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Re: China

Reply #30
As Baggers said, it's pretty despicable for you to try to make the link. I was pretty impressed, though, that you went for the two-fer: not only was her death caused by Penny Wong but also by the booster shot. As the old saying goes, you either have to laugh or cry. I choose to see your efforts as comedy.
I quoted articles from the ABC, I made no personal reference to what caused her death apart from raising the issue of if she had the vaccine booster which is of interest to me given the increased  incidents of heart problems of late. Penny Wong didn't cause her death but the issue of workplace bullying remains unresolved.
My main interest is the workplace bullying given I was a witness to workplace bullying of a fellow engineer and had to go through mediation sessions and legal meetings and a coverup from the company involved who then panicked and threw another staff member under the bus when the legal proceedings got serious and they were being exposed.
I find nothing amusing about any of Kimberly Kitchings heart issues or workplace bullying but as they say small minds are easily amused...

Re: China

Reply #31
I would shake my head in disbelief at conservative voters attacking Wong but of course I knew they would. A lesbian, Asian left-winger must drive them crazy, particularly when she clearly doesn't GAF about their BS.

Re: China

Reply #32
Still enjoying your patter, EB. I wonder why you haven't gone big on workplace bullying in the past given how sensitive to it you are. Maybe you could point me to other instances when you've gone big on it in the past. Can't say I remember you taking up the cudgels before.

Re: China

Reply #33
Mav, I can only comment on my friends experience with workplace bullying and what I read or hear about cases in the media.Kimberly Kitching passed away about the same period as some other notables so of course it attracted my attention.
You didn't disappoint me with your support of Ms Wong based on her sexuality, racial background and far left political persuasion...none of which has anything to do with the debate.
You left out she is a lawyer by trade and mother by marriage of two children which she was happy to point out to be a failing of Senator Kitching who was childless which she later had to apologise for...a low blow indeed given Ms Wongs claims to motherhood might be debated by some.
Penny Wong is an experienced politician qualified to be on the front bench and running her ministry of foreign problem with that. But as leadership rival Tanya Plibersek found out Albo has one set of rules for some of his ministers and another set for his inner sanctum of which Ms Wong is part of...

Re: China

Reply #34
Now, if only you'd been as hot on the bullying of Adam Goodes in his workplace or on the countless examples of right-wing politicians bullying women (or men for that matter) within their parties, I'd be more willing to accept that you're just triggered by this instinctive concern you have. But you only seem to be worried about Penny Wong. I wonder why. You certainly haven't disappointed me in that regard.

Re: China

Reply #35
a low blow indeed given Ms Wongs claims to motherhood might be debated by some.
I'm guessing you're "some" and you have a bit of an issue with lesbian couples having kids. Nice of you to make that clear.

Re: China

Reply #36
I'm guessing you're "some" and you have a bit of an issue with lesbian couples having kids. Nice of you to make that clear.
I have no issue with Lesbian couples providing a good home for children, good parents are good parents regardless of race, sexual persuasion and I am sure any child under Ms Wongs care  would be well looked after but to use being childless with regards Kimberly Kitchings ability to do her job was very low in fact that she was forced to apologize personally.
Maybe you can explain to me the link between having a good understanding of climate change and motherhood?
Adam Goodes?......I'd suggest Kimberly Kitching was bullied by her Teammates, Adam's issue in his eyes was being bullied by the spectators and receiving lack of support from the AFL community....different issues imho.
Goodes teammates were very strong in support of him both past and present, a bit different to Senator Kitching who had her teammates led by Ms Wong, Kenneally and Gallagher showing her zero support..

Re: China

Reply #37
By the way, if you want to see how real workplace bullying is done in politics, you'll like this one:

Defamation trial hears ‘malicious’ text message Pauline Hanson sent former senator’s wife, The Guardian.
The court also heard that in the months after his decision to quit the party, Ashby sent Burston texts in which he allegedly called the former senator an “idiot traitorous ****”, a “coward” and an “old man”.
Allegedly Ashby punched the Plaintiff who Pauline alleged had sexually harassed a couple of staffers. They're all no doubt wonderful people.

Re: China

Reply #38
I have no issue with Lesbian couples providing a good home for children, good parents are good parents regardless of race, sexual persuasion
It's too late for that after you made that snide remark. If the above statement truly represented your view, you wouldn't have made it.

And you well know the point Penny Wong was making was that she wanted a future for her kids and she was therefore in support of a protest by students who were similarly motivated. By the way, in that context it doesn't matter if Penny Wong is the biological mother or not. That sort of concern for the children within the family is just as real for adoptive parents or stepfathers or stepmothers. Indeed, it can be shared by uncles or aunts as well.

In a passionate political debate, Penny Wong's comment was nowhere near as outrageous as you're trying to make out. She should have made the point just by referring to her own kids rather than referring to Kitching's lack of them but the transgression was pretty slight and called for nothing more than a simple apology which was given. Trying to make a federal case out of it as you're trying to do betrays your real motivations.


Re: China

Reply #39
Petty slight lol.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: China

Reply #40
Yep, totally petty ante.

Re: China

Reply #41
How long have you been retired for?

I have three jobs on at the moment ... but none involve managing staff.

It's nine years since I was a full time manager.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: China

Reply #42
A major incident involving a Chinese fighter plane and an Australian reconnaissance aircraft in international airspace “seriously endangered the security of China’s sovereignty”, according to Beijing.

China’s military spokesman Tan Kefei, addressing the incident for the first time, also warned Australia will “bear all the serious consequences” if it doesn’t “immediately cease similar dangerous provocative acts”.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: China

Reply #43
Better send Penny over to sort them out.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: China

Reply #44
As her tongue is apparently a lethal weapon, the Chinese would be scared stiff …