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Topic: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021. (Read 18195 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #135
Nth East Link is 6.5 billion over budget, Westgate Tunnel is 3.3 Billion over budget.
That's a lot of hospitals....
The new hospital is 300% over budget and rising!

Material and time cost $, materials up 240%, freight up 300%, lead times blow out 300%.
The Force Awakens!


Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #136
Comrade Andrews scuttled that project.....the other Guy has said he will build it if elected and ScoMo has promised some money to help him but I dont see it happening.
Andrews is too busy building his iron curtain regime to worry about building roads......his pandemic bill safe guards dont mean anything if he has the numbers in Parliament.

Only cost Victorians a billion dollars in breaking the contract !!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #137
The new hospital is 300% over budget and rising!

Material and time cost $, materials up 240%, freight up 300%, lead times blow out 300%.

A "look over there" argument. 

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #138
Do not be fooled people that this bill is great. It might be better than the existing state of emergency. It might be a better or in reality, a watered down version of Dan Andrews insane bill he constructed. For more than 6 months. I don’t remember him getting input from the entire upper and lower house members to get a great plan in place. Over this entire period where he used specific solicitors to word the clauses to suit his needs of interpretation. It may be way better now and only because he almost lost it entirely once Adem Somyurek decided he wasn’t going to back it and create a tie in overall votes. He had to swing Rod Barton to get the numbers and only if half a dozen key clauses were changed, to get him to accept the bill. We really are not certain what other reasons changed the opinion of Rod. Money, benefits, etc.

Just sounds funny to me that everything was so urgent to get this bill in place soon. Sorry I forget one important note. State of emergency expires 15th of December. An obvious need to get an extension by special vote approval by other members in the upper house. Short term extension. I think 3 months maximum. We now have a fantastic bill. How wonderful. It can be activated and used under the title name to do exactly what Dan planed it to do. Pandemic management. Manage the pandemic situation of a virus. We have over 90% vaccinated people. This was the key Dan sold us to exit lockdowns and remove restrictions. Why was this bill not left to have further alterations in the new year of 2022? To get this future plan just the way it should be to protect people in terms of health and well-being and also not crossing boundaries of human rights. Omicron gets out into society. A new strain. Dan doesn’t need to consider any of his previous promises and advice from federal government in living with a virus. He now has a new concern he can act on. He will. He has a bill soon to be in legislation that allows him to activate a new form of pandemic emergency.

Obviously because he wants to show he is accountable to the safety of his fellow Victorians. Thank you Dan. How considerate. I trust you because you show real honesty and belief in my health. The same accountability you showed for the botched quarantine system? More than 800 people that died? You didn’t even answer questions in an inquiry with anything more than, “I don’t recall, I can’t remember, it wasn’t communicated to me who made the call”. “I will have to get back to you on this issue “. An inquiry where I am sure he selected the member to hold the investigation. Independent on not any level I have seen. I shouldn’t complain though. The fine for not wearing a mask has been reduced. From $20,000 to $10,000. That is awesome. Thanks Dan. What did you pay for not wearing a mask, when you were caught on CCTV? $200, $400? Did you explain how this committee were going to be assembled? Who chooses the panel? Did you forget that Dan? Don’t buy this bullsh1t people. Be very nervous. Don’t hate me. Just be ready for more trouble. I have contacted Dan 20 times in the last 4 months and had no response at all. None. Every other member of the upper house has at least had an assistant send me a response. A day or a week later. Nothing from the iron curtain. Nothing. Indicating a person that doesn’t listen to people who put him into power.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #139
Well said @Mantis .. he's just a mendacious hard left head kicker.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #140
A "look over there" argument.
Sometimes it pays not to have a too myopic focus! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #141
Sometimes it pays not to have a too myopic focus! ;)

True, but why have they never brought any project into reality without going way over budget.  And I say that about BOTH parties.  If you ran a household like that, you'd be living in a tent

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #142
The Age says the Ombudsman has declared herself satisfied with the safeguards in the Bill after criticising earlier incarnations.

