, and is of good character. It looks like he exercised it on the ground that Djokovic's continued presence in Australia would excite anti-vaxxer sentiment in Australia. Holy hell.

It looks like Djokovic's counsel was right to wonder whether the decision was left to 6pm on Friday night in the hope it would make it hard for Djokovic to challenge the decision.

I should say I haven't read the reasons and I'm just going off what Djokovic's counsel, Mark Woods QC, said to the Judge in tonight's hearing.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6604
I can't believe how inept the Govt has been. Fair dinkum, it's so easy for the Govt to win this sort of case. It's 60 points up in the final quarter. Yet it looks like it'strying to lose it. If betting on the result was allowed, the bookies would be screaming blue murder right now. Real keystone cops stuff. Maybe the reasons aren't as bad as Mark Woods QC makes out ... 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6605
Getting a little off topic but one of the classic examples of white male privilege is the Duke of York.  Yes, he's a protestant but there is hardly a drop of Anglo-Saxon blood in his body.  He comes from good German and Greek stock.  His partner in crime, Jeffrey Epstein, was Jewish but still used his white male privilege to feed his sick desires.  And then there's Ghislaine Maxwell, obviously female and the daughter of an orthodox Jew, but still guilty of exploiting her position of privilege at the expense of innocents; female but generally from relatively privileged backgrounds.

I'm not sure how relevant the concept of white male privilege is, rich folk do OK at the expense of poor folk regardless of ethnicity and religion.  That brings me to the concept of WASP, a particularly American term used to describe the American political elite, generally of British descent.  However, in recent times, it is applied to all Americans of Northern and North Western European heritage.  The concepts of WASP and white male privilege (today it's generally white privilege without the emphasis on male, and I think that has marginally more relevance) aren't one and the same. It's also worth noting that "white" in the context of white privilege is defined as people with European ancestral origins.

As with most attempts to classify/categorise folk on the basis of their ethnicity and/or religion, WASP is a flawed concept.  My heritage is mainly British with a dash of Irish and Scandinavian but I don't have any Anglo-Saxon ancestry.  I don't believe in an imaginary being but my ancestors were equally protestant and catholic - more fool them!  My British ancestors were yeoman farmers, so relatively privileged, but those who came to Australia were strictly working class labourers, until my generation.

Novax is privileged because he's worth a mint and he comes from a society where males are valued more than females.  It's interesting that Serbian PM Ana Brnabić is more conciliatory in her comments about the Australian Government's actions than that lunatic Vučić (still, I wouldn't mind seeing Vučić duke it out with Scotty from marketing à la Frankie Goes to Hollywood's Two Tribes).  Ana clearly sees that Novax is an arrogant prick with a dangerous, anti-social attitude.

Moving a little further off topic, in 1989 I attended the World Archaeological Congress on Archaeological Ethics and the Treatment of the Dead in South Dakota.  The Indigenous representatives caucused and came up with a resolution that they presented to the congress.  All was going well until the two Sami representatives objected because they hadn't been invited to the caucus.  They tore strips off the other Indigenous representatives for excluding them on the basis of their skin colour.  As a descendant of Indigenous Britons, I could probably have mounted an argument for inclusion too.  However, being five generations removed from the home of my ancestors must reduce the veracity of any such claim.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6606
The Liberals are hellbent on exempting Christian organisations from discrimination and other laws, so we shouldn't be surprised. Hopefully, the Coalition won't be able to pass their religious freedom to discriminate laws.

My cousin's child lasted 1 year at a Christian school. They called him to pick up his son because he was wearing an inappropriate costume for book week.  Apparently if you dress up as Harry Potter you are into witchcraft
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6607
That's hardcore, MBB! My son went to a Catholic primary school and every 2nd boy went to Book Week as Harry Potter. Easiest costume ever: a plastic wand and plastic round spectacle frames from the 2 dollar shop and bingo. The Priest at the school was hardcore too and was probably seething but the principal generally kept him under control.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6609
It's a difficult task to find a RAT test.
You line up for hours and then wait a week for results
and then.....

Folk here on the Bellarine Peninsula are reporting that they're getting their PCR test results within 24 hours.  The pressure on the system must have eased.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6610
Folk here on the Bellarine Peninsula are reporting that they're getting their PCR test results within 24 hours.  The pressure on the system must have eased.

