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At the 2022 Federal Election which party will receive your first preference?

[ 7 ] (26.9%)
[ 8 ] (30.8%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
One Nation
[ 0 ] (0%)
United Australia Party
[ 3 ] (11.5%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
None of the Above
[ 4 ] (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Topic: Election 2022 (Poll added) (Read 27566 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #300
Not sure that the property holdings of particular MPs is relevant. It would be if they sought to advance policies that would benefit those holdings but remember that one of the policies Labor took to the previous election was getting rid of the negative gearing deduction. In that sense, they were acting contrary to self-interest (although we don't know whether they claimed that deduction) and in the public interest.

In any event, the idea that it would be in the public interest for individuals to limit themselves to owning just 1 house is a bit debateable. Young people also need rental opportunities and that generally requires investors to have 1 or more houses in addition to their own residence. Cut those investors out of the market and you have a rental crisis.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #301
Young people also need rental opportunities and that generally requires investors to have 1 or more houses in addition to their own residence. Cut those investors out of the market and you have a rental crisis.
Young people are being kicked out of properties for pretty much no good reason at the moment because the great migration is causing suburban rental rates to skyrocket.

We have many friends who are finding their kids forced to move back home after years of living independently, not always because they can't afford it but because they aren't even being considered at all. You can rennovate your rental property, and then let it out to a CBD escapee at twice the normal rate and they'll only impart the odd weekend of wear and tear!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #302
I think it's very relevant what investments politicians have and how they portray themselves. Albo did reduce one tenants rent during Covid by 25% which was very generous of him, I guess he knew he was getting a pay rise.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #303
The other pressure on rental stock is the ability to commit investment properties to AirBnB or other short-stay services. Not great for aspiring renters or for neighbours, but it can offer better returns. 

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #304
The other pressure on rental stock is the ability to commit investment properties to AirBnB or other short-stay services. Not great for aspiring renters or for neighbours, but it can offer better returns.
Insurance is a killer though, AirBnB is not as lucrative as many suspect especially if you aren't doing the maintenance tasks yourself, and during lockdowns when you weren't allowed to take bookings the insurance fees go through the roof because the property is technically vacant. Plus many councils are now cracking down on who can operate as AirBnB, they want their pound of commercial flesh.

But if you are a single mum or retiree who can swindle a property in the right location and do all the work yourself it can be a nice little earner.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #305
Well anyone who thought Scomo would go quietly is surely reviewing that today, this bloke has turned almost immediately on those replacing him describing Dutton as "a change of curtains".

It doesn't sound like much, but this is basically a tantrum, a case of sour grapes, and it suggests to me the fight has already begun between the fundamentalists and the moderates. So his first step is to tar Dutton with some Scomo filth, brothers in arms!

It shows you just who little Scomo respects both the will of the public and his party, it is clearly all about Scomo, reading between the lines his message is "You are all idiots", "You do not know what is good for you", "I tell you what's good for you" even if I don't do anything about it, it's not my job!

He's just been handed the biggest lesson of his life, and 96hrs later it's all forgotten.

They need to consign this guy to oblivion because it looks to me like he is preparing to burn the house down!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #306
A burning down might be the best thing for that party.
It usually is after an electoral defeat.
It's a cleansing process.
Get all the factional crap out in the open.
See where folks really stand.

Tanya Plibersek reckons Dutton looks like Voldemort and will scare the kids ;D
She's apologised....but you can't unsee it ;)

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #307
Get all the factional crap out in the open.
But it's the coalition they don't have factions! :o

Tanya Plibersek reckons Dutton looks like Voldemort and will scare the kids ;D
She's apologised....but you can't unsee it ;)
There it is the contradiction of these woke times, they are only woke and considerate in one aspect, internally, if he'd said that or something similar about her they would have called for him to be strung up!