No wonder its critics have been forced to dwell on the past rather than criticise the current Bill. As the old saying goes, "If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made.” It would be ideal if the parliament ran in a collegiate way that enables a well-considered consensus to develop, but that's a fantasy. What we had was the main opposition party, the Liberals, hoping to harvest anti-vaxxer and "my freedom's more important than anybody else's freedom" voters. Did a single Liberal in the LC vote for the Bill? Was that really because each was violently opposed to the Bill in its final form, or were they all following the party line? And then you have Somynurek who appears to want revenge on his way out of parliament. So cross-benchers became crucial. And if they didn't follow the total opposition tactics of the Liberals, well they must have been up to no good, mustn't they? It seems to me the process has worked about as well as could be expected. 

It seems to me that there's really only 1 amendment that would get the fervent critics on board with the Bill: "This Bill does not come into force until Daniel Andrews ceases to be Premier". Good luck with that!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #143
The bill is fine, the problem is Dictator  Dan so just vote the lunatic out at the next election.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #144
The other mob are no better, and that's the problem, no real alternatives.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #145
"Make this state a great state.
A modern up to date state.
Put a one, in the square, for the DLP" :D  :D

I'm not really a DLP supporter...but it was the best political jingle that stuck in the head, and it's still there some 50 years later ;D

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #146
True, but why have they never brought any project into reality without going way over budget.  And I say that about BOTH parties.  If you ran a household like that, you'd be living in a tent
I suppose, households don't normally have projects that span decades and cost billion$.

The figure we are feed via announcements at the time a project is launch is not the figure they expect on the last day of a multi-decade project, it's the current market value if started and completed on the day of the announcement relative to today's costs. The real figure is typically 2x to 3x that price in dollar terms at the expected completion date's relative costs. It's a bureaucratic thing, nothing really to do with the politicians, although the politicians could talk in terms of dollars at the end date rather than dollars at the start date, but then everything would be judged as way too expensive relative to today's costs.

Even so, across this pandemic affected period events are extraordinary. Nobody would have thought basic building supplies and costs would rise 2x or 3x in a just the space of a year or so. Everything from cement to silicone has risen ridiculous amounts courtesy of our trade war with China. Such variations will be written into contracts, there is little governments can do other than pause projects and even then they probably have to pay penalties for pausing.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #147
I've a massive concern about the Vote Dan Out brigade, because it looks to me like Guy isn't a viable alternative. Voting someone out isn't feasible if the replacement is as rubbery whoever that may be. Matthew Guy seems to be rubbery, and that may mean a lot of votes against Dan go to pointless minor party spuds!

It also appears Guy has been caught out buy his own party manipulating gender equality quotas to ensure the new blood isn't really a threat to him. They are electing B-Grade options based on gender quotas, and the prime candidates are being side-lined because they are majority male.

If so Guy is a fool!

Hasn't Guy seen what happens to men when they end up the minority surrounded by feminists, he needs to watch Survivor and watch his back or Sharn Coombes will be stabbing him in it as part of a girl power movement! That in itself isn't a problem, Coombes might be OK, but the problem is a lot of the quota candidates selected based on Guy's administrative directive are just plain ordinary! A state can't afford have them learning on the job from such a low low level, well end up in the crapter before the first term is done!

Our state risks becoming a B-Grade bureaucracy / economy just to ensure the stats work out evenly?
The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #148
I'm not really a DLP supporter...but it was the best political jingle that stuck in the head, and it's still there some 50 years later ;D
My problem is people often confuse the DLP with the old Australian Democrats ( aka., Don Chipp's party).

I'm also dubious about the modern DLPs true anti-communist manifesto, because they may declare themselves as democratic socialists, but the policies are barely separable from the ancient comrade riddled ALP!

The old AD was hijacked by various political sub-groups, greens, feminists, religious right, and basically disappeared up it's own clacka! Probably their most recent invocation was Cheryl Kernot, who thought you could run the country off the back of a good lie down and a fresh cup of herbal tea! I'm sure she had the word, "Don't Panic" tattooed somewhere in case of an emergency! The sad thing is I thought her main squeeze at the time, Gareth Evans, probably should have been the ALP's head honcho! Anyway, we aren't big on candidates that move to the enemy mid-career, and that pretty much killed off whatever chance the AD had of surviving!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #149
Nth East Link is 6.5 billion over budget, Westgate Tunnel is 3.3 Billion over budget.
That's a lot of hospitals....

Has an infrastructure project ever come in anywhere near budget?
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball