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Topic: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021. (Read 18060 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #45
Get with the program, you should be grateful you have a job and politicians are underpaid.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #46
Pollies who donated their pay rises to charity got plaudits for doing so but then claimed those donations as tax deductions, still a nice little earner compared to Thry and his workmates who got nothing twice in a row.
Andrews is the highest paid Premier in the country@452k, his latest increase was around 11k. Hardly a fair go for workers at the front line. Vax nurses get paid more for simple jabs than ER nurses.
One public hospital had staff bringing their own PPE gear at one stage, but the onus is always on hospital staff to do it for the community, work that double shift, spend an extra half hour at work because the agency nurse didn't rock up on time, the change over routine was delayed another half hour because the ward doctor was late because he is overworked and is a grad kid lacking experience and we can't give these lifesavers a CPI rise.. You gotta be kidding...

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #47
I'll remind you, I've been dressed like a human condom.  Walking into the covid areas.  Putting myself in those places.  The emergency service I provide is to the emergency services.  When you visit an emergency department 3 times a week during a pandemic, give up your Easter long weekend because the same service you work at suffers a cyber incident that takes the health care network down, you keep being asked to roll the sleeves up and work longer hours than you are paid for, the least you can expect is to have your twice annual CPI pay increase  honoured as the proverbial stops hitting the fan.
I've colleagues who worked 16hr days 7 days a week for months on end, without penalty rates, took a pay cut so the admin / office staff wouldn't be stood down and jobless in a pandemic, just so you could have that condom to wear and disinfectant to use when the discount supplies of the cheap imported stuff you buy in preference to locally made dwindled to zero! IT supplies included, sterilize any keyboards during the pandemic?

There is a world of difference between some 3rd party saying you deserve a better wage, and personally claiming you're somehow hard done by relative to others. And you assert I lack empathy and perspective! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #48
Andrews is the highest paid Premier in the country@452k, his latest increase was around 11k. Hardly a fair go for workers at the front line. Vax nurses get paid more for simple jabs than ER nurses.

To say nothing about his superannuation @ElwoodBlues1 !!. 

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #49
To say nothing about his superannuation @ElwoodBlues1 !!. 
Yep...I think its right that those at the top of the tree take a hit for the team but Plebs at the bottom who get paid minimal money and struggle to make ends meet need those basic rises to live properly so they can perform those important duties that dont get much credit but are small cogs in the motor that make the health system work.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #50
Victorians rejoiced when another round of restrictions were eased on Friday, but the new rules have caused some confusion.

Children aged 12 to 15 have been barred from taking part in everyday activities like dance concerts and martial arts classes unless they are fully vaccinated, while retailers are scrambling to suddenly enforce vaccine checks.

Many parents were unaware the vaccine mandate applied to children under 16.

Dance Arts Alliance Chair Mike Harrison-Lamond said the new vaccine rules have “blindsided” parents and caused “a few thousand” performing arts students to miss out on classes and concerts.

“We’ve been asking the government to provide clarification for months on whether kids aged 12 plus or 16 plus had to be fully vaccinated and they haven’t provided that,” he said.

Despite this requirement, people don’t need to be vaccinated to play indoor or outdoor community sport.
“There has been inconsistency, a lack of consultation and a lack of notice,” Mr Harrison-Lamond said.

The Dance Arts Alliance has called for the government to provide a grace period so children aged 12 to 15 have time to get vaccinated.

Speaking on radio on Friday, Covid Response Commander Jeroen Weimar said the government has been “really clear” about kids aged 12 plus having to be fully vaccinated.

Mr Weimar said parents would soon be able to upload their child’s vaccine certificate to the Services Victoria app, but could print a digital certificate in the meantime.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #51
Unvaccinated children as young as 12 are being banned from attending their own year six graduations, end-of-year school events and sporting matches.

It comes as confusion reigns in junior sporting clubs and associations, and among parents, over the new jab rules.

Children aged 12 to 15 have been barred from taking part in everyday activities like dance concerts and martial arts classes unless they are fully vaccinated, while retailers are scrambling to suddenly enforce vaccine checks.

Shockwaves are reverberating among parents and children who are discovering their unvaccinated children are being locked out of many venues, shops and activities due to the new government vaccination mandates, which started last Friday. They are being stopped from playing competitive sport, attending activities such as class parties at swimming centres and even sitting formal events such as ballet exams.

Many parents were unaware the vaccine mandate applied to children under 16.
One 12-year-old girl has been stopped from entering a shop to buy her year seven uniform for next year, and forced to try on items standing outside on the footpath.

Another parent of a 14-year-old stopped from attending a friends’ theatre performance said it was “terrifying to see the divide it has caused among kids living in absolute fear and judgment”.

The mother of the girl who had to try on clothes outside an eastern suburbs Bob Stewart’s uniform shop said her daughter was upset and embarrassed.