She's basically feeding the fundamentalist right, the ALP should give her the lemonsars before she puts a bigger foot in her mouth! No wonder some of her colleagues couldn't go on, if she blurts that in public imagine what she emits in private!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #308
Wow, you're being a bit of a snowflake!

You've forgotten the other part of the "What if?". If such a comment had been made by a Liberal, the Liberals would have smirked at any call for disciplinary action and doubled down. I seem to recall that the Liberals laughed off calls for action after "Ditch the Witch!" signs were displayed when Tony Abbott was talking at rallies. Of course, that was just humorous, wasn't it? Although it was more of a single entendre than a double entendre. About the only linguistic dexterity displayed in those signs was using 'witch' rather than 'bitch', although perhaps the former was no more euphemistic. In the end, the voters were the ones who disciplined the LNP by first kicking Abbott out of Wentworth and recently backing the Teal bath.

On the other hand, Plibersek's comment was funny. As Homer would say, it's funny because it's true. And it's not as though she's the only one who has noticed the similarity. If it had just been a sledge about looks, then that would have been worthy of condemnation. But the unspoken part of the comment that his similarity in appearance would scare the children was that their parents should also be scared because he acts like Lord Voldemort. After all, this is the guy who decided for party political purposes to rattle the sabre about Australia needing to prepare for war against China. As the ASIO head said recently, that sort of rhetoric isn't helpful. At least when Howard seized on the Tampa scare campaign, he was picking on a group that couldn't nuke us.


Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #309
plibersek .... always been a two faced nobody

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #310
Wow, you're being a bit of a snowflake!
I won't be hypocritical, if Albanese's flag effort meant something no matter how trivial, then so does Plibersek's comment. I hold no bias, I want them all accountable to the same standards.

The Coalition should have acted on those comments as well, they were just as bad, Albanese has made the statement he wants to lift the standards so I see this as a test. Ditch the Witch was quite lyrical as well, that doesn't make up for it being offensive and stupid.

I can't understand why Plibersek made that comment, she is not a political newbie, she must either be trying to expose Albanese as a soft touch and throw him under the bus early or she is an utter idiot that can't be trusted in her official duties.

Raising the standards, does it mean something?
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #311
Humour is a political weapon and this was a nice little shiv to Dutton's flank. He's busy trying to market himself as warm and cuddly with the help, no doubt, of Murdoch (although I can't say as I avoid his mastheads like the plague). IMO, this sort of comment was in no way out of bounds and is a classic example of the power of humour to cut through marketing hype. No doubt the political cartoonists and meme makers will take up the cudgels shortly.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #312
So do you think this is now all acceptable because it comes from a female ALP minister?

It seems a bit tone deaf, a real failure to read the room from Plibersek!

I would have been shocked if Albanese had let this slip just days after his raising the standards commentary, thankfully he didn't and he has made a point of highlighting the error or Plibersek's ways this morning. Even so she has come out of this looking like a dullard and I doubt she can be trusted not to spew such garbage again. Judging the effectiveness of politicians by their appearance and such!

I do understand she may have been baiting the conservative right, but you can easily highlight those dwelling in the gutter without joining them there.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #313
There you go: an apology & rap over the knuckles by the leader are much more than the Liberals ever bothered to do. But that's not enough, apparently. And all of this in the aftermath of SloMo taking potshots at Albo's appearance during the election campaign. Not to mention SloMo putting his captain's pick Deves into a cosmopolitan seat and standing behind her attempt to whip up a bit of transphobia. Frankly, this suggestion that Labor should be held to the standard of Saints while the Liberals are free to stoop to any level because everybody knows they like to "own the lefties" is a joke. I sincerely hope Labor is ready to bare its knuckles rather than acting as a punching bag. We need another Bankstown brawler to bring the Liberals down to size. Should the Liberals choose to lay down their arms, then that's the time for an outbreak of goodwill. But the last time they went that way with Turnbull, it didn't last long and was followed by the Liberals sinking into the sewers.