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At the 2022 Federal Election which party will receive your first preference?

[ 7 ] (26.9%)
[ 8 ] (30.8%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
One Nation
[ 0 ] (0%)
United Australia Party
[ 3 ] (11.5%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
None of the Above
[ 4 ] (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Topic: Election 2022 (Poll added) (Read 27561 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #45
Their policies are unimplementable.
None of the minors parties have functional policies, when they gain some power they get exposed to the bureaucracy that has the job of distinguishing pipe dreams from reality.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #46
It's a hell of a tell about where society is heading, when Scomo's coalition start painting the countries conservative elite as victims of social, racial, secular or homophobic abuse.

It's a tactic straight out of the woke socialist movement.

I suppose doing this presents the coalition's critics with a conscience conundrum, it's a bit hard to claim your entitled to your own "self truth" only to then deny others the same. If you try to argue otherwise you basically provide your opponent with ammunition to shoot you down in public forums.

Of course, "self truth" is just a personal fallacy that your own importance and opinion really matters. The underlying concept that there are species of truth like there are species of birds is quite absurd!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #47
I'll just preface this by saying I'm very much a centrist in terms of my political viewpoints and I voted for a different party in the last State election than the one I voted for in the last Federal election.
I'm still very much undecided about this one.
But something that won't influence my vote one iota is Albanese not getting 10/10 on his oral exam.

Now it's a given that Anthony Albanese should be across some of the major points of his parties policies and also pretty up to date with major statistics.

But for heavens sake.
It's now all about trapping Albo.
It's Albo hunting season.
The journos are not interested in general policy, they're only interested in the kill.

They are falling over themselves to be the ones to get him to fumble with an answer...and they are the ones who are ending up looking stupid as they try to trap him.
It may hurt him, the optics aren't great, but...
Rather than being a negative, a lot of ordinary, undecided folks would be sympathetic to him being subjected to this rubbish.

The interview with Allison Langdon on channel 9 this morning was actually cringeworthy, and a pointless waste of time, as she made a big deal about him referring questions to the accompanying shadow ministers at pressers. The folks who actually had responsibility for those portfolios.
What's the point of having them there if they aren't there for a question or two.

The NDIS problem later in the day was probably a bit more damaging, but the bloke isn't a robot, and you would have to be a computer brain to remember every point of your plans across the entire spectrum of your policy.
The question asking him to specifically name each point was designed not to garner a policy position. It was designed to catch him out.

The journos have now turned their focus to this form of questioning.

It's what's getting publicity...and kudos amongst their peers.
Langdon's mates were giggling in the background while she went at Albo.
I'm sure they'll catch Morrison out at some stage...they've tried already.

Excuse the rant, I'm a big believer in fairness, and I find this type of stuff just childish.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #48
I thought the Cash rate and unemployment figures were numbers Albanese should have known especially with an election coming up, homeowners with loans, small business owners, self funded retirees etc and the unemployed would want their PM knowing those figures which are central to policy debate IMHO....I dont vote for either ScoMo or Albo but neither have done anything to change my mind given their performances so far. In fact Albanese has done more to lose the election than win it and I think Labor should reduce his time in the front line so he doesnt stuff up under pressure like he has been doing. In fact the Labor frontline of Albo and Jim Chalmers are not the greatest political performers IMO. Frydenberg and ScoMo are more polished media performers IMO but have an arrogance that I find annoying especially Frydenberg who fancies himself as next leader of the LP and future PM material, just dont like his personality.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #49
Voting in politics is probably the most difficult thing in life you could ever do. If you actually understood politics enough to judge what best suits your future life. Based on policies and promises. If they are to hold candidates accountable. Then you really have a choice between a candidate I don’t trust and hate based on previous performance. Obviously as he or should I say she was elected in the last election, that hasn’t given me what I found as a fair way for run the state or country. Possibly telling porky pies before their entry into their seat to give me confidence they should do what is best for the people.

Then we all need to consider if we give votes to other parties, the key thing to consider is which parties work in close connections to hold power when all votes are collected but also which party members have a close connection. Then the independent party members have the same effect to the end scenario. So how do we really cast our vote. They sell less of what they have to offer, but more of what the other candidate can’t or will fail to deliver. Then the media has their spin. Their way to slag candidates. Which will always influence the end result in some way. I could tell you who I would vote for in the next state and federal elections. Neither options are great by any means. I haven’t made a choice due to a lack of trust or track record. Hence I can tell you nothing. Probably what most, or some have been feeling the same way for some time like me. I don’t want to be disrespectful and say choosing between dumb and dumber. It isn’t the nice thing to say.

It just appears that we are probably in a place the we have been struck hard financially by the effects of covid in the last few years, and this has had a huge financial impact on the state and federal deficit. How we recover over a very long period of time depends on how this government manages taxes. Where to spend, and where to not spend just to keep the masses happy. Stop keeping the masses happy. Do what is best for the people in total. CPI is higher than it was in previous years. Interest rates are on the rise to suit. Living standards are not going to get easier for the dollars you earn. Including utility bills on a rise soon. Even though fuel prices taking a small reduction which will only be for another few months.

Why are we confused? Does the question need to be asked? Educate us based on truth. I actually don’t remember a time that I had less conviction for candidates to elect into power. Have they all reached a high standard that it makes it difficult to select a winner? Have they all just become the bottom dwellers that we have nothing else to chose from. I once again apologise for sarcasm.