Mother in law got tested on Monday, still waiting.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6611
Folk here on the Bellarine Peninsula are reporting that they're getting their PCR test results within 24 hours.  The pressure on the system must have eased.
The introduction of RAT testing should have had an effect on reducing waiting times for PCRs but...
People are fed up with waiting for hours in a queue....knowing that there is no guarantee of a quick...or as has been seen 'no' result
RAT test are offered as an alternative....but you can't get them without great difficulty
I suspect some folks have reached the point where they feel a bit abandoned and left to their own devices.
It becomes dangerous when caught in this type of limbo because rather than getting tested when they should, people are waiting until their symptoms become more entrenched, or obvious.
I think a lot of these folks are still conscious of the need to stay home and as such are self isolating but they're putting themselves at risk of accessing help much later than they should.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6612
Mum caught covid last Saturday with the rest of the people they went out for dinner with.

The ones that got tested at the deakin uni testing site didn't get their results or have had to wait 6 days.

My sisters in laws got tested in Coburg and got a positive result 14 hours later (they were at dinner with mum).

Everyone had the same symptoms.  My sister never registered a positive result, and waiting 6 days for her pcr result (negative) but when I spoke to her she had severe covid symptoms (more like glandular fever or tonsillitis for 48 hours) which were identical to mums symptoms (MUM tested positive on a RAT). 

This is what it is, but keep these experiences in mind when people start looking to places like India for statistics on covid cases, vaccines, positives and etc. 

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6613
Back to the Djokovic case for a moment.

Taking his name out of the equation, the whole episode is a bit concerning.

A person applies for a visa, and is granted entry.

Upon arrival there is an issue with paperwork vis type et al, and the visa is cancelled.

The case goes to a judicial tribunal, and a judgement call is made weighing up all the details and ruling in favour of the person who was deemed to have done what was required and the visa reinstated.

A politician has elected to cancel the visa because its in public interest to do so.

Forgetting Djokovic for a moment we have an example of another tennis player who was allowed in on same travel visa and only detained upon his arrival which speaks for the fact that the regulations aren't clear and the visa decision a bit of a misnomer.

I dont really like the sound of this.  The majority of the justification seems to sit in territory of we have been locked down and he should be too.  Mranwhile when Anastasia went to Tokyo last year we barely could visit people in their own homes, and when scomo went to the g8 summit in the UK, I believe we might have been in lockdown.

I have issues with all of this, and the genre public service response.  Some hyper aggressive adherence to rules and regulations that are a bit dehumanised in all of.  I know of staff who have medical exemptions from getting the vaccine based on clear side effects (Bells Pawlsy) which has resulted in her not being allowed to work in her job in elective surgery any more, and required to work from home.

I know of another mum who has been terminated in lieu of early maternity leave because thats the rule.  Get vaccinated or don't.  She was a high risk pregnancy and there was no ifs buts or maybes.  She even said I won't return until fully vaccinated and no early mat leave was allowed.

There are a lot of elements of we can enforce the rules in a much better fashion which doesn't result in the ostracising of people.  Not all work for everyone and some people like Novak and Liam Jones have to suffer the consequences of not getting vaccinated, but there is an element of mismanagement going on here that is being swept by.  I dont like that.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6614
Not all work for everyone and some people like Novak and Liam Jones have to suffer the consequences of not getting vaccinated, but there is an element of mismanagement going on here that is being swept by.  I dont like that.
My only problem with all this is that lawyers profit in the margins and actively look for them, but those marginal advantages are not available to Joe Average.

Today, we effectively have a full bench sitting in judgement of a potential tennis match on their day off!

For me the Pub Test is would Joe Average get the same advantages and treatment? I think the answer in all cases is clearly not, and your work associates are a prime example, I'm not sure what can be done about that it's a matter of privilege, some have it and some don't!

My understanding is there has already been more than one person, a minor player and a coach deported in this manner, but they are not Djoker. The lawyers never come to their defence, I suppose there was no money in it!

On a separate issue, nobody could seriously believe Djoker's anti-vaccine attitude has changed, that assertion is made by his lawyers as a justification for him being allowed to stay, it is a joke and unprovable because it's opinion/speculation, but because of the falsified paperwork by he or his entourage it's clear beyond doubt he or they have a willingness for deception on his behalf.
The Force Awakens!