“She held up the uniform and tried on a jacket standing there and put on leggings over her shorts outside the shop,” she said. “I was livid – they’ve been through so much and they feel like they are still being punished.”

“The staff were good – I don’t blame them.”

And the mother of one student at a central Bendigo primary school has been told by school staff that her daughter will not be able to attend her year six graduation ceremony.

“She’s a school leader and will be devastated,” the mother said.

“She’s also due to go on a school camp and can’t go on many of the outings and excursions- it’s beyond rational – it’s punishment,” she said.

“It’s a real tipping point – they will have to do something about it.”

Simon Owens, registrar of basketball team Mitcham Thunder, said an unvaccinated 12-year-old boy on the autism spectrum was one of many children told at the last minute they couldn’t play sport with their peers.

“We had one team who couldn’t field a team at all because they were down three players,” he said. “The kids think they are being punished for something,” Mr Owens said.

The little boy’s mother said her son only found out last night that he couldn’t play.

“Last night he was prepped for his game eating dinner and I saw the message and broke down as I didn’t know how to tell him,” she said.

She said her son was hospitalised with mental health issues when he was eight and lockdown “brought it back”.

“We worked with therapists and one of the main things that we kept him focused on was basketball,” she said.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #52
Meanwhile, in the City of Greater Geelong and the Surf Coast Shire, children's cricket and basketball games went ahead without any problems.  My 12 year old grandson (fully vaccinated) scored 26no.  My 9 year old grandson, in his first ever game of cricket, took 2 for 6 and made 6 runs.

I know the vaccination rates are pretty high down our way but it seems that the locals understand the rules for children's sport a little better than folk in the big smoke.  It's really not that hard to follow.

A friend's son vice-captained the U12 Vic Metro team that played Vic Country today.  While it's under 12, almost all of the players turned 12 this year and have to be vaccinated.  Not one of the eligible players, parents, officials was unvaccinated so perhaps most folk in the big smoke know the rules too  ::)

And, just what is our 14th Amendment? 
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #53
I suppose people with agendas need to stop using their children as political pawns, but I am not sure anything will change as it appears to me some have very little regard for their own children and family let alone the children or families of others.

I think there is a psychology term that describes this abusive indifference .................. but it escapes me!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #54
A guy at work who is vaccinated and kids are vaccinated (12 and 15) gave up trying to get into JB hifi yesterday as he couldn't get their certificates up on his phone.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #55
A guy at work who is vaccinated and kids are vaccinated (12 and 15) gave up trying to get into JB hifi yesterday as he couldn't get their certificates up on his phone.
Are you commenting on his techno literacy or the laws?

As I understand it the printed hardcopy is also acceptable, they have to accept the hardcopy because not everybody has a smart-phone. In the same way they provide a sign in book for those without the App.

fwiw, I had to go to a notorious hardware store over the weekend, it was mostly all going smoothly except for two elderly COVID deniers who were giving the people on the door grief refusing to check-in, refusing to sign-in or refusing to show a certificate, I presume they were not vaccinated, and demanding entry anyway! Somewhat ironic given they looked in their 70s and are probably right in the COVID gun, maybe they are pro-euthanasia and their behaviour is an assisted dying tactic!
The Force Awakens!


Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #56
Was supposed to go to Adelaide this Christmas but unlikely now as my kids (5 and 6) have to get two covid tests. One here a couple of days before and one when we get there. I don't really want to put them through it just to go there.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #57
My mrs is starting a new job Jan 10.

Queensland is off the cards until they hit the 80% mark.

SA is similarly difficult as MBB is pointing out.

So, for us to have a decent getaway it leaves NSW, or chancing VIC and its notoriously skitsophrenic weather, but we both just want to go somewhere and chill out in some warm weather.

FWIW, one of my neighbours travelled to Sydney on business. 

When they check in somewhere, they are required to check out too.

They all had to wear masks on the plane.

COVID tests are mandatory before travel.

You still need permits to travel interstate and return it seems.

Freedom isnt what it used to be.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #58
Freedom isnt what it used to be.
I can't help but feel that a lot of the participation in protests here and abroad is the result of being sold a furphy.

Too many politicians, bureaucrats and media types were selling people get vaccinated and get back to normal, but the new normal was never going to be like the old normal, at least not in the short term. Blind Freddy could see that!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #59
My mrs is starting a new job Jan 10.

Queensland is off the cards until they hit the 80% mark.

SA is similarly difficult as MBB is pointing out.

So, for us to have a decent getaway it leaves NSW, or chancing VIC and its notoriously skitsophrenic weather, but we both just want to go somewhere and chill out in some warm weather.

FWIW, one of my neighbours travelled to Sydney on business. 

When they check in somewhere, they are required to check out too.

They all had to wear masks on the plane.

COVID tests are mandatory before travel.

You still need permits to travel interstate and return it seems.

Freedom isnt what it used to be.

The divided states of Australia, then you have Victoria which is divided itself.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!