I just hope the media doesn’t help create additional problems in our process of how to move forwards. The media would never have their own agenda. (How do I add rolling eyes, and a f#@k you look on my face). Sh1t. Now I might offend members in the media. F@#k me. I know, I know. I reversed the characters to confuse the mods. Vote with what you feel right. It is hard to do all of the research. It is a gamble. It is life. Ignore the consequences. That comes as a result. Best of luck.

This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #50
I think people on here should stop thinking of the media as independent news tellers looking to make a buck.

Its arguable they are political propaganda tools and the fact that they are trying their best to make a candidate look bad is a tell that they are more likely to be liberal party propaganda tools.

They won't all be.  Some will be labor tools. 

If the independents didn't include such vile characters they would be getting my vote just to send a stern message to the status quo.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #51
I think people on here should stop thinking of the media as independent news tellers looking to make a buck.

Its arguable they are political propaganda tools and the fact that they are trying their best to make a candidate look bad is a tell that they are more likely to be liberal party propaganda tools.

They won't all be.  Some will be labor tools. 

If the independents didn't include such vile characters they would be getting my vote just to send a stern message to the status quo.

That's true to a large extent but a quick check of the journalists background or relationships will often identify that bias.
What I'm concerned about is the 'gotcha' type of questioning that seems to be the sport of some of the journalists these days.
It's a game to them, and it's getting sillier, and they're egging each other on.
I'm expecting it to degenerate into questions like "What is the capital of the Solomon Islands?"

Just a reminder it's not a Labor /LNP thing...Morrison was targeted with a price of groceries question early in (or just before) the campaign.
Another stupid question... because the price can differ significantly depending on the brand.

I've noticed overnight it's become a bit of an issue, with others now pointing out how silly (and poor) it's become.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #52
That's true to a large extent but a quick check of the journalists background or relationships will often identify that bias.
What I'm concerned about is the 'gotcha' type of questioning that seems to be the sport of some of the journalists these days.
It's a game to them, and it's getting sillier, and they're egging each other on.
I'm expecting it to degenerate into questions like "What is the capital of the Solomon Islands?"

Just a reminder it's not a Labor /LNP thing...Morrison was targeted with a price of groceries question early in (or just before) the campaign.
Another stupid question... because the price can differ significantly depending on the brand.

I've noticed overnight it's become a bit of an issue, with others now pointing out how silly (and poor) it's become.
The rules that apply to political reporting apply to sports reporting and all reporting, it's no longer professional, the aim is to collect hits and all you need is a twatter type grab to achieve your goal.

Perhaps we should stop referring to them as journalists and start calling them by what Murdoch has made them, bloggers.

I find it quite amusing that people write me off as paranoid about the way Carlton seems to be treated in the media, dismissing any suggestion of a media bias as my navy blue perspective, then many of the same posters spend time highlighting how the media is biased in the political debates!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #53
Take a look at Monique Ryan yesterday, debating Frydenburg in Kooyong.  She might as well have announced she was pulling out from the race.

She believes China should be treated with ‘sensitivity and respect’  Independent Kooyong candidate Monique Ryan has criticised the Morrison government’s “macho, breast beating belligerence” toward China.

“China is our biggest trade partner, and the relationship with our biggest trade partner should be treated with respect and sensitivity."

And she also wants to boost the refugee intake by 50%. !!!

She was a downright bloody disaster and left the forum without talking to or greeting anyone.

What a princess !!!!!! 

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #54
She's basically a 'single issue' candidate and constantly turned a lot of questions back to the climate.
Another Zali Steggal.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #55
The rules that apply to political reporting apply to sports reporting and all reporting, it's no longer professional, the aim is to collect hits and all you need is a twatter type grab to achieve your goal.

Perhaps we should stop referring to them as journalists and start calling them by what Murdoch has made them, bloggers.

I find it quite amusing that people write me off as paranoid about the way Carlton seems to be treated in the media, dismissing any suggestion of a media bias as my navy blue perspective, then many of the same posters spend time highlighting how the media is biased in the political debates!

I don't necessarily think it's a bias in the political reporting at the moment.
It's more a 'falling over themselves' to be the one to make a hit on the politician.
It's a 'Look at me, aren't I clever'
It's not specifically targeting any side and they'll take the 'kill' wherever they can get it.
Albo's under the pump at the moment.
These vultures can sense a vulnerability and it is clearly taking a toll on him.
They won't back off, they'll double down.
I'm sure he's starting to dread any press stops.
He won't know what's coming at him.

Some may say 'That's politics' ::)
You're right when you say it's not journalism.


Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #56
Clueless and not unexpected Lods

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #57
She's basically a 'single issue' candidate and constantly turned a lot of questions back to the climate.
Another Zali Steggal.
They get elected on single issues they cannot possibly have an impact on, reality bites once they get exposed to the real world of the bureaucracy. You see it more in local government, councils try to ban nuclear energy, gas cooking or having backyard barbecues like it actually means something.

In my opinion they are an economic and social disaster waiting to happen, Bob Brown is a prime example, had some meritorious ideas but much of it leads to nothing and it's really when the bigger parties see a political win that something happens. Then the likes of Brown claim the high ground, in reality not having done that that much to effect a change.

Being the first to crow doesn't make you the cock of the walk!

You get players like Lidia Thorpe, abusing police on the front line of violent protests, she shouldn't just be kicked out of politics she should be charged for bringing society into disrepute. In effect she verbals all of us. I'm all for defending the rights of genuine refugees, but crooks and charlatans sneaking into Australia via refugee channels are not genuine refugees. The people Thorpe protested against yesterday had been exposed by DFAT to include some who escaped charges of rape, theft, extortion and murder in their own country.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #58
Albanese needs to go back into isolation.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #59
He certainly lost his cool this morning.